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UNLV reportedly heading to Heart of Dallas Bowl on Jan. 1


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I'll look down on the field and see North Texas.

It's awesome for the diehard fans, but the casual fan and most importantly, the local media, won't give a crap about this game. It's just typical UNT luck to finally have everything go so right only to get paired up against a team that isn't from the Big Ten, due to the fact that Penn State is on probation and no one else in that league could get to 6 wins. It sucks, in my opinion, but there's nothing we or the HoD bowl can do about it, so we might as well beat UNLVs ass in this pseudo home game. It will be interesting to see how attendance will be for this game, though. People don't want to hear it here, but we are just like all of the other non-AQs and subservient AQs--attendance is usually driven up or down based on the opponent.

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I wish we were playing navy in ft worth. I have seen unlv play many times in the past so not that excited about playing them. However, we are in bowl and I am happy for our team, school and fans. GMG! Yes I am buying tickets.

To be honest I think it's still a magical feeling playing in a bowl game on January 1st at the Cotton Bowl. Plus we're practically playing a home game. Lets really milk this thing and get as many alumni and casual CFB fan interested.

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I think he meant...what's the Hawii payout.

Does everyone remember all the bowl money in CUSA is pooled and then split evenly. A higher payout bowl doesn't mean any more money for us.

No B1G team "refused to play us." They have more bowl contracts than teams. I would think the official announcement of opponent is being held off in case something goes squirrelly and we can get a B1G team. There is a lot of horse trading going on today!

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If people are unhappy about having to play UNLV instead of a BIG 10, ACC, or any other team, then that is their right. It amazes me how some on this board choose to attack or belittle the opinions of other North Texas fans just because they feel differently. People can bitch if they want to.

Those of you that are glad we are playing the 4th best team in the MWC West, over one from the BIG 10, ACC, or any other conference, are welcomed to that opinion. I don't share it. -1 me all you like. Wit, sarcasm, and sugar coating won't change how some of us feel about having to look across the field on New Years Day and see UNLV.

Right there with you,

Still excited to be in a bowl, especially excited to be in the HOD bowl, not excited to play UNLV, as I fear no one in the metroplex will give 2 craps other than the hardcore UNT fan.

If others can't see the difference that a match up with a Big 10 school, or, hell, even Boston College, would have got us a lot more local publicity and excited the casual fan, they are just wearing glasses with a deep green tint.

I was really hoping this game would introduce the UNT football program to a whole segment of potential new fans in the metroplex. As it turns out, the Armed Forces Bowl would have generated more pub.

That said, got the hotel room booked and will be getting tickets tomorrow.

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The opponent is relevant. Lets be honest. Everyone on this board will be at the game. Those of us that are mad about playing UNLV and those that are happy about it, but we have many more alumni in the area that are not as involved in supporting the Mean Green, and they would be more likely to show up on New Years Day if we were playing a BIG 10, ACC, or PAC 12 bowl team.

Edited by Side Show Joe
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The opponent is relevant. Lets be honest. Everyone on this board will be at the game. Those of us that are mad about playing UNLV and those that are happy about it, but we have many more alumni in the area that are not as involved in supporting the Mean Green, and they would be more likely to show up on New Years Day if we were playing a BIG 10, ACC, or PAC 12 bowl team.

THIS. My anger/annoyance about UNLV is that if we, or the administration, or ESPN wanted to tap into the huge pool of NT graduates in this area, WHO HAD NOT BEEN REGULARLY ATTENDING NORTH TEXAS GAMES, then scheduling UNLV was not the way to do it.

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THIS. My anger/annoyance about UNLV is that if we, or the administration, or ESPN wanted to tap into the huge pool of NT graduates in this area, WHO HAD NOT BEEN REGULARLY ATTENDING NORTH TEXAS GAMES, then scheduling UNLV was not the way to do it.

Bill: You, FFR and I are going to have to have yet another UNT alumnus meeting out here at the Hudson Oaks McDonalds & Coffee Club. :rolleyes: Maybe we should invite McDonalds neighbor UNT alum Jerry Durant of Jerry's Chevy fame, too? Dallas Green! Can you arrange that since yall were frat brothers! LOL!

I think the UNLV thing was totally out of our hands but I do agree with what you are saying. We just don't have much capital or pull yet with 1 winning season over the last almost decade, but with 4 to 5 winning seasons in a row with some Top 25 ranked teams in that time I think we would have more of a voice (and vote).

You are a great alum, pal, and a pretty good tag team wrestler in the stands, too! :whistling1:


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Bill: You, FFR and I are going to have to have yet another UNT alumnus meeting out here at the Hudson Oaks McDonalds & Coffee Club. :rolleyes: Maybe we should invite McDonalds neighbor UNT alum Jerry Durant of Jerry's Chevy fame, too? Dallas Green! Can you arrange that since yall were frat brothers! LOL!

I think the UNLV thing was totally out of our hands but I do agree with what you are saying. We just don't have much capital or pull yet with 1 winning season over the last almost decade, but with 4 to 5 winning seasons in a row with some Top 25 ranked teams in that time I think we would have more of a voice (and vote).

You are a great alum, pal, and a pretty good tag team wrestler in the stands, too! :whistling1:


There was no wrestling. No one got touched. Just one person yelling and waving their arms and trying to look threatening, and another looking puzzled and saying to himself... who the hell is this guy?

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Right there with you,

Still excited to be in a bowl, especially excited to be in the HOD bowl, not excited to play UNLV, as I fear no one in the metroplex will give 2 craps other than the hardcore UNT fan.

If others can't see the difference that a match up with a Big 10 school, or, hell, even Boston College, would have got us a lot more local publicity and excited the casual fan, they are just wearing glasses with a deep green tint.

I was really hoping this game would introduce the UNT football program to a whole segment of potential new fans in the metroplex. As it turns out, the Armed Forces Bowl would have generated more pub.

That said, got the hotel room booked and will be getting tickets tomorrow.

We have nobody to blame but ourselves. We couldn't beat a FCS team at home & paid the price.

Do you think teams like Syracuse , Boston College , etc wanted anything to do with us in a bowl? I don't think any AQ school would jump up and down by playing North Texas. They couldn't sell it to their fans , coaches or team.

Just look at all those teams we wanted that were mentioned, They are playing other AQ schools for a reason

We can't be one of the worst programs in the country , suddenly have some success and then immediately demand some name school from a name conference. In my best Jason Garrett voice, " this is a process"

I would have loved someone like Syracuse or even the AF Bowl vs Navy, but it didn't work out that way. We have to continue to win and gain respect. Winning a bowl game is a start and I think UNLV is a very winnable game.

Again, we had a great season ( by our terms) but at the end of the day we were the 5th placed Team in a overall pretty bad conference. Playing in a million dollar bowl on New Years Day is a pretty good thing , no matter who the opponent

I'll disagree with you, I think a bowl win over another mid major is better than a possible lopsided loss to a AQ school. Well just have to agree to disagree ;)

Where are u staying , the Omni ? Tailgate ?

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I have friends that were looking forward to attending the HOD and watching North Texas play a P5 bowl team. I can't sell UNLV to them. Most of us have some friends like this. We will be there, but many casual fans and disconnected alums will not. UNLV will cost us in attendance and media interest.

With TCU and SMU home for the bowl season, a $1.1 million payout, the #5 DWF media market, and the high quality recruits in the area, we should have been able to get one of the extra ACC or PAC 12 teams. I would think more of you would want to know why UNLV got the nod.

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