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THOR last won the day on May 29 2020

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About THOR

  • Birthday 10/31/1976

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    vegas and BEER

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  1. but there is no state in north texas anymore....wouldn't be accepted to that conference.
  2. love the brown/yellow colors. looks awesome
  3. hopefully you got one, the blue lot is now sold out.
  4. i'm gonna have to search for it on limewire...i have no idea what libsyn or pocketcast is
  5. you can have some of those in the drumline, but that doesn't make it a chohesive unit. these kids aren't confident or arrogant like drumlines past. they have the thousand yard stare, have to concentrate for every hit...the drumlines of past could do anything and everything without thinking. the current crew has to concentrate and think, that isn't good...feel/rhythm/confidence makes the line great. the base line misses their releases, the snares are not in sync. it was the same last year.
  6. that's the problem...the green brigade should not sound FINE. they should sound amazing, should be in sync, perfectly timed, musically elevated from any other marching band. the drumline doesn't hit together, they are off. they were off last year. they also don't look good, lines not straight, angles off. hell, can't even wear uniforms on an 85 degree day. damn.
  7. well, the band isn't good, drumline is subpar ( just like last year), so it makes sense to have the inhouse dj play constantly. made a bad decision hiring a local high school band director as the green brigade boss. they need to drop the best damn band in the land and the best drumline in college football shit...it ain't even close.
  8. and this confirms a loss...
  9. in the great words of social distortion, I WAS WRONG... happy to say that
  10. nope...understand what they are doing, but iḿ out on this nil stuff. good luck to the team
  11. beer is 5 bucks a pint at toms
  12. toms daiquiri on fry has it on draft....tasty
  13. I did get an email from the department to purchase tickets
  14. been trying to buy the family zone seats all day. keeps coming back as an error. anyone get through to purchase? kind of frustrating.
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