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emmitt01 last won the day on August 25

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About emmitt01

  • Birthday 10/23/1978

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  1. As pointed out by the announcers, when the defensive starters were out there we gave up 3 points. Once you started to mix backups in, they scored 17 more.
  2. Soooo, if I had told you that the defense would carry us until the offense woke up, how many of you would have believed me?
  3. When the alumni do so in amounts big enough to move the needle, I am sure they’ll shift who they listen to
  4. That ULM uniform, whatever the hell that is, is horrendous
  5. Dear athletic department, If there is a black Yeti with green script that looks like this, I’ll buy 5
  6. Complaints about how we are the "Mean Green" start in 3...2...1....
  7. Agreed, why can't they turn down the volume and play some music that EVERYBODY loves??
  8. By no means would I complain about being back in a bowl game, but can we please give fans a chance to go some place they couldn’t go on a random Tuesday?
  9. I’ll settle for making noise in the AAC and a bowl game
  10. If the FCS school you’re referring to is Idaho, I am certain fans of Oregon (#9 in the country going into yesterday) still wonder how they struggled to put that now 3-1 FCS team away And did I mention that Idaho beat Abilene Christian? The same ACU that was a 2-point conversion away from beating Tech in OT
  11. The Wyoming Cowboys have scored a TOTAL of 34 points coming this game. Will Caponi allow that many tonight?
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