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MGB: McCarney bonus info

Brett Vito

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Coach Mac, take that $15k and buy 200 bowl tickets for a lottery drawing for any student that attended a home game. The more games you attended the more entries you get. (The AD is bound to have this info since student ID's are swiped to get a home game ticket)

Coach Mac will be forever cemented as the greatest NT FB coach of all time - great PR for the University and 200 rabid students in the stands come Jan. 1.

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$15,000.00 isn't much considering what Coach Mac has done here. It's a litte premature to say Coach Mac is the best UNT coach of all time considering Hayden Fry coached here. However, if Coach Mac continues to improve our program the way I believe he can then Hayden Fry just might become second chair to coach Mac. Wonder if Hayden Fry could have been sucessful getting UNT into the SWC with a brand new stadium? Oh, Coach Fry might not have been able to get around SMU politics, but look at where SMU is today. Sometimes time is a great equalizer!!!

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$15,000.00 isn't much considering what Coach Mac has done here. It's a litte premature to say Coach Mac is the best UNT coach of all time considering Hayden Fry coached here. However, if Coach Mac continues to improve our program the way I believe he can then Hayden Fry just might become second chair to coach Mac. Wonder if Hayden Fry could have been sucessful getting UNT into the SWC with a brand new stadium? Oh, Coach Fry might not have been able to get around SMU politics, but look at where SMU is today. Sometimes time is a great equalizer!!!

As someone who is authorized to carry a firearm 24/7 allow me to offer my services. I'll protect you from the old-heads who will inevitably try to stab you now for your blasphemy. Just $45/hr.

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As someone who is authorized to carry a firearm 24/7 allow me to offer my services. I'll protect you from the old-heads who will inevitably try to stab you now for your blasphemy. Just $45/hr.

emmitt01, you left yourself wide open.....this was bound to happen! ps: Thanks for your service!

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Seems to me that Coach McCarney has his mentor, ie, Hayden Fry almost at sainthood status. After all, he has a framed photo of his hero on his Athletic Dept. office wall over-looking Apogee Stadium.

No, Fry was not perfect and we all know that---and from every era, too.

He was HFC when I was a UNT student so much of my feelings are probably more of a nostalgic nature than anything. That will happen to you younger alums in time, too, mark it.

Anti-Fry With This: I have posted couple times thru the years that myself and others were not always on board with his playing Big School U at Texas Stadium rather than using his fund-raising skills and Dallas connections to actually get us a better campus stadium built. He chose not to go that direction. Again, the times were so different back then with a Southwest Conference always hovering over us like a dark, dark cloud that would rain on us if they ever thought we'd start a Mean Green parade. Honestly? We never had a snow balls chance for SWC membership and some of his detractors said that Fry did all that for the personal publicity. Fry would disagree. Why does it matter now?

Yes, Fry had 5 of his 6 Mean Green teams which would have been bowl elgible today but not one received an invite from any of the (I believe) 10 or so bowl games back then.

Fry had a plan for a school of about 17K in a town of about 39,000 and a Denton County which Texas Almanac said "is a rural county of 99,000" population. So yes, Fry (in deed) had his work cut out for himself and his athletic program with those kind of constituency numbers for sure.

Fry's biggest success took place where he had a much bigger audience of fans who would appreciate what his talents truly were. That's all I will say about that.

Was Fry perfect though? Hardly not, but I go back to my North Texas student days and still have good feelings when I think about many of the games he coached at North Texas. As another fellow alum of ours always said: "When you went into a Big School U game with Coach Fry in charge you just always thought you had a chance."

I'm beginning to feel the same with Dan McCarney at the helm, but I will for sure not mention where he received his coaching apprenticeship, either. Wouldn't be prudent. :)


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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