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I agree with Ben! These thugs just pissed me off royally! Jesus H Christ! Violating team trust! Loyalty! All the team players and coaches, and worst of

all, the Mean Green Fans that support the team! Student fans were dishonored by these two dumb asses! Dishonoring their own character!

What would you do to punish your 20 year old son for stealing TV's from Wal Mart?

These two idiots are grown up men. Grown up enough to know RIGHT from WRONG! Tremendous trust was broken by their actions!

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! SOB's! Ruined the Mean Green shine of this team! Damn! I hope Mac runs both of them off!

Stealing is Stealing! These two guys planned their adventure. Both knew what they were doing and they just got caught! TV's are big ticket value items,

some TV's going for hundreds/thousands of dollars each! What is next? Hit the pharmacy for drugs? Steal cars and trucks in the parking lot?

Did not even think about getting caught did they! Do the crime do the time! Do not go soft on them ! A thief is a thief, no matter

who, what, when, or where! Specialty with a North Texas student athlete!

Sometimes athletes believe they are above the law, and immune to criminal justice! Thugs! I will bet that team members knew these two

were stealing! I wonder how many of their teammates they have ripped off too!

What if they walked out of the store with the TV's. The next day, would they come back to Wal Mart to steal more goods?

Go to the Union Book store, Albertsons, Brookshires, to shop lift steal food, beer, or what ever products they need?

What would Sarge McCoy say about these two knuckleheads?

My 90 year old Dad was held up by gun point in a Wal Mart parking lot. Man and a women committed the robbery!

Took his cash, threaten his life with deadly force! I would like to met up with these two crooks one day!

I bet these two have been team stealing/shop lifting property for a while. One does not dream up theft in a few minutes. Theft is planned!

I have been ripped off by thieves several times; My car stolen and stripped; My home broken into, one of a kind house holds goods stolen,

lawn mower/weed eater, fishing gear, and camping equipment to name some items.

I have a very low tolerance for thieves and stealing.

You can rip me for what I say. Ripping me not change my attitude about stealing.

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  On 7/1/2014 at 11:54 PM, UNT90 said:

I used to steal bubblegum from the convenience store when I was 10.

Does that make me a terrible person, Ben?

Baseball cards were my vice...until I started working at a liquor store...then...

  • Upvote 3

  On 7/2/2014 at 1:27 AM, THOR said:

Baseball cards were my vice...until I started working at a liquor store...then...

Baseball cards WITH bubblegum. 2 birds 1 stone.

Man, you suck at stealing.

  • Upvote 1

  On 7/2/2014 at 1:26 AM, charlie nt73 said:

I agree with Ben! These thugs just pissed me off royally! Jesus H Christ! Violating team trust! Loyalty! All the team players and coaches, and worst of

all, the Mean Green Fans that support the team! Student fans were dishonored by these two dumb asses! Dishonoring their own character!

What would you do to punish your 20 year old son for stealing TV's from Wal Mart?

These two idiots are grown up men. Grown up enough to know RIGHT from WRONG! Tremendous trust was broken by their actions!

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! SOB's! Ruined the Mean Green shine of this team! Damn! I hope Mac runs both of them off!

Stealing is Stealing! These two guys planned their adventure. Both knew what they were doing and they just got caught! TV's are big ticket value items,

some TV's going for hundreds/thousands of dollars each! What is next? Hit the pharmacy for drugs? Steal cars and trucks in the parking lot?

Did not even think about getting caught did they! Do the crime do the time! Do not go soft on them ! A thief is a thief, no matter

who, what, when, or where! Specialty with a North Texas student athlete!

Sometimes athletes believe they are above the law, and immune to criminal justice! Thugs! I will bet that team members knew these two

were stealing! I wonder how many of their teammates they have ripped off too!

What if they walked out of the store with the TV's. The next day, would they come back to Wal Mart to steal more goods?

Go to the Union Book store, Albertsons, Brookshires, to shop lift steal food, beer, or what ever products they need?

What would Sarge McCoy say about these two knuckleheads?

My 90 year old Dad was held up by gun point in a Wal Mart parking lot. Man and a women committed the robbery!

Took his cash, threaten his life with deadly force! I would like to met up with these two crooks one day!

I bet these two have been team stealing/shop lifting property for a while. One does not dream up theft in a few minutes. Theft is planned!

I have been ripped off by thieves several times; My car stolen and stripped; My home broken into, one of a kind house holds goods stolen,

lawn mower/weed eater, fishing gear, and camping equipment to name some items.

I have a very low tolerance for thieves and stealing.

You can rip me for what I say. Ripping me not change my attitude about stealing.

Exactly!!! Why couldn't they do something we could easily overlook...like drive drunk?

I like your use of the word "thugs". Oh and implying that they're also car thieves and frequently steal from teammates. No knee jerking whatsover, kudos.

  • Upvote 6

For the time being I'd say that they violated team rules and be suspended. If they are not convicted then, and only then, should they be allowed back. They have let their teammates down and may have done irreparable damage as members of the team. With cameras everywhere and an admission by Ellis I seriously doubt that they get off. I'm terribly disappointed with Sed; I thought that he had a lot of potential. It's a shame but not every situation in life gets a do-over.

Posted (edited)

  On 7/2/2014 at 1:33 AM, UNT90 said:

Baseball cards WITH bubblegum. 2 birds 1 stone.

Man, you suck at stealing.

Maybe...but 30 year old scotch. ..first growth wines...I think I did good later in life...

Oddly enough, I'm actually related to the guy that started goody goody...

Edited by THOR

A few things... 1) This was a stupid move by these young men and I trust Coach Mac to handle this incident with a suitable punishment. 2) Ben Gooding is a ding dong. 3) The "thug post" is full of all kinds of ignorance and should be erased.

Lastly, I hope these two young men take their punishment like men and learn from this epic mistake.

  • Upvote 3


I like you and I like reading your posts.

You are a Dallas Police Officer, and a very fine officer! You are obligated to up hold the laws of the city, county,

state and federal laws. Your job is not easy by any means. You did not make the rank of Lieutenant my letting crooks walk!

You tell me, what do you do when you catch a thief? What if you caught a $MU football player stealing from Wal Mart or from a store in

North Park Mall? I bet the news of the $MU player being busted would be announced to the entire sports world, just like the Wal Mart event, is being

announced to the whole sports world too. Great for recruiting isn't it!

I am implying "thugs" because that is what these 2 players are. May be I should have said these two are Criminals, becasue they comitted

a criminal act. Does this criminal act imply all North Texas Athletes are criminals? No it does not imply all North Texas student athletes are crooks.

But, many people will use this theft crime to imply going to school at North Texas is not a good idea,

The words Criminals and Thugs go hand in hand these days.

What is next for these 2 thugs -- Stealing cars? Stealing drugs? Who knows? Sealing from their neighbors?

One of our very fine student athletes was killed in a drug deal that went bad. No one suspected him of dealing drugs.

Did any one suspect these 2 players were thieves? A theft that went bad got them caught. What other crimes have theses two committed?

Would you trust these 2 to live in your house while you and your family were on vacation?

If I were caught stealing from Wal Mart, I would bet that you would hall my ass to downtown Dallas

to the jail house, lock me up, and throw away the key! I am not a student athlete, I am not a celebrity. I am not immune to criminal law.

I am just a hard working guy trying to support my family and to support the Mean Green!

I am hurt by this event, and so are all of the North Texas fans. Whether the fans admit it, they too are hurt too.

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Y'all remember when Stock beat a kid to within inches of his life on Fry St.? He had his scholly pulled but was welcomed to stick around the team. Anyone thinking a punishment anywhere near that awaits these two is just being silly.

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North Texas Shep

So, explain all kinds of ignorance to me? You seem to be a know it all. Explain why these two players are not thugs or criminals?

Reread my posting. Lets be clear. I said what is next for these 2 guy's. Stealing cars? Drug dealing?

I did not imply these 2 criminals are active with car thefts, or dealing drugs, or anything other than stealing TV's.

Delete my posting? Because I am discussed with thieves, no matter who they are. Specifically North Texas athletes!

Explain this. Fill in the blank spot. Someone that steals goods or other property that belongs to another person, or business

is a _______.

You can figure this out can't you?


  On 7/2/2014 at 3:08 AM, 97and03 said:

Charlie, it is because the students are black. They think you are implying black kid caught stealing = thug. White kid caught DWI = second chance.

I think they are implying that your implying is racist.

That certainly wasn't my inference. If it's just the same I'll speak for myself.

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  On 7/2/2014 at 3:13 AM, emmitt01 said:

That certainly wasn't my inference. If it's just the same I'll speak for myself.

While it might not be your inference............it is mine. When Abbe seriously f'ed up for the 2nd or 3rd time last year (summer).... i didn't hear anyone calling him a "thug" and I gave him some sh*t for it (not on his twitter). What I have heard though is many older persons throwing around the term "thug' as if it were PC substitute for a more commonly used word (in private circles) for any black criminal of our day. You are ignorant if you haven't seen that trend or you just haven't cared to notice.


i think we should just be proud that it was just two tv's

word has it that when Mac took over the program, the athletes were averaging 27 thefts a year... and he couldn't even convince the cops to come out to the games to interrogate the players...

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