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The Trouble With Johnny


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I hope the kid can mature enough by the time he makes it into the NFL to succeed. He's going to go the way of Vince Young if he doesn't get it together.

Awh the shell game of the NFL. Reel them in before they complete their education. Pass out the big bucks that their agents will lap up like hungry wolves. Convince them about " the speed of the game" the limelight that has shined upon them. Don't dare let them know how much the billionaire owners are making out of their toil, and keep those mindless sheep coming who shell out $70 . to just park and pay homage to the thieves that are the owners of NFL franchises. Jerry's World is a shrine to a scoundrel who cares absolutely nothing about anyone other than himself. To those who have such blind loyalty to the " home" NFL team, ask yourself how quickly the franchise would move( Dallas Texans, I.e. KC Chiefs) if the grass looked greener elsewhere. Look at the UFL, WFL,etc. and tell me players have loyalty to any city or team. It's big business and the sheep who follow it might as well be rooting for GM to pay a dividend. To hell with the NFL and all it represents--modern slavery and elitism at it's finest. Only the NBA is worse. I pity the young men who throw themselves to these jackals at such an early age.

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In a nutshell. This is the kind of thing that happens when the spotlight of great fame (Heisman trophy) gets directed at someone who is basically just starting their career instead of winding it up....and is therefore much more mature. To me, this is the Orson-Welles-Citizen-Kane syndrome. Welles won fame at age 25 or 26 for Citizen Kane. Where do you go from there?

Johnny M. is facing the same situation.

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Some of y'all need to step back and look at the big picture... How many of y'all play golf and get frustrated when you keep on hitting slice or pulling the ball? I've thrown my wedge multiple times in frustration (10 yards or so towards the cart) when I hit it a little thin and it helps me not forget to pick up my club. Thats not abnormal, especially when you have a competitive mentality. Hes never beaten his dad and is trying to do so every time hes on the course. Sounds a lot like me, I still cant beat my dad on the course but I try every time and understand the frustration when you hit a bad shot.

If you think about it, the guy is an awesome football player and has the instinct you cant teach. Now playing another sport that doesnt come easy and you think he has anger management issues because he swears after hitting a bad shot, Come on. Could he handle it a little better, of course but its not unreasonable. I cant forget that drinking a couple beers or drinks, results in him having drinking problem.

I must be an idiot because I forgot that most of y'all are perfect and never mess up.

To be honest, I think most of the poster are envious of Johnny football because of the money. Its one of the reasons why you hate SMU, people say its not but it is. I'm sure no one on this board would get upset if their car got keyed, I mean that just unreasonable.

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Also can someone please explain to me why going to basketball games is such a big deal. Ive gone to multiple games with student athletes and it wasnt a big deal. I've seen/ been with multiple student athletes at bars and even some of them were underage.

Now I wasnt sitting court side, because I buy what I can afford, just like Johnny; He buys court side, I buy lower bowl. When is going out and having a good time with your friends is not ok during Christmas break. It doesnt matter whether youre sitting in the nose bleeds or court side, because it shouldnt effing matter what the guy does in his free time. I dont know whats sadder, people criticize him because he sits court side at some basketball game or people actually wanting to know what he does in his free time.

Just like most of your parents tough you or what youre teaching your kids, sit back and worry about yourself not someone else.

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He is doing all the things that most of us did in college. The difference is that when you throw in celebrity and talent, everything is magnified. The speed of news travels a lot faster and a lot more wide spread then when I went to school. Today we hear about news within seconds as opposed to hours or days when I graduated.

I'm not justifying what Johnny is doing. He can't seem to grasp that with his status comes scrutiny. When I did some of the things he is doing I had to answer to my parents. But I never had anywhere near the talent he has so it never went past my parents.

If Johnny Manziel doesn't to be in the spotlight, he knows how to make it stop - quit football and let his talent and celebrity fade away.

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NCAA investigating if Johnny Took $ in exchange for autographs. Could face suspension

No surprise here...the surprise would be if the NCAA would not have investigated something while Little Johnny Football was still technically in college.

Hey..he's not doing anything that the rest of us did not do in college, right? Don't know about you but I never even thought about selling my autograph? Ha! You think maybe that was because I got no closer to the playing field (in athletics) :-) than the stands!

This kid is heading for trouble and it has as much to do with his family as his talent and associated overblown sense of entitlement.

Edited by KRAM1
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I think that they're using all the wrong tactics to set Mr. Football straight. Parents, coaches, other members of the University community? Come on. He needs a real reality check from someone outside of all that. I think the reason some of us care is because our kids might be looking up to him at some point in the next few years, if they aren't already, and would like to see him be his best when that happens. Maybe somebody who has been in a similar situation, whether they handled it well (and became successful) or poorly (and were never heard from again), would be a better foil to his off-the-field personality.

Let's face it, if you're rebelling against what's going on in your life, a bunch of authority figures (including counselors appointed by them) are the exact opposite of what you need. They're going to make it worse. Give him some decent background on "what happens next" from somebody who's been there. Expecting somebody to stop rebelling against authority because the people who have been or are now running his life said so will only fuel the fire. Show him where things go from this point onward, and challenge him to be better than anybody expects, rather than putting him in front of people that he will automatically tune out.

I know anybody can give the "I've made mistakes and tried to rebel too" speech, but it takes a lot more than that to get somebody like him in line. And hopefully someone with the capability to do so gets it done before he has a major fall.

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According to his attorney Jim Darnell out of El Paso there is an investigation and not surprisingly no one will comment concerning an ongoing investigation. Yes, he says Johnny will play against Rice but what do you expect his attorney to say? He was retained weeks ago which would be before the news story broke about the autograph . This is according to USA Today. He is eligible to play in the NFL after May 2014. He should tell A&M and the NCAA to go to hell and attempt to play on Sundays. Not that I think he could start in the NFL right now but screw it, take the payday. Someone will draft him.

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According to his attorney Jim Darnell out of El Paso there is an investigation and not surprisingly no one will comment concerning an ongoing investigation. Yes, he says Johnny will play against Rice but what do you expect his attorney to say? He was retained weeks ago which would be before the news story broke about the autograph . This is according to USA Today. He is eligible to play in the NFL after May 2014. He should tell A&M and the NCAA to go to hell and attempt to play on Sundays. Not that I think he could start in the NFL right now but screw it, take the payday. Someone will draft him.

His lack of height could hinder an NFL career, but playing in Canada might be an option.

I don't think Johnny Football will miss one game this Fall, though; may be wrong, but I'd be surprised if he gets nothing more than a slap on the hand.

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