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MeanGreenGlory last won the day on September 21

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  1. Not saying as OC. Agree we’re doing well there. Just as support in a system he’s familiar with. He’d bring value even if as an analyst.
  2. Graham and Eric Morris played together at Texas Tech, right? Get him back to Denton.
  3. I was on board with the AAC going after Air Force and even UNLV. But since they’re staying put, the AAC doesn’t gain much if anything by adding Texas State. Hold tight and bolster funds for when the MWC and ACC media deals/GORs expire and make more strategic moves then with programs that have a longer history of success. This plan backfired for the PAC. If the PAC is essentially the MWC, but leaves behind Air Force and UNLV and brings in Texas State or UTEP with an unknown media deal…did they actually improve their environment? I think not.
  4. Fun Fact #1: Temple has won the AAC football championship more times than USF. Fun Fact #2: Temple is tied with Memphis and Tulane for the most number of AAC football championships out of all current members. Fun Fact #3: Temple, Memphis, and Tulane have won one championship each.
  5. I can understand UNLV wanting to stay west, but I am surprised about Air Force not wanting to join the American.
  6. Yeah, PE in the college athletics world concerns me—primarily because I think the schools are going to get worked into arrangements at the conference level that they aren’t fully informed about and then have to face any negative repercussions that come out of a deal going sour.
  7. This is great to hear. The Mean Green Maniacs initiative seems to be a success so far. I hope both the AD and the Maniacs continue to push the envelope on growing the number of Maniacs that show up and continue implementing new ways to engage them at games (football AND basketball).
  8. Exactly. Why we didn’t hire a former D1 football program builder like Fuentes or a successful Sun Belt head coach this last time around is beyond me.
  9. I don’t think this can apply to UNT anymore. Last I saw, Caponi is the highest paid G5 assistant, and he fielded the WORST D1 defense last year. Make it make sense to me as to how that’s acceptable? Why are we paying an unproven coordinator top dollar to develop? That’s not our job. We pay him, and his job is to win. We keep hiring coaches who haven't done the job before at the D1 level and it keeps coming back to bite us. Sometimes they pan out (e.g., Graham Harrell as OC), but most of the time they flop and then we’re stuck footing the bill while being the laughing stock of college sports. We are no longer a coach “development” spot and can’t see ourselves as such anymore. We have the funds and program that warrant bringing in experienced, veteran coaches who have a resume of success at the D1 level.
  10. Random question: Did Mike Leach every run the 3-3-5? Just curious because Morris seems to constantly reflect on what Leach did and implement that. Surely Leach had some defensive philosophies…I’m just wondering if the 3-3-5 is aligned or unaligned with Leach’s defensive philosophies.
  11. Let Caponi go and bring in a successful “bounce back” DC from P4 or a successful DC from the Sun Belt. Key requirement: someone who has actually done the job before at the D1 level and has shown they can be successful.
  12. This. Just because today isn’t a sellout doesn’t mean the effort was wasted. Keep the campaign going. Double down on making it inclusive as a community effort to build the program, and try again for the remainder of the home games this season.
  13. Yeah, running the 3-3-5 defense well seems to be the exception and not the rule.
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