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About Ken14

  • Birthday 12/04/1964

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  1. If we were 100% healthy then that's a different story, This is a solid 7 win ball club.
  2. Let them take the woodpeckers with them, we would be rid of their crappy fan base.
  3. Looks like the woodpeckers are doing like the rest of us and trying to drum up money any way possible.. I know Bob Morris.
  4. We give them the benefit of the doubt, go to DATCU or watch them on ESPN+ . Bring home a W, and be one more game closer to being bowl eligible. I have done this too long to give up now...GMG!
  5. Damn this is sloppy.....compared to last week.
  6. This game should NOT be this close............
  7. We can't do this in Lubbock or it will be trouble.
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