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  On 7/2/2014 at 3:11 AM, emmitt01 said:

If I caught them stealing a TV from Wal-Mart I would take them to jail. Now, as to what I would charge them with, that's still in question. Would it be Class B misdemeanor theft...because Wal-Mart DOES sell 19" televisions that run about $199. Would it be felony theft? I don't know because neither I, nor you, know the value of the goods taken.

I stole comic books when I was 15...$100 worth in fact. I was given the opportunity, as are all offenders, to receive my just punishment. What I was not, though, was branded as a "thief" for life. And certainly not branded as a "thug". Could the Denton juvenile system have held me indefinitely because there was a possibility that I would run out and steal a car? No. Because the criminal justice system doesn't operate under the "what if" school of thought. Each crime, unless there are prior CONVICTED acts, stands alone. Hell, 14 years later the Dallas police department gave me thousands of dollars at a time and let me buy drugs with it...they wouldn't even let Saint Ben Gooding do that.

Nobody is saying these two didn't screw up. Nor is anyone saying they're to be absolved of responsibility and welcomed into Fall camp with a mulligan. But let's tap the brakes on reaching, and yes it's currently a reach, to say that we have some glimpse into their character as men or that we can predict future behavior.

I would be really disappointed in these two if they stole 19" cheap TVs.

Shows a lack of ambition, don't you think?


  On 7/2/2014 at 5:24 AM, adman said:

Aren't you the same guy that nearly got "mugged" at a DART station a year or two ago by a "thuggish" guy who sprang out of nowhere in the night?

You are a rather hysterical type.

And for the record, overall, in middle class (white) america, the word nigger has been replaced in the last 6/7 years ever so effectively and somewhat surprisingly by the following:




My apologies to the board for perhaps taking this off thread.

Back on topic - everyone - "THUG" or not is innocent until proven guilty. So let's tap the breaks until we learn more.


Self appointed word police. White guys telling other white guys what words to feel bad about.

You would think all you guys were Catholic (and, yes, I'm Catholic, so I can say that. Isn't that the appropriate defense these days?).

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Posted (edited)

Class B misdemeanor. If I'm not mistaken, the same thing Jimmerson (?) was accused of last off season.

So we have a pretty good idea what Mac will do.

For some fun, here are some other Class B misdemeanors, just to put this in a little better perspective:

Criminal Trespass (that's right, what about 1000 or more UNT fans did in the Cotton Bowl. Are they thugs? Should they be arrested? Was Ben Gooding one of them? Will he tweet himself and tell himself how disappointed he is in himself?)

Evading arrest or detention - Also what many UNT fans did in the Cotton Bowl and many others laughed about (including myself) as the overweight Dallas Officer tried in vane to stem the flow. Ben, were you guilty of this, also? Will you tweet yourself again?

Obstructing a highway - interestingly enough a common plea for poorly investigated DWI cases.

Possession of Mariihuana under 2 ounces - something I'm quite confident several posters are guilty of at this very moment.

Harassment - Careful, Ben Gooding, as you may be guilty of this very crime if you keep twitter stalking Sed.

Prostitution - something every single guy on here is guilty of, because we have ALL paid for it in some way, shape, or form in our lifetime.

Failure to pay child support - Ok, any of you divorced people out there want to throw stones?

Vandalism - Ever toilet paper a house, Ben Gooding? If so, more self tweeting is in order.

Let me tell you what will happen. Both players will do community service and pay restitution in exchange for this being dropped to a class c misdemeanor. That is tge equivelent of a traffic ticket. And that isn't special treatment. That is what would occur with any 1st time offender that has no prior history.

Everyone needs to chill out.

And Charlie isn't a racist for using thug. Although I am quite sure he is an anti-dentite.

Edited by UNT90
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This is a story where no one wins. Stealing is despicable and our justice system will deal with that if the players are convicted. I just can't understand such behavior.

As Mean Green fans, the larger question for us is what happens now? Are they thrown off the team, do they lose their scholarships? Sit out the first play of the Texas game?

When I was an commander in the Air Force, I had occasions where young men, most the same age as our players, would break the rules, were caught, and had to be punished. I say had because the Uniform Code of Military Justice is very specific and leaves few, if any options as to what offenses must be brought to Court Martial.

Thirty years past, I still regret having to press charges against those who "slipped up" so to speak. They were basically good airmen who made a mistake and deserved a second chance. On the other hand, there were those who were bad to the core and I did everything I could to either get them in prison or out of the Air Force.

Mac has options I did not have and is paid a whole lot of money not only to be a coach but also to make the right decisions in these cases. If the two players are indeed basically good human beings and deserve a second chance, then I hope Mac does so. To varying degrees, we all do things we later regret.

  • Upvote 3
Posted (edited)

Today's story in the DRC: http://www.dentonrc.com/sports/colleges/north-texas-headlines/20140701-two-unt-football-players-charged-with-theft.ece

It mentions they were observed walking out with the two TVs through the Garden Center, which is a common way for shoplifters to sneak out of a WMT store with high value items.


Edited by UNTFan23

  On 7/2/2014 at 12:22 PM, UNT90 said:


Possession of Marijuana under 2 ounces - something I'm quite confident several posters are guilty of at this very moment.


Not to self incriminate myself, but LOL! Fantastic post UNT90

Just my 2 cents, they should not be thrown off the team. Mac would not lose credibility with me if they remain on the team. Seems like the need leadership, structure, responsibility now more than ever.

Also, Twitter is a powerful platform. For the Mean Green fans who choose to use it, please use it as a source of positivity and support for our players and coaches. We're just fans, we don't need to create a environment where they resent their fans. Kind of goes back to what we all (I assume) were taught as children, "if you don't have anything nice to say..."

  • Upvote 3

Unfortunately, Mac like every other major football coach has to put up with conduct like this. Assuming, the two don't have other issues; they will both be playing in the fall after some kind of non-disclosed discipline.

IMO, they both should be shown the door, but that seldom happens. Not only for the criminal act but for utter stupidity.

As much as some like to put Mac on pedestal, he is a football coach that is judged on wins and loses; not producing model citizens. He like his counterparts at UT, OU, TCU etc. will most likely do little; or in coach speak will do what is best for the team.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Still waiting for those who rushed the field at the Cotton Bowl to admit their mistake and apologize for the crime immediately, like Sed did. What is taking you guys so long?

As I recall, all I saw was a bunch of self justification from a bunch of you as to why you should be allowed to commit a Class B misdemeanor. Like you were special or something.

Now I see many of you more than willing to throw stones and demand consequences for the exact same level of criminal offense you committed a mere 6 months ago.Some of you (yes, you, Ben Gooding) may even be committing a current offense of Harassment. But it's ok, because it's you, right?

Good thing there is zero hypocrisy in this thread...

Edited by UNT90

  On 7/2/2014 at 12:22 PM, UNT90 said:

Class B misdemeanor. If I'm not mistaken, the same thing Jimmerson (?) was accused of last off season.

So we have a pretty good idea what Mac will do.

For some fun, here are some other Class B misdemeanors, just to put this in a little better perspective:

Criminal Trespass (that's right, what about 1000 or more UNT fans did in the Cotton Bowl. Are they thugs? Should they be arrested? Was Ben Gooding one of them? Will he tweet himself and tell himself how disappointed he is in himself?)

Evading arrest or detention - Also what many UNT fans did in the Cotton Bowl and many others laughed about (including myself) as the overweight Dallas Officer tried in vane to stem the flow. Ben, were you guilty of this, also? Will you tweet yourself again?

Obstructing a highway - interestingly enough a common plea for poorly investigated DWI cases.

Possession of Mariihuana under 2 ounces - something I'm quite confident several posters are guilty of at this very moment.

Harassment - Careful, Ben Gooding, as you may be guilty of this very crime if you keep twitter stalking Sed.

Prostitution - something every single guy on here is guilty of, because we have ALL paid for it in some way, shape, or form in our lifetime.

Failure to pay child support - Ok, any of you divorced people out there want to throw stones?

Vandalism - Ever toilet paper a house, Ben Gooding? If so, more self tweeting is in order.

Let me tell you what will happen. Both players will do community service and pay restitution in exchange for this being dropped to a class c misdemeanor. That is tge equivelent of a traffic ticket. And that isn't special treatment. That is what would occur with any 1st time offender that has no prior history.

Everyone needs to chill out.

And Charlie isn't a racist for using thug. Although I am quite sure he is an anti-dentite.

In vane? Seriously? That is a class B word choice misdemeanor. Please pay the clerk on your way out.

  • Upvote 1

  On 7/2/2014 at 1:46 PM, UNT90 said:

Still waiting for those who rushed the field at the Cptton Bowl to admit their mistake a d apologize for of. Sec dodso immediately. What is taking you guys so ling?

As I recall, all I saw was a bunch of self justification from a bunch of you as to why you should be allowed to commit a Class B misdemeanor. Like you were special or something.

Now I see many of you more than willing to throw stones and demand consequences for the exact sane level of criminal offense you committed a mere 6 months ago.Some of you (yes, you, Ben Goidimg)may even be committing a current offense of Harassment. Buttgars ok, because it's you, right?

Good thing there is zero hypocrisy in this thread...

"sane level of criminal offense? "

Ok that is your (notice proper use of your/you're) second word choice offense in two posts. You need to watch it, three in one day and it becomes a WC felony. Three strikes and you're out. :ass:


Tough call for coach Mac. OR, since he once coached at Florida, maybe not. IMHO, if you coach at any of the major Florida schools for any length of time you probably get all sorts of "youthful indiscretion-like" situations to deal with. However, does planning and executing a theft count as a "youthful indiscretion"?

A good part of my job was looking at people's past "youthful indiscretions" and deciding (sometimes with the help of others) if they could move on through our system. Lots of grey areas.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

  On 7/2/2014 at 2:26 PM, UNT90 said:

Hey, I posted that while driving, so any errors 1) should be understandable, and 2) are auto-correct's fault. ;-)

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

" I posted that while driving"

BAM. Another misdemeanor. Please don't reply to this whilst driving. B)

Edited by Stan R
  On 7/2/2014 at 1:46 PM, UNT90 said:

Still waiting for those who rushed the field at the Cptton Bowl to admit their mistake a d apologize for of. Sec dodso immediately. What is taking you guys so ling?

So, who is smoking something? And for some of this, it is hard to blame auto correct since there is little correct about it.

  On 7/2/2014 at 3:25 AM, All About UNT said:

What I have heard though is many older persons throwing around the term "thug' as if it were PC substitute for a more commonly used word (in private circles) for any black criminal of our day.



  On 7/1/2014 at 10:47 PM, Eagle-96 said:

When a projected starter gets arrested for felony theft you would think the head coach has to respond to the press.

The level of punishment is based on the value of what was stolen. It's likely an A or B misdemeanor.

  On 7/2/2014 at 1:25 AM, 97and03 said:

So back to the topic at hand. Can someone remind me why Ben Gooding was arrested?

I heard he beat up and ATM and threw it through a window. No wait, I think he ate a whole live chicken.

These guys screwed up and so did a few thousand other UNT students this last year. They are just football players and so it is newsworthy. I think the coaches know these guys better than we do, here is how I hope they would handle it:

* Are they in general screw ups? Are they always causing problems, being a bad influence? Are they unrepentant? Is this behavior likely to continue? I don't care how good they are, get rid of them.

* Are they in general good guys? Is this a rare show of bad judgement? Are they usually good people? Do they feel bad about what they did (not that they got caught)? Is this likely the only incident? I hope we keep them and give them another chance.

Even if this was a borderline player, I hope the coaches wouldn't use it as an excuse to pull the scholarship.

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  On 7/2/2014 at 2:34 PM, forevereagle said:

So, who is smoking something? And for some of this, it is hard to blame auto correct since there is little correct about it.

Sorry, I have large fingers and massive hands...

Posted (edited)

This will be the true test of this fan base.

Richard Abbe got arrested for DUI. That's a Class B misdemeanor. The overwhelming sentiment is that he should be given a second chance. Throughout the season as he took the field I don't recall a hue and cry from the stands lamenting his being allowed to play (or calling him a "thug").

These two committed a theft. A Class B misdemeanor. (One where , had a family of four driven by in front of them, there was no risk of killing anyone) If Mac suspends them for a while and they are brought back I'll be interested to see if the upright citizens brigade calls foul.

Edited by emmitt01
  On 7/2/2014 at 3:16 PM, Cerebus said:

I heard he beat up and ATM and threw it through a window. No wait, I think he ate a whole live chicken.

These guys screwed up and so did a few thousand other UNT students this last year. They are just football players and so it is newsworthy. I think the coaches know these guys better than we do, here is how I hope they would handle it:

* Are they in general screw ups? Are they always causing problems, being a bad influence? Are they unrepentant? Is this behavior likely to continue? I don't care how good they are, get rid of them.

* Are they in general good guys? Is this a rare show of bad judgement? Are they usually good people? Do they feel bad about what they did (not that they got caught)? Is this likely the only incident? I hope we keep them and give them another chance.

Even if this was a borderline player, I hope the coaches wouldn't use it as an excuse to pull the scholarship.

I heard Ben beat up an ATM and threw it out a window WHILE eating a whole live chicken.

These two are not the first and they won't be the last NT students to do something really, truly stupid. How they react going forward is going to be more telling of the quality of their personal character than committing the act itself.

By the way, I've been asking people as I work with them this morning about the word "thug." Not one has thought it was racial. One African-American man told me thugs have no respect for people or the law. It's not racial, it's criminal he said.

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Posted (edited)

  On 7/2/2014 at 3:31 PM, emmitt01 said:

This will be the true test of this fan base.

Richard Abbe got arrested for DUI. That's a Class B misdemeanor. The overwhelming sentiment is that he should be given a second chance. Throughout the season as he took the field I don't recall a hue and cry from the stands lamenting his being allowed to play (or calling him a "thug").

These two committed a theft. A Class B misdemeanor. (One where , had a family of four driven by in front of them, there was no risk of killing anyone) If Mac suspends them for a while and they are brought back I'll be interested to see if the upright citizens brigade calls foul.

Not really a fair comparison and I'll tell you why.

Many on here can sympathize with Abbé because THEY DID THE EXACT SAME THING while in college.

Several may still be doing it today. People tend to judge lass harshly when they have committed the conduct themselves. I don't think a lot of people on here walked out of a Walmart without paying for a TV when they were in college.

I think the better comparison would be Stock. While his crime was maybe much more aggregious (we don't know the full story on it, either), it is conduct that I think very few engaged in as a college student.

People tend to justify their own wrong doings while being ultra quick to try and convict others based on news reports (eapecially the younger generation). Even you have been guilty of this in the past. It's just human nature.

Edited by UNT90
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