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Say It Isn't So!


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Think of it like this: TWC probably thinks it's among the top 10 Internet Service Providers, but that's only believable if you don't know what Internet, Service, or Provider means. And if you want to take something seriously that names 10 players for an "all time" team, just put whatever player you want into that 11th spot. I'll put Mean Joe in there.

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This is why I hate "best of all time" type lists, especially in football.

The game has evolved so much in the relative short time I have been watching (I remember Dallas v. Baltimore in Super Bowl). Everything is different - equipment, players, training methods, even the rules (anyone remember when NFL had goal posts at the GOAL LINE while college had it at the END LINE?). Players in the original game had to work separate jobs in the off season because they did not make enough at football to sustain them through the year. Many of us make more in a month than the original players did in a year. The salaries players make today would sustain a normal person for a lifetime. Football is their profession 24/7/365 and none of them have to work a separate job in the off season. They can train and devote all of their time to football instead of football for a few months and selling tires the rest of the year.

These lists do a disservice to those that came before. There were some really great players in the early years of the NFL who will never make a list like this.

I can live with "best in an era" type lists. Best of all time - not going to address it.

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