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untbowler last won the day on October 28 2023

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About untbowler

  • Birthday 10/02/1978

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    Middle of NoWhere on the Tennis Court
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    Tennis, MMA, Politics

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  1. after a horrendous 1Q, team settled down and dominating, although the numerous penalties is concerning in a tighter ball game
  2. pull Morris now and get reps. Stupid to risk further injury
  3. penalties are getting laughable right now. At least Sheffield being a boss, with long TD
  4. Tulsa should not throw another pass if they want to win this game
  5. week to week, hell series to series is way to much of a roller coaster
  6. so lucky on the 4th down, that the QB underthrew the ball, 3 of them were beat like a drum. Pathetic!!!
  7. is he now ineligible since he now has an agent? NCAA and the P4's have completely FUBAR'ed College Football.
  8. players make this decision then they should have scholarship yanked at end of semester and they are no longer allowed to utilize school athletic facilities. NIL created a bunch of entitled/selfish players, ruins fan experience and team
  9. Glad to have been proven wrong. Strong 2nd half by team.
  10. Students have been showing up, I know my daughter has texted the past 2 games going back to the dorm covered in Green Chalk, students are having fun and starting to show up this year more than in the years recently past
  11. UNT 35 Wyoming 45 Our defense is bad, very bad. Morris needs to right the ship with a patch work OLine in front or he will be hitting double digits INTs in under 4 games
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