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About EAGLE83

  • Birthday 07/03/1959

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  1. Hawaii is a football only member. They need members for Basketball tournament invite.
  2. The pac needs 1 more basketball 2 more softball 1 more soccer.the MWC 2more Basketball 2 more volleyball 2 more soccer 4 more softball to qualify for NCAA
  3. The PAC needs 2 more basketball schools and 4 more baseball schools for automatic bids to playoffs. The MWC needs one more Basketball and 3 more Baseball Schools.Does not having BASEBALL hurt chances for a PAC invite
  4. Playoffs. You don’t think pac 12 champ would be higher rated than the G5 conferences.
  5. How will impact the playoffs. Will they get automatic bid.
  6. QualifyDo ninees anybody know where team is staying
  7. If ND IS number 1 they do not get a top 4 seed. The number 5 conference does not get the number 5 seed. They get a automatic bid.
  8. Will they bring back JV football like we had in the past
  9. How does that effect football schedule with short notice.
  10. ThanksHe was the head football coach at Vanderbilt. They played Texas TECH IN THE PEACH BOWLat the game they announced he was becoming the head coach at Tech
  11. Dale Hanson said if you had to cheat to beat North Texas you need to be fired
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