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OK We Have a Gentleman's Wager with RowdyTalk.com!


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Good one so everyone can go back to basking in the greatness that is North Texas? Everyone can pick 100-0 scores and talk about pipedreams of being a national champion and landing 5 star recruits because the greenies are having one good season.

Have you ever wondered why, almost universally, every fan base really, really dislikes UTSA fans.

Edited by meangreener
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LOL - Why are you guys so proud of playing in some place you rent? It isn't your stadium. Stop bragging about it. Especially since I know every single one of you would love to have an on-campus stadium.

You act as if Apogee fell out of the sky and it just landed in our back yard. We earned that stadium:

The students voted to pass a fee. I know you guys have problems with students supporting UTSA, but here they want a successful program.

The alumni stepped up and donated money for it. Some gave millions, some gave thousands, but they gave.

The administration went out and found major corporate donors. Those donor's didn't give some free chicken coupons, they gave millions of dollars.

So if you come here Saturday, enjoy a real college atmosphere.

When Boomer goes off, find out why he has 12 brass screws, that's called tradition.

Those 10,000 people just behind your teams bench? Those are called student's attending a football game.

The place you are sitting in? That's called a 78 million dollar commitment, not a rental.

Anytime you UT Pan American Roadrunner fans feel cocky about your "program"....please pull up this post, read it, and then shut the F up

Bragging about the Alamodome. I've heard it all now.

We're not Alabama. But we're not a 3rd year DIII startup either.

Can we please just get this game over with so we can move on....

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Ya, you're right. I mean it's not like you mentioned your Marineness and how many of your fellow service members died in the line of duty...

... In a post about a college football game.

Cheapen much?

I brought it up once, you keep bringing it up. Its ok, I know you wish you were a Marine, there is no other explanation for your infatuation with me.

I'am sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't swing that way. I've heard that meangreener is a girl, so maybe y'all two should hook up?

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Can we change the bet? UTSA loses and their loser posters can't post on GMG for 2 years.

Please, please, please!

I have a sinking feeling that after the game, we're still going to hear from these bros. Something along the lines of, "If you lined up UTSA & UNT 10 times, UNT would only win once... it just so happens you won the first one", or something about refs, or how UNT wouldn't have won if Brelan didn't return all those kicks/punts, and Byrd didn't run for over 100yds, and the defense didn't force 3+ turnovers, etc....

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I brought it up once, you keep bringing it up. Its ok, I know you wish you were a Marine, there is no other explanation for your infatuation with me.

I'am sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't swing that way. I've heard that meangreener is a girl, so maybe y'all two should hook up?

Ya, you don't bring it up because I called your sorry butt out on it.

And it was an extremely sorry post.

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LOL - Why are you guys so proud of playing in some place you rent? It isn't your stadium. Stop bragging about it. Especially since I know every single one of you would love to have an on-campus stadium.

You act as if Apogee fell out of the sky and it just landed in our back yard. We earned that stadium:

The students voted to pass a fee. I know you guys have problems with students supporting UTSA, but here they want a successful program.

The alumni stepped up and donated money for it. Some gave millions, some gave thousands, but they gave.

The administration went out and found major corporate donors. Those donor's didn't give some free chicken coupons, they gave millions of dollars.

So if you come here Saturday, enjoy a real college atmosphere.

When Boomer goes off, find out why he has 12 brass screws, that's called tradition.

Those 10,000 people just behind your teams bench? Those are called student's attending a football game.

The place you are sitting in? That's called a 78 million dollar commitment, not a rental.

How one wins at the internet.

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Ya, you don't bring it up because I called your sorry butt out on it.

And it was an extremely sorry post.

So being proud to be a Marine is something to be sorry about? Wow! Tell that to everybody that has served in the Marines. I called you out because you said that UTSA didn't have the right to wear anything related to the American flag while honoring Veterans, I mean who are you to say that?

Hope UTSA wins by 30

Wish it was by 70....


Edited by UTSAMarineVet09
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So being proud to be a Marine is something to be sorry about? Wow! Tell that to everybody that has served in the Marines. I called you out because you said that UTSA didn't have the right to wear anything related to the American flag while honoring Veterans, I mean who are you to say that?

Not bad. Post needs a bit more apple pie and Toby Keith, but you're on the right track.

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LOL - Why are you guys so proud of playing in some place you rent? It isn't your stadium. Stop bragging about it. Especially since I know every single one of you would love to have an on-campus stadium.

You act as if Apogee fell out of the sky and it just landed in our back yard. We earned that stadium:

The students voted to pass a fee. I know you guys have problems with students supporting UTSA, but here they want a successful program.

The alumni stepped up and donated money for it. Some gave millions, some gave thousands, but they gave.

The administration went out and found major corporate donors. Those donor's didn't give some free chicken coupons, they gave millions of dollars.

So if you come here Saturday, enjoy a real college atmosphere.

When Boomer goes off, find out why he has 12 brass screws, that's called tradition.

Those 10,000 people just behind your teams bench? Those are called student's attending a football game.

The place you are sitting in? That's called a 78 million dollar commitment, not a rental.


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Please, please, please!

I have a sinking feeling that after the game, we're still going to hear from these bros. Something along the lines of, "If you lined up UTSA & UNT 10 times, UNT would only win once... it just so happens you won the first one", or something about refs, or how UNT wouldn't have won if Brelan didn't return all those kicks/punts, and Byrd didn't run for over 100yds, and the defense didn't force 3+ turnovers, etc....

No I'll come over and congratulate you because I know next year will be a different story when you graduate 20+ seniors and we graduate 4

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for the sake of this argument we'll call it THE UTSA OWNED rented AND OPERATED used ALAMODOME. deal?


So were just going to make things up? Cool.

You should stop by my tailgate. My wife, Jennifer Love Hewitt, makes a mean potato casserole.

This is fun guys! Everyone just make things up!

I'm married to Jessica Biel, did you see her in Stealth? DAMN!

Love Marines, just not those who impose their Marineness in places where it doesn't belong, like sports arguments.

I bet you have Marine license plates on your car, wear Marine T-Shirts every day, tell everyone you meet that you are a marine, whether the situation is appropriate or not, and drive a camo colored Ford pick-up, cause they're tough like marines.

I appreciate those who serve with dignity and grace and not in your face...

He is probably the type who salutes during the national anthem when not in uniform. Last time I checked, not in uniform = hand over heart

Bahahahaha!!! Nvm, you weren't in the navy, you were in the Air Force. But the other UTSA posters on here can tell you that the only true thing about this post is that I drive a ford. Good try though, want a cookie?

Your hatred for Marines is high, I can sense it.

Ok, look, just effin stop! I respect the military, and my fellow public servants, but you're just arrogant. I haven't wanted to say anything to this point, but enough. You shouldn't belittle any other service member (light hearted joking is ok). You want to act like you're the greatest, I bet anytime you get pulled over, you have your military ID on top of your DL. Or at the very least, you drop the fact that you were in the military.

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No I'll come over and congratulate you because I know next year will be a different story when you graduate 20+ seniors and we graduate 4

In all honesty, I think the game will play out much differently next year. As you've already pointed out, 4 seniors VS 20 seniors is an advantage, and you guys seem to have scheduled OOC very aggressively, so you'll be battle tested (as I'd say you are now), even if you don't rack up wins.

We'll see if it's at the Alamodome, or if you guys get shafted by the league office and have to play at Apogee 2 years in a row after the realignment. Surely UNT will not be on the road for all 3 TX team games?

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So being proud to be a Marine is something to be sorry about? Wow! Tell that to everybody that has served in the Marines. I called you out because you said that UTSA didn't have the right to wear anything related to the American flag while honoring Veterans, I mean who are you to say that?

Hope UTSA wins by 30

Wish it was by 70....


Well, at least you finally figured out the meme.

Funny how you leave out the reference to the marines lost in combat that you made in that post, eh?

Sorriness to the extreme.

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In all honesty, I think the game will play out much differently next year. As you've already pointed out, 4 seniors VS 20 seniors is an advantage, and you guys seem to have scheduled OOC very aggressively, so you'll be battle tested (as I'd say you are now), even if you don't rack up wins.

We'll see if it's at the Alamodome, or if you guys get shafted by the league office and have to play at Apogee 2 years in a row after the realignment. Surely UNT will not be on the road for all 3 TX team games?

I guess you didn't hear. UTSA will already be off to the SEC by next year.

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In all honesty, I think the game will play out much differently next year. As you've already pointed out, 4 seniors VS 20 seniors is an advantage, and you guys seem to have scheduled OOC very aggressively, so you'll be battle tested (as I'd say you are now), even if you don't rack up wins.

We'll see if it's at the Alamodome, or if you guys get shafted by the league office and have to play at Apogee 2 years in a row after the realignment. Surely UNT will not be on the road for all 3 TX team games?

I think what he wrote didn't come out as intended. UTSA has like 3 or 4 seniors starting and not many on their roster. They have 40+ juniors listed, so they should be pretty good next year if they can replace Soza.

Edited by UNTLifer
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Cerebus, on 19 Nov 2013 - 1:30 PM, said:snapback.png

LOL - Why are you guys so proud of playing in some place you rent? It isn't your stadium. Stop bragging about it. Especially since I know every single one of you would love to have an on-campus stadium.

You act as if Apogee fell out of the sky and it just landed in our back yard. We earned that stadium:

The students voted to pass a fee. I know you guys have problems with students supporting UTSA, but here they want a successful program.

The alumni stepped up and donated money for it. Some gave millions, some gave thousands, but they gave.

The administration went out and found major corporate donors. Those donor's didn't give some free chicken coupons, they gave millions of dollars.

So if you come here Saturday, enjoy a real college atmosphere.

When Boomer goes off, find out why he has 12 brass screws, that's called tradition.

Those 10,000 people just behind your teams bench? Those are called student's attending a football game.

The place you are sitting in? That's called a 78 million dollar commitment, not a rental.

I have to ask if you or your significant other balances your checkbook? I'm simply curious to know if you understand how finances work. We are a new program still cash strapped and looking to move quickly to develop facilities that rival any Division 1 school. Why would we hemorrhage cash on a new stadium when we have a perfectly good dome to call home for as long as we want? In actuality, the administration asked the alumni if they would support the dome and the overwhelming majority of them agreed. We have great tailgating, alcohol sales and nice weather every game, what is wrong with that? The Dome is a great venue and allows UTSA to concentrate their finances on building other venues like Park West and allows UTSA to focus on their Tier 1 pursuits. From a financial standpoint the Alamodome is extremely cheap. UTSA only has to pay the city $30K per game to cover employee costs. The city gets concessions and parking sales. Obviously the PAC 12 and Big 12 think the Dome is a great college venue considering it will be the home of the Alamo Bowl for the foreseeable future. (Pac 12 #1 vs Big 12 #1)

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