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SMU is Dallas' team!


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SMU is clearly a team of the people. They're so loved, so relevant, that just over a month before their game with Texas Tech (a school that has a huge alumni base in Dallas and will likely bring 10-15,000 fans) they are hawking discounted tickets to any city employee who will buy them.

Now I know some will accuse me of being an SMU fan (I'm looking at you 97and03) but I just couldn't pass up the chance to see the ponies get slaughtered by a Big XII team for $25.

An SMU beating, driving to Denton to camp out at Apogee, waking up for a full day of tailgating, then watching us mud hole stomp the potatoes...now that's how you spend a weekend!

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Both of those teams are well-known for what most univerisites in the state are well-knonw for--having front-runner fanbases. Its funny how far Tech has fallen back from its glory days under Leach--couldn't happen to a better bunch, either. As for SMU, well, even as they have improved under June Jones quite dramatically, to most people in Dallas and the rest of Texas, they are always going to be the team that cheated incessantly and then got left behind when the SWC disbanded. Hard to draw crowds in Dallas, TX when you don't really matter anymore...

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Emmitt you need to visit with Dr. Phil about this obsession you have with Smoooo. :zoro:

Tell 'em like it is Emmitt. SMU IS the "Evil Empire". Their history of ridicule of NT means the start of the 2014 series is the first battle of a scorched earth war that Atilla, the Hun, would even cringe at such a first strike capability.

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It's not that I disagree with much of anything that's been said here, it's mostly why say it?

Can you name any 'gracious winners' in the FBS? Me either. Individually I know plenty of good Longhorns, Aggies, Red Raiders, Froggies, 'stangs, Miners, etc. but collectively each doesn't think that their feces is malodorous. There's nothing wrong with taking these idiots down a peg when it is warranted but why must we go through this every few weeks? SMU is never going to be kind to us...nor to any other public university. They might be civil when it's to their advantage. Yet, individually I know plenty who are among the finest people that I've ever met. They are embarrassed at what their administration did and a lot have said so.

So, when some individual comes here or otherwise makes public statements besmirching our beloved Mean Green then by all means jump on him with both feet but why cast aspersions on a lot of good people that don't deserve it. If their administration makes some jackassy statement against us I'll join in and I hope that everyone on this board will do the same.

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It's not that I disagree with much of anything that's been said here, it's mostly why say it?

Can you name any 'gracious winners' in the FBS? Me either. Individually I know plenty of good Longhorns, Aggies, Red Raiders, Froggies, 'stangs, Miners, etc. but collectively each doesn't think that their feces is malodorous. There's nothing wrong with taking these idiots down a peg when it is warranted but why must we go through this every few weeks? SMU is never going to be kind to us...nor to any other public university. They might be civil when it's to their advantage. Yet, individually I know plenty who are among the finest people that I've ever met. They are embarrassed at what their administration did and a lot have said so.

So, when some individual comes here or otherwise makes public statements besmirching our beloved Mean Green then by all means jump on him with both feet but why cast aspersions on a lot of good people that don't deserve it. If their administration makes some jackassy statement against us I'll join in and I hope that everyone on this board will do the same.

Well said.

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Well said.

We all know Grey Eagle is a closet Mustang fan. I say 2014=total warfare with no quarter given. Any NT fan with ANY knowledge of what has taken place between these two schools, knows this series represents much more than football games. I will have an extra club seat for any of these games as my wife will not attend with me as my unadulterated despise of everything on the Hilltop embarrasses her, but after all she is from Baylor.

Edited by DallasGreen
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It's not that I disagree with much of anything that's been said here, it's mostly why say it?

Can you name any 'gracious winners' in the FBS? Me either. Individually I know plenty of good Longhorns, Aggies, Red Raiders, Froggies, 'stangs, Miners, etc. but collectively each doesn't think that their feces is malodorous. There's nothing wrong with taking these idiots down a peg when it is warranted but why must we go through this every few weeks? SMU is never going to be kind to us...nor to any other public university. They might be civil when it's to their advantage. Yet, individually I know plenty who are among the finest people that I've ever met. They are embarrassed at what their administration did and a lot have said so.

So, when some individual comes here or otherwise makes public statements besmirching our beloved Mean Green then by all means jump on him with both feet but why cast aspersions on a lot of good people that don't deserve it. If their administration makes some jackassy statement against us I'll join in and I hope that everyone on this board will do the same.

Agree with this post. I don't think that anyone dislikes SMU much more than me. But I will never pay to see them lose......unless it's a NT/SMU game. I'm kind of like Amon Carter and how he felt about Dallas. He hated them so much that when he did have go over there, he would never stay overnight and he would take his lunch with him so that he would never have to spend a dime out of his own pocket to benefit Dallas.

I'm quite satisfied to read the results in the paper, or see it on the Saturday night sports report. As I'm always fond of saying It's always a great day in sports when SMU & Notre Dame lose.

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It's not that I disagree with much of anything that's been said here, it's mostly why say it?

Can you name any 'gracious winners' in the FBS? Me either. Individually I know plenty of good Longhorns, Aggies, Red Raiders, Froggies, 'stangs, Miners, etc. but collectively each doesn't think that their feces is malodorous. There's nothing wrong with taking these idiots down a peg when it is warranted but why must we go through this every few weeks? SMU is never going to be kind to us...nor to any other public university. They might be civil when it's to their advantage. Yet, individually I know plenty who are among the finest people that I've ever met. They are embarrassed at what their administration did and a lot have said so.

So, when some individual comes here or otherwise makes public statements besmirching our beloved Mean Green then by all means jump on him with both feet but why cast aspersions on a lot of good people that don't deserve it. If their administration makes some jackassy statement against us I'll join in and I hope that everyone on this board will do the same.

As always, GrayEagle, you are right.

Just like Emmitt, I've had my own "near stroke" scenarios because of SMU, but probably most were because I just got miffed with their treatment toward my school and my school's alums yet..............they are like that with other schools besides UNT, just like you have posted. Right now, TCU is not on their "favorites" list.

See you at Apogee Stadium August 31'st, Jack. :thumbsu: I've got seats in upper 205 (?) somewhere near the 40 yard line and plan to buy another season ticket adjacent to it before the season begins. I've go the Mean Green Fever with all this CUSA business; actually never lost it but difference is now that I have a nice benefits check that comes every month to my bank account. :)

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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I fail to see the logic in hating them so much you would spend more than it costs to see a UNT to do so. But hey, it is your buck. Personally, they get my dollar only when UNT is in the house.

Believe me, it is only because they are playing Tech. I would never pay more than $10 to see them play UH. And, trust me, RV and company would charge AT LEAST $25 if Tech were at Apogee.

And I'm a fan of seeing live football any time, any place. That's why I slend 12 hours each year at Cowboy stadium to watch all three state finals. That I get an opportunity to see SMU lose is a bonus.

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Here we go again.....


They become a topic for discussion next season... Right now they are so meh it is hard to get it across effectively on a message board...

It nearly drained all my life force reading another one of these threads...

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If Emmitt really wanted to screw the Ponies, he would buy the tickets from the Texas Tech ticket office.

Surely he knows someone that is a Tech alum.

Couldn't have got em for $25.

North Texas is Denia Park's team!

Actually the analogy is spot on. Denia residents avoid our games the same way Dallas avoids SMU games.

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