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UNTeagle88 last won the day on May 31 2014

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About UNTeagle88

  • Birthday 11/04/1988

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    Denton, Texas

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  1. "How people are still not considering this team a real contender in Conference USA is surprising. North Texas is being overlooked in a lot of polls. ESPN has the Mean Green at No. 109, just above 1-6 Kansas. Is this what we expected in the pre-season? Goodness, no. But here we are. Take notice." Click here for NT Daily article Good news, students are starting to take notice. I'm hoping that we continue this streak and hit 6 at homecoming. If that happens, we will have the student's attention at UNT.
  2. I was wondering how to watch the game outside of just going down to Houston.. because I dont see anyone saying they are going to stream/televise it.
  3. Gonna be tailgating the SMU game. This will be my first time to tailgate. What time is everyone going to be out there? Any pointers?
  4. Cant congratulate for what is to be expected for a large university and a division 1 football school. I guess im frustrated that there are over 100,000 alumni.. barely any product out in dfw to the point that someone has to post that they found unt merch in plano. Hell, we cant even buy an authentic jersey from Nike until the garage sell at the following spring game.
  5. Sorry but those numbers are still trash for a division 1 school. Not pleased with showcasing of these numbers. Bar needs to be set higher. There are high schools that do better.
  6. Is it just me, or are we screwed at wide recievers? I looked at the roster and it looks like we are filled with red shirt freshmen and just two upperclassmen.
  7. Denton Record Chronicle pushing for RV to get fired. http://www.dentonrc.com/opinion/editorials-headlines/20151013-unt-needs-plan-to-strengthen-sports.ece
  8. If you get any wind of RV getting fired.. put it here. My hope is that he receives the pink slip today.
  9. Saw this looking at my old high school football team. Riley Dodge is the QB coach there. Did you guys know this? He listed his college as McNeese State. http://www.marcusfootball.com/index.php?cID=323
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