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If the AQs keep gaining more power there will not only be anti-trust suits but also suits to tax the Power 5 and associates and that will find favor with our federal government.

No way those anti-trust lawsuits and suits to tax the Power 5 would ever go against the AQs...they have too many friends in the legislative and judicial branches across the country, plus they have all the corporate and media backing.

Trust me, we have given the AQs plenty of chances to have someone from the Big Sports Media and from DC and other political outposts chime in on how awful this setup is...and all we have heard is how football brings in the most moeny and that those who bring in the most should just break-off from the others. We heard politicans clamor to fix the college football system, by installing a playoff, which is now set to start in 2014...just without a chance in hell of a non-AQ making it in that playoff.

I get it--it downright sucks. But there's nothing we can do about it, except to quit watching their bought teams play each other. And, honestly, football, as it is played today, is becoming more and more susceptible to a huge walk-away by many people who are seeing that its long-term health impacts are too risky for their kids. IOW, what is a cash cow today, has no guarantee to be that same type of cash cow tomorrow. (This is another reason as to why college hoops has started to matter way more in realignment in the last couple of years than it did at first, when it appered that a school like Kansas would get left behind.)

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