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SMU will not win over 5.5 games this season


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Wow froggystyle. Very impressive troll work. You derailed this thread to the point that we're going through your schedule game by game predicting how you guys stack up with teams in a conference that we don't even play in. Take note cougar king.

God you are correct! He got us! I got suckered. Sorry fellow MEAN GREENERS...

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Gotta love the insecurity and inferiority complexes the people of GMG and UNT in general have towards SMU.

On another note, as mediocre as SMU is in football what honestly makes you think that you will beat them when you can barely beat (and in numerous cases, lose) to bottom feeders like FAU and have to play your starters until the end of the 4th quarter against FCS teams.

Before anybody tries to throw crap at us for only winning 7 games in the Big 12, let me remind you that we did it with a freshman qb, went to a bowl game (something that UNT hasn't done in about 10 years and most students were either too young to remember/care or don't even know that UNT has even been to one.) Plus its more wins than UNT has gotten in a long time.

I know you guys are envious that you don't have a guy like Pachall on your team, so before you throw crap at him. We all know that you all would be falling over yourselves if UNT had a guy with his skill set. (We know that won't happen since your coach doesn't recruit very well. ) and at least he shows up to practices, worked hard, actually earning the starting job not expecting it to be handed to him, is a proven winner and isn't going around punching people at parties he has no business being at.

Oh and at least Pachall owned up to his mistakes instead of pointing the finger at others.

You confuse me, Froggy Style, as to why you persist in bothering us with your amphibious obnoxiousness. You have your own school, you know, with a nice rebuilt stadium and an attractive (if somewhat staid) campus. Are things a bit dull over there in Froggy Land for you? Are you looking for a more hip and fun college environment? If so, stop beating around the bush, (or pond} get out of that froggy closet and join us here where things are things are on the move and a fun time is being had by all. You are more than welcome.
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Gotta love the insecurity and inferiority complexes the people of GMG and UNT in general have towards SMU.

On another note, as mediocre as SMU is in football what honestly makes you think that you will beat them when you can barely beat (and in numerous cases, lose) to bottom feeders like FAU and have to play your starters until the end of the 4th quarter against FCS teams.

Before anybody tries to throw crap at us for only winning 7 games in the Big 12, let me remind you that we did it with a freshman qb, went to a bowl game (something that UNT hasn't done in about 10 years and most students were either too young to remember/care or don't even know that UNT has even been to one.) Plus its more wins than UNT has gotten in a long time.

I know you guys are envious that you don't have a guy like Pachall on your team, so before you throw crap at him. We all know that you all would be falling over yourselves if UNT had a guy with his skill set. (We know that won't happen since your coach doesn't recruit very well. ) and at least he shows up to practices, worked hard, actually earning the starting job not expecting it to be handed to him, is a proven winner and isn't going around punching people at parties he has no business being at.

Oh and at least Pachall owned up to his mistakes instead of pointing the finger at others.

Sir, GMG is a drug-free zone so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

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This thread is just awful. Our obsession with SMU is laced with inferiority complex, but I don't know what "inferiority", considering SMU sucks. But it's ridiculous.

Look we play them for like 12 consecutive years starting next season... It's very relevant to me that we keep an eye on what will most likely be out biggest cross town rivalry game for the next decade. I agree that we shouldn't be obsessed but no need to wear blinders either.

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Look we play them start whipping their asses for like 12 consecutive years starting next season... It's very relevant to me that we keep an eye on what will most likely be out biggest cross town rivalry game win every year for the next decade. I agree that we shouldn't be obsessed but no need to wear blinders either. SMU sucks.

There ya go Harry, fixed it for ya.

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Meh.... It is the offseason. Fall camp starts soon.

Who da ho? No, I da ho.

Go mean green. Forget all the rest, unless we are playing them.

Let the trolls troll. The interweb provides them with a way to stir the pot from their mother's basement(even though we don't have basements around here).

In summation, meh.

Thank you and see you at the Apogee.

Go mean green.

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Maybe it's because I work in Fort Worth, but I don't know if I have ever even met an SMU graduate in the nine years I've lived in Texas. I watched the 30 for 30 on the whole football scandal thing, and was shocked at how deep all that went, but other than that, that school, that football team, its supposed legions of rich and powerful alumni, all complete non-entities to me.

Now, TCU? Yeah, I run into those guys alllll the time. Mixed feelings on that joint. They do seem to provide a quality education and produce a quality graduate, but you've got to be born with a platinum spoon up your ass to realistically go to that place.

There are a lot of oblivious kids going straight into $90K jobs at their parents' companies who will never, ever know what it's like to have to choose between cup of noodles or off brand macaroni, because they're too busy packing for Aspen and/or Cancun. Doesn't necessarily make them bad people. Just...a little off in their perception of reality.

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