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Heart of Dallas Bowl Ticket Options


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Posted this yesterday on another thread but a North Texas alum told me just yesterday that he got his quarterly North Texan magazine in his mail box......yesterday.

Our fellow alum also said on the back page of the North Texan was nothing but HOD Bowl game promotions and how alums could get their tickets for the game. This is huge since thousands of our alums all over Texas and even the world receive the North Texan.


I got mine yesterday. The back cover has a blurb about the season and the last couple of lines are about the Bowl and tickets, plus there's a picture of the players high-fiving fans. Plus I got one email right after it was announced, so that Monday morning I think.

Another thing. I think the events they have planned for New Year's Eve and the morning of the game are great, but they should also plan a student NYE event.

I just got off the phone and they are confirming locations today, I think, maybe tomorrow morning. There will be some sort of bowl week kick-off event, I think Sunday the 29th? Not sure where that is. Trying to get a place called the Tower Club or something for NYE and Brazos Building at Fair Park for the pre-game brunch, but I don't think any of those are guaranteed yet so we should officially know for sure soon.

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Man, I'm hoping for a huge walk-up crowd to fill the bowl with Green. I was really hoping that UNT would show at minimum 25k (would love to break 30k). I really hope the MG Nation steps it up. I mean we're talking about a New Year's Day bowl here. I don't care if it's on ESPN 8 "The Ocho"; it will be one of only several games played that day, so it will get attention no matter what - and the seats need to be filled.

Y'all know I'm true to my original alma mater, UTSA, but I'm also a proud UNT student. I barely batted an eye before I picked up my tickets. Then again, I'm just a fan of the sport and want to support my school.

But on the flip-side of that argument, I can't say I'd be going if tickets weren't available to me for $25 each. I know bigger bowl games are into the hundreds, but there are a lot of people that find $75 a ticket steep - especially during the holiday season.

UNT 35 - UNLV 24

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I wen on the HOD website and counted the unavailable seats in the open sections. I excluded seats that looked like they were blocked off, those in the top rows when many lower row seats were available. These seats were pretty much rows 51 and up. After this adjustment it looks like HOD has sold just under 5k tickets through their site. I hope we get a larger push as it gets closer to game time. I don't want it to look like at thanksgiving weekend game at Fouts.

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I wen on the HOD website and counted the unavailable seats in the open sections. I excluded seats that looked like they were blocked off, those in the top rows when many lower row seats were available. These seats were pretty much rows 51 and up. After this adjustment it looks like HOD has sold just under 5k tickets through their site. I hope we get a larger push as it gets closer to game time. I don't want it to look like at thanksgiving weekend game at Fouts.

I'm on the site now. Sections 19 - 28 are marked as unavailable. I'm assuming these are tickets held for UNT to sell?

But yeah, after looking around the seating chart sold/available, 5k seems to be what the site has sold so far

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I think our concern is not misplaced, but might be a tad premature.

"IF" our UNT students will have purchased close to 10K tickets by this time next week, I'd think that is a pretty good base of tickets sales to begin with. I think many UNT students will be showing up on Game Day to buy tickets since procrastination is what a large sector of our society does best. I am more concerned about what kind of weather we will have than ticket sales.

If a school that traveled approx. 17,000 fans to a NO's bowl for a Tuesday night game can't come close to doubling those numbers for a New Years Day game at the historic Cotton Bowl stadium, then our new UNT prez is going to soon after he unpacks his bags in Denton have to have a real, bonafide "Come to Jesus" talk with those whose jobs it is to sell tickets. That responsibility has to fall on someone who gets paid to perform those duties.

After all our tallies from "ALL" ticket outlets are in and including day of game walk up ticket sales and the weather is OK, I think we will all be pretty darn proud. Again, I defer to the 2'nd paragraph of this post. This should be a slam dunk, folks.

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I agree...but will add extremely premature.

"IF" our UNT students will have purchased close to 10K tickets by this time next week, I'd think that is a pretty good base of tickets sales to begin with. I think many UNT students will be showing up on Game Day to buy tickets since procrastination is what a large sector of our society do best. I am more concerned about what kind of weather we will have than ticket sales.

If a school that traveled approx. 17,000 fans to a NO's bowl for a Tuesday night game can't come close to doubling those numbers for a New Years Day game at the Cotton Bowl stadium, then our new UNT prez is going to soon after he unpacks his bags in Denton have to have a real, bonafide "Come to Jesus" talk with those whose jobs it is to sell tickets.

After all our tallies from "ALL" ticket outlets are in up till walk up ticket sales and the weather is OK, I think we will all be pretty proud. Again, I defer to the 2'nd paragraph of this post. This should be a slam dunk, folks.

I get it. 17K went to NO. You've said that many times.

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If we have a poor turnout, it's only a reflection of the apathy that has been fostered by the University towards our football program for decades. Heck, even when we were going to N.O. bowls, UNT was still doing it on a shoestring budget with minimal effort to get people on board.

We've only recently put our big boy pants on. It's going to take some time to turn a huge tide. Most of us on this site are already doing what we can. We can reach out to friends/relatives and tell them whats going on and bring them along. But, for the hundreds of thousands of alumni out there who were in school when it was uncool to root for UNT, it's going to take quite a marketing offensive to get them in the fold (because even while on campus, they never were in the fold). That part, we cannot do.

The football program appears to have done its part. I really hope we can get enough people in there to reward them with a home-crowd feel.

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I get it. 17K went to NO. You've said that many times.

But, meangreener, all of Harry's newer GMG.com readers don't get it because they haven't read it. This board has up to 900 readers in a 2 hour window of late which I think is remarkable.

Interesting Sidenote:

A UH Coog source says they have only sold 1,300 total tickets for their bowl game versus Vandy'. Vandy has sold their first allotment of 10,000 and are on their 2'nd.

Could be worse, MG Nation, but we must double that "XX,XXX" total we once took down to a certain city in the Deep South for a festive football game on a particular weeknight of which I will not specify which weeknight.

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If we have a poor turnout, it's only a reflection of the apathy that has been fostered by the University towards our football program for decades. Heck, even when we were going to N.O. bowls, UNT was still doing it on a shoestring budget with minimal effort to get people on board.

We've only recently put our big boy pants on. It's going to take some time to turn a huge tide. Most of us on this site are already doing what we can. We can reach out to friends/relatives and tell them whats going on and bring them along. But, for the hundreds of thousands of alumni out there who were in school when it was uncool to root for UNT, it's going to take quite a marketing offensive to get them in the fold (because even while on campus, they never were in the fold). That part, we cannot do.

The football program appears to have done its part. I really hope we can get enough people in there to reward them with a home-crowd feel.

Exactly this. There's only so much we can do.

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Will North Texas Mean Green fans, students and alums out-perform a school or 2 from the AAC in ticket sales? Why not? What a statement it would make for our school and for all the college football world to see on New Years Day from the historic Cotton Bowl Stadium.

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Some UCF fans are making Fiesta Bowl travel plans, but Knights falling short in ticket sales

UCF has sold 5,000 of its 17,500 ticket allotment for the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 1 against No. 6 Baylor

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I knew a guy who did that. He'd "wash" his bills in water & then iron them. I thought he was nuts...

Do you know what the average circulated bill has on it? Don't read if you're easily queasy...

...okay for those interested: blood, semen, feces, urine, traces of drugs and food, and all kinds of bacteria, fungi, etc. If I was more obsessive I'd probably do the same. As it is I wash my hands after every time I touch money, but usually I just try not to carry cash.

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"IF" our UNT students will have purchased close to 10K tickets by this time next week, I'd think that is a pretty good base of tickets sales to begin with. I think many UNT students will be showing up on Game Day to buy tickets since procrastination is what a large sector of our society does best. I am more concerned about what kind of weather we will have than ticket sales.

If a school that traveled approx. 17,000 fans to a NO's bowl for a Tuesday night game can't come close to doubling those numbers for a New Years Day game at the historic Cotton Bowl stadium, then our new UNT prez is going to soon after he unpacks his bags in Denton have to have a real, bonafide "Come to Jesus" talk with those whose jobs it is to sell tickets. That responsibility has to fall on someone who gets paid to perform those duties.

After all our tallies from "ALL" ticket outlets are in and including day of game walk up ticket sales and the weather is OK, I think we will all be pretty darn proud. Again, I defer to the 2'nd paragraph of this post. This should be a slam dunk, folks.

I thought you might have been misunderstanding this. It appears the student section allotment is somewhere around 2,500 seats. The 10k post you saw last night refers to the total number of tickets bought throughout the entire allotment and not just the students. I would like to see another student section open up due to a donor sponsoring another portion of student seats.

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UNLV as an opponent was just a death blow for a great UNT fan showing. Still trying to get one additional person to fill out the 4 seats I purchased.

And it hasn't been easy.

As it gets closer to the 1st, if any of you still have extra tickets let me know. I've gotten a few people to buy theirs, but a few more are on a pretty tight budget (I know, $25 is cheap, but some of these people have zero entertainment budget and haven't been involved with UNT for a long time). So if it turns out that I can persuade more people to go, but they don't have money for tickets, and any of you still need to use up your tickets, I can try to get you together.

As annoying as it is to try to get people who are generally interested and involved to go, it's even more difficult to persuade people who usually aren't interested to jump in. So the more excuses we can cancel out, the better. I kind of wonder if UNT will take any leftover tickets from its allotment and sell them super-cheap the day of the game just to get more people in the stadium.

Edit: Not sure if it came through in that explanation but I don't want it to sound like I'm begging on someone else's behalf...but if I say, "Hey, will you drive to Dallas and pay $25 per person to see a team you haven't watched in 16 years?", many people will say no. But if it's 2 days before and I say, "Hey, somebody has extra tickets, what if I can get you some for free?", then they might change their answer.

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I have two more on the bubble but it is not the opponent - they want to go, it is the $75. My 6 went PRONTO!

In the end I bet they are there even if they can't sit in our section.

beat UNLV!


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We need to collectively embrace solutions. Not excuses.

You can't change the opponent.

That isn't an excuse, it's reality. I'm going and I'm going to have a great time. I'm expecting maybe 10k Mean Green fans. Don't care. We are in a bowl.

You can't make people care.

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You can't change the opponent.

That isn't an excuse, it's reality. I'm going and I'm going to have a great time. I'm expecting maybe 10k Mean Green fans. Don't care. We are in a bowl.

You can't make people care.

The reality is many disinterested alumni don't care to come watch our team. Blaming the opponent is an excuse.

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You can't change the opponent.

That isn't an excuse, it's reality. I'm going and I'm going to have a great time. I'm expecting maybe 10k Mean Green fans. Don't care. We are in a bowl.

You can't make people care.

Only 10K showing would get nasty and someone's head would soon be on the chopping block (or should be). A new UNT president-in-waiting will be watching and astutely observing butts in seats since he will be at this game to see first-hand.

I'm glad our incoming UNT prez' will be in attendance and on my saintly mother's last resting place I hope above all hope he sees

30,000 plus Mean Green fans at this bowl game. As of now I just hope we go into warp speed bowl ticket sales mode the next 2 weeks and hope on Game Day thousands buy tickets at the Cotton Bowl stadium ticket windows. We can still all hope.

I'm like you UNT90 inasmuch that I'm going to have a good time at this bowl game no matter how many we have show. Like many of you, I'll be among friends who I've known most my adult life. We've seen it all at UNT except (as Bill Blakely used to say) childbirth (although I fear our BB team did lay a huge egg against Stephen F. Austin State U the other day).

Yes, we did get teased a bit about who our "P5" opponent would be and that by the national media--not UNT officials; but

it is what it is and we didn't get one. If we shine at the turnstiles w/o a P5 foe in 2 weeks it will say much about what we can do with a P5 foe later. (Say "P5 foe" as fast as you can 10 x's) ;):)

UNLV gets to play a football program hat has been mired in an NCAA version of a graveyard for about a decade until this Fall and truth be known with foo few winning seasons even prior to those 4 bowl games last decade. It's been a rough patch for all of us who bleed green.

:thumbsu: Still, this is one helluva' sports story but will only be an even more dramatic one if there is an unbelievable sea of Mean Green at the historic Cotton Bowl on New Years Day. That is the one thing that would make this most diverse board of opinion be on the same page at least until Spring Football practice begins. :)

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I just sent Mean Green Sports on FB a message about creating an event page for the bowl. Over 18k people like that page but they haven't created an event which makes it easy to forward the invite onto others who have graduated from NT. The same principle applies to the NT Facebook page with over 100k likes.

Isn't there a social media expert on the staff now? Didn't he come on here and introduce himself? Wonder what he's up to.

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