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Beyond The Spring - Spring QB Battle


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If people think this is an "uptempo" offense the they are flat wrong.

And if people think we are an offense that purely milks the clock, they are wrong.

We're probably somewhere in the middle, which is a good thing. We have some flexibility to play the clock to what the situation needs.

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to say flat wrong may be a bit of an overstatement... they finished 59th last year in plays per game... and that includes them running the ball at an uptempo pace more than most teams do(which contributes to more game clock stoppage)

and, more internally, it was a 3 PPG increase from the previous 2 years...


like most will acknowledge... a lot of the time, it was a grind it out offense in the first half of games and then pedal to the metal as soon as we started the second half (which left a lot of folks baffled when they would see the success of the 2nd half)

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to say flat wrong may be a bit of an overstatement... they finished 59th last year in plays per game... and that includes them running the ball at an uptempo pace more than most teams do(which contributes to more game clock stoppage)

and, more internally, it was a 3 PPG increase from the previous 2 years...


like most will acknowledge... a lot of the time, it was a grind it out offense in the first half of games and then pedal to the metal as soon as we started the second half (which left a lot of folks baffled when they would see the success of the 2nd half)

It was always like watching two different offenses...think that's a factor in our success last year...smart gameplan. We worked fast, I thought.

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I'm aware that it was ran. The way Canales has been talking about uptempo you would think he was Auburns or Oregons offensive coordinator. Come to think about it I didn't see it used at La Tech either. They got the lead on the pick 6 before half then came out in the second half and played ball control.

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Coach Mac will continue to run the same offense he has ran since the start of the 2011 season.

Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. That is his football philosophy.

All this Spring chatter is just that. Think of the coaching staff as a bunch of high school girls spreading rumors to keep you interested.

I mean that in a good way, sort of.

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Here's something else for you who believe "athleticism" is only equated to quarterbacks who can "improvise/abandon the game plan": Maybe the Hispanic coach Canales is racist.

Although, our last "Johnny Manziel-type" was white and is now awaiting NCAA approval of his transfer to a D-II school. So, I guess that angle won't work either.

Well, shucks. I guess we're just stuck with coaches who expect their quarterbacks to be leaders, learn the playbook, and have the discipline to stick to the game plan...believing, foolishly, that over the span of a season such will lead to winning football games and competing for conference and bowl titles.

Maybe Liberty Christian can find a spot for those dolts, McCarney and Canales; I hear it's looking for some new football coaches.

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Coach Mac will continue to run the same offense he has ran since the start of the 2011 season.

Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. That is his football philosophy.

All this Spring chatter is just that. Think of the coaching staff as a bunch of high school girls spreading rumors to keep you interested.

I mean that in a good way, sort of.


Why spend an entire spring trying to transform your offense? That doesnt work out often.

We may see one or two more series where the offense is in a hurry up. We may see a few more spread formations, but for the most part it will be what its always been a physical rushing offense.

I think we may also run more hurry up not to pass, but to run instead.

Going to see more QB run plays. DT ran it 64 times last year, do you think a guy like Dajon could handle 64 carries and not get hurt on his slight frame? Coach Canles is really looking for a QB who can run it. Three years at USF and each QB had over 100 carries.

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Here's another point to be made, humans:

For years, we wanted to win again. Now that we've won again, there is complaint about how we win. We saw the version of this in 2013 take the form of being happy that were winning, but unhappy that it was Derek Thompson who was leading the way.

And, so, now, some get into this spring funk that this quarterback or that one won't be crowned King yet. And, oh, how stupid and short-sighted of these experienced coaches that we held RV's feet to the fire to hire.

I, personally, don't care if we run the Single Wing as long as we keep winning.

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Here's something else for you who believe "athleticism" is only equated to quarterbacks who can "improvise/abandon the game plan": Maybe the Hispanic coach Canales is racist.

Although, our last "Johnny Manziel-type" was white and is now awaiting NCAA approval of his transfer to a D-II school. So, I guess that angle won't work either.

Well, shucks. I guess we're just stuck with coaches who expect their quarterbacks to be leaders, learn the playbook, and have the discipline to stick to the game plan...believing, foolishly, that over the span of a season such will lead to winning football games and competing for conference and bowl titles.

Maybe Liberty Christian can find a spot for those dolts, McCarney and Canales; I hear it's looking for some new football coaches.

I knew you weren't going the black guy = runner, white guy = passer direction... I knew you were shooting at Berglund.


Berglund is gone. Everyone here is happy with last years results with Derek at the helm. There were several "Sorry for doubting you DT" threads last season. It's ok to move on TFLF.

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Here's another point to be made, humans:

For years, we wanted to win again. Now that we've won again, there is complaint about how we win. We saw the version of this in 2013 take the form of being happy that were winning, but unhappy that it was Derek Thompson who was leading the way.

And, so, now, some get into this spring funk that this quarterback or that one won't be crowned King yet. And, oh, how stupid and short-sighted of these experienced coaches that we held RV's feet to the fire to hire.

I, personally, don't care if we run the Single Wing as long as we keep winning.

I agree that it doesn't matter, as long as we win. But I also think that our offense growing more bland as the season went along is what cost us the CUSA West division championship.

IMO, we got used to coasting and running an offense while having a lead. Then when we needed our offense to step up against UTSA, they didn't. I hate talking about the UTSA game, but our defense got a lot of the blame for that game. I know they gave up a lot of 3rd-down conversions, but they only gave up 21 points. Very disappointing that we couldn't score 21 points at home.

DT looked great running the uptempo offense. If our new qb looks much better running the uptempo offense (a la DT), I think it'd be a shame if we didn't use it some more.

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Why spend an entire spring trying to transform your offense? That doesnt work out often.

We may see one or two more series where the offense is in a hurry up. We may see a few more spread formations, but for the most part it will be what its always been a physical rushing offense.

I think we may also run more hurry up not to pass, but to run instead.

Going to see more QB run plays. DT ran it 64 times last year, do you think a guy like Dajon could handle 64 carries and not get hurt on his slight frame? Coach Canles is really looking for a QB who can run it. Three years at USF and each QB had over 100 carries.

I don't think we're asking for a complete overhaul. We ran some uptempo last year. The system was put in place, no reason we can't run it a little more. Use whatever works. Being able to run both and change it up during the game is nice to have.

Even nicer to have is an offense that plays to the strengths of your players. If that means running a reasonable increase of uptempo offense compared to last year, let's do it.

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Here's another point to be made, humans:

For years, we wanted to win again. Now that we've won again, there is complaint about how we win. We saw the version of this in 2013 take the form of being happy that were winning, but unhappy that it was Derek Thompson who was leading the way.

And, so, now, some get into this spring funk that this quarterback or that one won't be crowned King yet. And, oh, how stupid and short-sighted of these experienced coaches that we held RV's feet to the fire to hire.

I, personally, don't care if we run the Single Wing as long as we keep winning.

Don't take what I'm saying as a complaint. It isn't. It just funny that the coaches say the same fan friendly things ever year and people actually believe that they will happen. Remember how we were promised last spring how wide open the offense was going to be on 2013? Same ole same ole.

And there is nothing wrong with that. As long as you win. I couldn't agree with your last statement more.

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Here's another point to be made, humans:

For years, we wanted to win again. Now that we've won again, there is complaint about how we win. We saw the version of this in 2013 take the form of being happy that were winning, but unhappy that it was Derek Thompson who was leading the way.

And, so, now, some get into this spring funk that this quarterback or that one won't be crowned King yet. And, oh, how stupid and short-sighted of these experienced coaches that we held RV's feet to the fire to hire.

I, personally, don't care if we run the Single Wing as long as we keep winning.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

I happen to like the power run game offense. DT did the job when he needed to. Chico and Mac put him in positions to succeed and more often than not, they did what they needed to last season... the whole offense and the whole defense...

At this point, I have total faith that Chico and Mac will adjust the gameplan to whatever needs to happen. Run it and run it and run it and run it ....(norm style).... play action pass... spread 'em out....go fast...go slow.... Whatever. Dude, last season was a thing of beauty. It seemed like they did a little bit of everything based on situation and what was working. if we can do anything close to what happened last year, I'll be a happy man. I think I just got football wood just thinking about it... Do what is necessary, but an offense that can impose their will by running it down the oppositions throats is demorializing to a defense...

Next year, if they excel at a "spread run" or "spread throw" or traditional pro-style offense... whatever...bubble screens? slip screens.... qb draws for 5 yards a carry? read option...traditional wishbone option... whatever dude.....whatever.... just win baby.

I "think" talent level appears to be going up...but really, we'll see. experience level might be down going into this year, but we'll see... I do not see anything to complain about at this point.... Open competition is open compettion. One thing I can guarantee with all the positions up for grabs, I feel confident the person who SHOULD be playing WILL be playing.... you guys root for whomever you want to...seems like wasted energy to me. It will be fun to see what happens at the spring game...after that, hope for no injuries and a healthy squad come fall....

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No one questions that DT was a good QB. His performance in the KEY bowl game playing through injury was phenomenal and made him a shoo in HOF candidate...

I think what people see in Dajon is a). He has an amazingly strong arm, probably stronger than DT's which is saying something and B). he has the wheels (he's no Manziel but he has some speed) to keep the defenses honest.

If you look at the quarterback option plays that we ran, very little attention was given to DT. That allowed DT to make some nice runs at times even though speed isn't his forte. When you put DaJon out there, you force the defense to pay more attention. That gives a boost to the running game because they can't afford to hone in on the running back every time. It helps the passing game because it forces the secondary to come up and protect against him running the ball on a roll out.

When I think about DaJon I get that same feeling many of us had with Joey Byerly. Byerly was a different animal -- at 240 pounds he looked like a big tight end out there so they were different players athletically speaking. The comparison is from both of them having such huge talent upside but concerns of will they be dependable, reliable all the things that DT was this past season. I think this is why Josh Greer was so important to them. He is DT2. They now know, that a player like DT can make this offense work. It's proven. DaJon offers skills that could push them outside that DT cocoon and I think it excites and scares them in some ways.

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Remember how we were promised last spring how wide open the offense was going to be on 2013? Same ole same ole.

But last Spring they were expecting a different QB to emerge as the starter. He couldnt learn the offense and play the style of play the coaches were looking for. So they went back to the old way with a few tweaks here and there.

Now we are faced with trying to put another QB in there that can do more things. If Dajon wins the job, expect to see more. If he doesnt, I can see the coaches rolling with what we did last year, because it was enough to get the job done, and if it aint broke, then why try to fix it.

Either way, I think there will be an upgrade on offense if we can get average Qb play and build on last season.

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Dajon is the most athletic of the group and he has the best arm as well. Its 100% his job to lose. I think Greer looks great and will challenge him until the end, but I still expect DW to start in Austin week 1. Either way, the QB position will be a HUGE upgrade from last season IMO. DT was a great bus driver, but unless your Alabama, a bus driver can only get you so far. For the Mean Green to take that next step and constantly compete with the big programs (a la Boise St 5 years ago) than a stud QB is a necessity.

It's very important that Greer be ready if DW wins the job. I could see a situation where DW goes down for a few games because of the amount of read zone we would run and his lean build.

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All I'm saying is that these millionaire coaches need to mold the offense around the talent at hand. If DW gets the start and he is playing in DT's offense expect a let down and maybe even a failure of a season. DW couldnt really be held responsible in the event a bad season happened if they were to try to plug him into last seasons offense. He's not a 3 yr starter in the same offense that understands reading a D and the tendicies that certain coverages try to do. So expect a bad offensive year if they get in 2 TE set and run the ball on 1st n 2nd downs just to "open" it up on 3rd n 8. It's a recipe for disaster. I'm hoping for the best, but if the offense isn't going to be tweaked for an athletic inexperienced QB then start someone else.

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But last Spring they were expecting a different QB to emerge as the starter. He couldnt learn the offense and play the style of play the coaches were looking for. So they went back to the old way with a few tweaks here and there.

Now we are faced with trying to put another QB in there that can do more things. If Dajon wins the job, expect to see more. If he doesnt, I can see the coaches rolling with what we did last year, because it was enough to get the job done, and if it aint broke, then why try to fix it.

Either way, I think there will be an upgrade on offense if we can get average Qb play and build on last season.

Hahahaha. So you read the coaches' minds last year and knew they wanted BB as their number one?

It was clear to them by the Spring game that BB wasn't going to be able to compete at this level. He never got serious reps in the fall and wasn't ever considered above the #4 QB, but you want to believe the coaching staff was prepared to change the offense for him?

Also won't happen this year. If DW finds himself improvising too much with any negative consequences, he will be on the bench behind Greer. Greer is the type of QB Mac loves. Bus driving at its finest. Again, nothing wrong with that if you have a stout defense and can win playing that style.

But don't fool yourself again and think Mac will do something he hasn't done since he has been here.

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