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To give you a sense of the Defensive Tackle situation


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Read it somewhere years ago from a recruiting guru that top HS DL's most always want to go to the Big Time U's.

North Texas should (if it can) get 1 assistant coach that exclusively recruits JUCO's the year round and

come close to their specific signing day (usually in December?) our asst. coach sits on the front porches of the top JUCO

prospects until they fax in their letters of intent. Been saying this about JUCO's for a long time--probably even 2 or 3 head football coaches ago.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Moore played this year around 260 but he also is more naturally that big. Unfortunately for Boutwell, he's had to be basically force fed to hit the upper 260s. Moore can weigh 270 more naturally which is okay for a 3-technique.

As for who else mans the nose guard position, which is more of a shade technique than a head up nose, I really think LaChris Anyiam is needed more there than at right tackle considering he started his career on defense. Mac moved him to right tackle because he believed that's where he belonged from Day 1. Manu and Trussell graded out pretty well in the spring game and I think they'd pick up the slack just fine at right tackle.

I agree about Anyiam and I believe that applies to Micah Thompson as well. I wonder if Thompson gets a lot of playing time playing behind Cyril Lemon but he could get plenty in the defensive tackle rotation.

I'd feel a lot more comfortable if we had four 300 pounders at DT when conference play rolls around (Abbe, Anyiam, Thompson and Wallace).

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It is odd, Harry, that we hire one of the best Defensive Coordinators in the country and our defensive front continues to remain our weak spot. I'm optimistic though that things will fall into place.

I don't know which coach you're talking about Coach Mac or Coach Skladnay, but I totally agree with your point. We have, as a head coach, one of the most recognized coaches of DL's in the country and that position is (and has been) the subject of most concern since he arrived.

From my observations of this spring's practices, we looked fine at DT....as long as we didn't get any injuries this fall.

If Abbe comes back, then Wallace will be a great player to rotate in for him during the game. FWIW, I really like how Wallace looked this spring. But in spite of how tough and hard playing Boutwell is, he is going to, (once again), take a beating unless he gets a lot of help. SO, unless all the other small(ish) defensive lineman previously discussed in this threat are the second coming of Rayford Cooks, Ronnie Hickman, Mike Davis and Rex Johnson (all four all-americans in 1-aa and all four 240lbs or less) we are going to really struggle in the defensive line this fall.

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I don't know which coach you're talking about Coach Mac or Coach Skladnay, but I totally agree with your point. We have, as a head coach, one of the most recognized coaches of DL's in the country and that position is (and has been) the subject of most concern since he arrived.

From my observations of this spring's practices, we looked fine at DT....as long as we didn't get any injuries this fall.

If Abbe comes back, then Wallace will be a great player to rotate in for him during the game. FWIW, I really like how Wallace looked this spring. But in spite of how tough and hard playing Boutwell is, he is going to, (once again), take a beating unless he gets a lot of help. SO, unless all the other small(ish) defensive lineman previously discussed in this threat are the second coming of Rayford Cooks, Ronnie Hickman, Mike Davis and Rex Johnson (all four all-americans in 1-aa and all four 240lbs or less) we are going to really struggle in the defensive line this fall.

I'd be a little surprised if Abbe were not able to come back. Jeez, he did't commit armed robbery with a Fast N' Furious type of gun or something. And no, we should give no passes to any of our players breaking the law ever, but some out there can use a 2'nd chance to clean up their act. Now multiple offenders a different story. A truly penitent apology to the coaching staff and maybe even the team with any of these situations can go a long ways to show their true sincerity i would think.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Look, they can in no way kick Abbe off the squad. As bad as the situation is, that makes it even worse.

This is one of those times where you look at ethics versus what gives us at least a chance of competing. If he keeps his nose clean through the summer, let him stay.

Now...multiply that by 1,000 and you have the type of pressure the coaches at Texas, Michigan, USC, OU, Bama, etc. have in these situations.

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He apparently has a book on the 4-3 and the 4-2-5 (is this just a nickel package?).

4-2-5 is essentially a DC's response to the spread, and it's something that TCU has been running really well for a while.

yes, it's a nickel, but a nickel where the 5th DB is a LB/DB hybrid player, not so much a CB

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I don't know which coach you're talking about Coach Mac or Coach Skladnay, but I totally agree with your point. We have, as a head coach, one of the most recognized coaches of DL's in the country and that position is (and has been) the subject of most concern since he arrived.

From my observations of this spring's practices, we looked fine at DT....as long as we didn't get any injuries this fall.

If Abbe comes back, then Wallace will be a great player to rotate in for him during the game. FWIW, I really like how Wallace looked this spring. But in spite of how tough and hard playing Boutwell is, he is going to, (once again), take a beating unless he gets a lot of help. SO, unless all the other small(ish) defensive lineman previously discussed in this threat are the second coming of Rayford Cooks, Ronnie Hickman, Mike Davis and Rex Johnson (all four all-americans in 1-aa and all four 240lbs or less) we are going to really struggle in the defensive line this fall.

We all need to go ahead and say this: It's not that the players aren't talented; it's that they are human.

By the tail end of the season, week after week of giving up that much weight to the guys you are battling wears the guys out. It think it was Charles Browns' dad who eluded to that after Dodge moved his son from TE to DT. He played on there at 250-260 and it took a toll on his body.

It's not just having bodies. It's having bodies built for that position and depth as well. There's no question these guys might have good motors. But, the guys across from them have motors as well.

And, we can speak of Booger Kennedy lack of height...but, he didn't have lack of bulk/weight. Besides that, you are talking the exception rather than the rule with Booger. You can't expect every undersized DT to do what he did. And, you surely can't have it be the modus operendi year in and year out on an FBS defensive line.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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