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DRC..NT player charged another involved


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Guest JohnDenver

let's say, Cerebus at 22:

Let's take JohnDenver at 22:

[*]Drunk, pants down, slidding my ass on the floor in front of the dean's office in the GAB

[*]Attempting the steal a keg from a party but realizing it was too heavy for my drunk ass and falling down. Then to be chased by drunk frat guys.

[*] ... i will save you more details of my 22nd year. smile.gif

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MGT, you are reading this correctly and Brewster is the thug in this incident. Again, if these are the facts, than Brewster needs to be disciplined!

don't assume facts not in evidence based on what you are reading in a newspaper ph34r.gif . To your credit, however, did say if these are the facts. To keep things in perspective, a simple battery charge brings nothing more than a tap on the wrist if anything. A mountain is being made out of a mole hill.

Years back (more than I want to remember) when on the Denton PD, I was involved in the arrest of a high profile North Texas athlete ( now a UNT Hall of Famer) for Intoxication & Disturbing the Peace. Translation, a happy, loud, drunk college kid having too much fun. He spent 4 hours in the slammer to sobber up & paid a small fine. NO BIG DEAL. TODAY, apparently this would be headline news and some would call for his expulsion from the team and a public flogging on the court house lawn.

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Holy Frijoles I just beat on a hornet's nest!!! ohmy.gif

Like I said and MG61 brought up, I'm going on the assumption that these police reports are indeed accurate.


Believe me I also understand what it's like to be young and in college! I was a "Kappa Swig" and spent 6 fun years in college! I drank my share of Beer, Boone's (3 bottles for $5 in my day), Mad Dog & liquor along with raising hell at all hours of the morning!

I also had friends with guns, but we kept our late night shooting out at his house in Krum. laugh.gif

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You are pretty high and mighty.

If he really had a problem with authority and some ego issues .. would he really be at UNT? I think he would have already strangled DD for his indecision and told everyone within earshot about how unhappy he is and he needs to be on the field against ULALA.

And the word "chase" is very subjective. Was a high speed chase? And can a chase really be a chase if he only drove around 2 blocks away? I was taught in defensive driving (don't judge me that I got a ticket) that if you are in a situation with police that you don't feel comfortable, drive to a well populated area with lights. I can't think of a better place to turn around and go to (when you see the lights coming up on you) than the well-lighted, well-populated parking lot that you just came from. 

Not saying any more than this, but a guy was in the back of his truck shooting a gun and a cop was on the scene and HE DROVE OFF!!!! I don't care how fast he was going. He left the scene with a gun toating drunk in what I aussmee is HIS truck. I think that speaks volumes....just not very smart

Edited by MeanGreenNation
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Not saying any more than this, but a guy was in the back of his truck shooting a gun and a cop was on the scene and HE DROVE OFF!!!!  I don't care how fast he was going. He left the scene with a gun toating drunk in what I aussmee is HIS truck. I think that speaks volumes....just not very smart

You are assuming he:

1) Knew the guy had a gun

2) knew the guy was firing that gun in the bed of his truck

3) fled with that guy

I have to assume that if the police believed he helped somone who was shooting at a police officer escape, he would be in jail.

Since he isn't, I have to think the police on the scene didnt assume those three things.

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Well if he did not know somebody was in the bed of his truck then

a: he needs to learn how to use his rear-view mirror.

b: if he knew there were already police there and a shooting occured then he was a witness to a possible crime and left the scene.

Still at 3:30 A.M. on private property blasting music is not very smart.

But who cares Boys will be Boys rolleyes.gif

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Well if he did not know somebody was in the bed of his truck then

a: he needs to learn how to use his rear-view mirror.

b: if he knew there were already police there and a shooting occured then he was a witness to a possible crime and left the scene.

Still at 3:30 A.M. on private property blasting music is not very smart.

But who cares Boys will be Boys  rolleyes.gif

Hey! Lets not call the kettle black... we all know the wild stories of the UNT bowling team wink.gif

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Damn how did you guys hear about St. Louis and the Kansas Girls.


On serious note I have learned from 3 years of coaching and 2 years of working in a housing department that students will do stupid things and when caught they have no idea what to do. Athletes are no different except they represent the school and we pay for their education.

Like others have said DD will deal with the situation as he sees fit.

GMG rob the Vandals

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I agree with Cerebus, grade problems are just that..........grade problems.  That doesn't mean that they are likely to be criminals too.

Geez, grade problems in college could result in a person being a criminal? It's very possible that I should still be in Huntsville, Texas serving my life sentance. ph34r.gif

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Guest JohnDenver

Geez, grade problems in college could result in a person being a criminal? It's very possible that I should still be in Huntsville, Texas serving my life sentance. ph34r.gif

I already am in prison.

The cubical prison known as corporate life.

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I already am in prison.

The cubical prison known as corporate life.

Well there is something I understand!

Thank God for GMG.com to distract us from our pedestrian jobs!!!!

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Police say they won’t file charges against two players involved in one of the incidents, in which a man standing in the back of a player’s truck fired several shots.

The man who fired the shots is not affiliated with the team.

Sorry guys, that was me at 21...just got a little caught up in the celebration.

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I'm kinda 50/50 on this one. if Drew didn't know the guy was standing in the back of his truck then he did what I and most anyone would have done....hear gunshots = get your ass out of there. But, once you see the lights and sirens PULL OVER. And, in what may be the bonehead move of the year for our players, when an officer WITH WEAPON IN HAND tells you to exit the vehicle you exit the vehicle. I don't care if you're Pope John Paul get out of the damn vehicle. Had it been me there would have been one request to come out of the truck....then he's coming through the driver's side window.

And grade problems? Are you kidding? We had a little saying amongst those I ran with in college "What are you taking that they don't offer next semester?" Not that we intentionally screwed up in classes but college has a myriad of distractions and even moreso for an athlete...I hope he gets in under control but some slack is due here.

I also won't knock him on being where there was alcohol....tailgating on Saturday took my "high and mighty" priveleges away. tongue.gif

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You should give him a pass. He didn't do anything. If he were drunk and driving, the cop would have arrested him. If he really did have something to do with the guy in the back shooting, the cops would have charged him with aiding the person.

I think we're too quick to assume Andrew Smith is completely innocent in all of this.

First, I'm reminded of Greg Williams' rule that nothing good can happen to an athlete from being out and about at 3 a.m.

Second, Smith was driving a truck in which someone pointed a gun at police and fired several shots in the air. That's a big deal -- everyone in the truck could've easily ended up dead, and people die every New Years from idiots who fire guns into the sky.

More questions need to be asked about who the guy was, how Smith knew him, whether he knew about the gun, and why he left the scene and came back without the man.

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More questions need to be asked about who the guy was, how Smith knew him, whether he knew about the gun, and why he left the scene and came back without the man.

I think the police probably already asked all of these questions. I don't think they would be issuing statmentsl like: "We have no indication that they [smith and Dupree] had any kind of criminal culpability at all," ... if these questions weren't answered

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I think the police probably already asked all of these questions.

Perhaps, but the athletic department should be asking them too. That Bernard Jackson post shows why -- I'd hate to see another story like that unfold at UNT.

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You should give him a pass. He didn't do anything.

If he were drunk and driving, the cop would have arrested him. If he really did have something to do with the guy in the back shooting, the cops would have charged him with aiding the person.

He didn't do anything besides being out late and loud. I wish I were still in college so I can justify staying out will 3:30 am wink.gif

Drew had better get either better friends to hang with or better scene control. Situations like this will end a career before it starts. (assuming he is pursuing a career)

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None of this makes any sense as far as our QB Drew Smith is concerned. He comes from a well educated family and his father is a Principal at a Bay City, Texas, high school.

I would wage a bet that his school administrator dad was in Denton in less than 6 hours after all this story broke. What do you think?!?!?

Pulling for our guys to get their heads on straight and not be around scenes where events at those scenes might even incriminate the innocent.

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"I think we're too quick to assume Andrew Smith is completely innocent in all of this."

I thought that was exactly what we were supposed to assume?

On one level, sure. A person accused of a crime should be presumed innocent.

However, people who have influence over Smith -- coaches, peers, the school -- should look into what happened for his sake as much as their own. As a general rule, I think it's fair to say that most student athletes who are involved in an incident with guns and police are not completely innocent. If this was one of those cases, I would expect the athletic department to find that out, rather than accepting at face value whatever the police were told that night.

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I would expect the athletic department to find that out, rather than accepting at face value whatever the police were told that night.

Of course, since the police don't seem to have any investigative powers of thier own rolleyes.gif

1) The Denton Police don't do us favors: Mean Green players (like players in every other program) do run afoul of the low from time to time. If they need ot be arrested, they are. I can think of 2 in the last four years alone.

2) Coach Dickey isnt exactly Barry Switer: If a Mean Green player has done something wrong, he gets disciplined. If its major, he is out of the program. I can think of a WR and LB that would have started for us that where booted because of serious problems.

Rcade, your being paranoid. If there was a history of either one of the above not being true, then there would be a problem. I would rather run a clean losing program, that a winning one that cheats. However, incidents in the past have always been handled the right way.

The fact that neither Brewster nor Smith had to post bond, and that they haven't been released from thier scholarships, tells me that the police and the coaching staff have looked into it and discovered any serious wrong doing. Now they are probably going to catch hell from the coachjing staff, their will be some punitive measure sthrown thier way, and just like in the past, I don't expect Coach Dickey to adrress those in public.

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