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UNT Adds Recruiting Camp

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Of course I'm biased, but these Texas HS kids (and out of staters for that matter) who come out to Apogee and the Mean Green Village cannot be anything but impressed.

We already have a great NCAA FBS transfers network in play, but these Friday Night Lights high school camps will pay nothing

but great dividends as time goes by. We are all in a hurry for success to return to UNT, but we all have to remember that once the Romans had a plan

that their city was not built overnight. We all want something solid that will have staying power; not just a flash in the pan or a one hit wonder. I think this is what Coach Dan McCarney gives us and did from Day One.

:thumbsu: At a wedding I DJ'ed & Emceed last night.................. I spoke to a recently retired west Texas HS football coach (a 4-A HS) and graduate of Texas Tech and he would not stop bragging about what he saw in his own recent tour of Apogee Stadium with him saying............... "yalls entire athletic village of venues (along with the football stadium) is what impressed me the most and their visibility are 2'nd to none."

He added that he had no idea all this was happening in Denton. I think that is the reason for (perhaps) a slow start with these exciting HS football camps program Coach Mac and staff have instituted is because many other Texas high school football coaches are also just now discovering what the retired HS coach from west Texas had only recently just discovered.


And might the "very quick" -1 on this subject just possibly be from one of our usual critic/haters, an ex CUSA'er, new CUSA'er or Big 12 regulars? I know, its easy to become jealous of what is going on at North Texas; hell, if I had attended some of your schools I'd sure as hell be jealous of what I would easily be able to see with my own eyes as far as what is going on in Mean Green Country. A recent Southeast Conference athletic official who toured 'the Village" was equally impressed so go ahead and be be impressed. It's quite OK.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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We could really use some commitments soon.

I say we are gonna start seeing them come in at a faster pace after we beat Idaho. If I were a good recruit I might be wanting to see something in terms of results too.

But the additional camp is certainly a good thing. It will a) show off the facilities some more and b ) keep recruits aware that we are also looking at other good recruits, which should be both encouraging to play with other good players and scary (you don't want to be the one committing to late and beeing left out) and c) get recruits a better feel for what good quality of coaching McCarneys crew will give to them.

And finally it gives the coaches more time to evaluate those recruits they are most interested in, so they can make better choices as to with whom to spend time on on the recruiting trail.

Nothing but positives.

Edited by outoftown
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I agree with you, Plumm. I think that Apogee and the whole area around it, while not one of the largest venues around, (yet) is certainly one of the most impressive. Before we start taking it for granted, we need to always remember what a great game day place it is. I think we will begin to see some very good recruiting seasons beginning next year.

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