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I guess you are not familiar with NT basketball program. As far as football: NT has a lot of candidates on that basis too: Todd Dodge, Bob Tyler, etc.

I was sticking with the FB program since we're on the FB board.

I have no clue who Bob Tyler is but Todd Dodge never posted a win-less season. To my knowledge, the Athletic Department has never been into a position to give up a home game to a big-time program like Nebraska just to get rid of a coach. I can't think of a worse situation than that.


You mean you were serious? Sorry, but you don't see the absurdity and the irony?

Let me summarize. We can't even fill up a brand new state-of-the-art football stadium with a student population (right across the street) of approximately 36K and an alumni base that is minimally guesstimated to be 100K that lives just 30 miles from this aforementioned state-of-the-art facility. And one of our own makes grandiose declarations about what is big time and what is not?

BTW, I don't watch Bill O'Reily, so I know nothing about his word of the day routine. My vocabulary (such as it is) comes from my North Texas education, living with a fantastic woman who was "who's who" in Journalism in college and who loves the spoken (and written) word as much as she loves me, AND having a 33 year career training volunteers and dealing with state office bureaucrats and Lawyers.

Again, thanks for the early morning guffaw.

Oh, so since I went to UNT for my undergrad and played against "big time" colleges while at UNT I am oblivious from recognizing the difference? What part of we suck don't you get? What part of we aren't "big time" don't you get? Your condescending behavior followed by summary of how we suck is what is absurd. I agree, we suck.

Additionally, my statement was concerning the big elite schools with actual championships, unlike the school that always behaves elite and falls short of being in that club due to lack of actual titles. I guess in all your many years you never learned people are entitled to opinions, regardless who or where they from. Kind of absurd to me. Have a great day.


Big time is winning national championships... Everything else is a sideshow.

Disagree. A & M has filled their stadium during the good years and the bad. The aggies have found it necessary to increase the capacity of Kyle field since forever because of the demand. Traditions, as Silver Eagle has pointed out, is one reason for the demand. And those darn aggies have traditions, don't they?


Disagree. A & M has filled their stadium during the good years and the bad. The aggies have found it necessary to increase the capacity of Kyle field since forever because of the demand. Traditions, as Silver Eagle has pointed out, is one reason for the demand. And those darn aggies have traditions, don't they?

I think that this is a chicken or egg example. Did they start winning, thus getting people to games and indoctrinating them with tradition and keeping them coming while developing a culture of attendance? Or did the traditions bring them and the winning came second? I would guess that the winning came first, some time ago, and the tradition and culture of showing up to games was built up on that base.


We are not the best program in the country here nor are we the worst. Are we ever going to win national titles in football or basketball most likely not, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be relevant in the big picture. Everyone on this board wants UNT to succeed and we all have our different dreams and visions on what that success looks like. Some guys want championships and BCS titles others want to just win and go to bowl games. Until we win consistently we are going to get trashed by everyone else. We will always be the step child until we prove otherwise.

Programs like Boise and TCU have shown that you can grow into something big, with the right coach and talent. Who knows if we have those things in place to start something good.

Why should a booster from another school show respect to us when we have done nothing to earn that respect other than build a facility? Until we start hanging up some banners for conference champs and putting bowl trophies in our trophy case we will not have the respect of any other program in the country. We don’t even have the respect of our own fan and student base.

  • Upvote 3

Do you think he is referencing RV?

Doesn't the AD set the tone for the school's regional/national interest, participation and pride of the alumni?

After 2 buyouts & what is being said here about the men's coaching, do you even need to have another hire from our ad office. In fact, talk routinly comes up about his office based personnel that he hires. What was said was that" the good ones tend to leave". I'm not thinking that helps our fan base much generally speaking.

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Posted (edited)

Disagree. A & M has filled their stadium during the good years and the bad. The aggies have found it necessary to increase the capacity of Kyle field since forever because of the demand. Traditions, as Silver Eagle has pointed out, is one reason for the demand. And those darn aggies have traditions, don't they?

In deed they do have that tradition, DG.

My first ever game at Kyle Field was when they still had a track inside it, DKR was coaching for UT and it was Gene Stallings last game as aTm coach (since he had been fired).


I remember how funny it looked that day to see Ags putting folding chairs near their track to accomodate their sellout which back then would have been about 45,000 or so. Then someone apparently pulled TAMU officials aside back in the early 70's and told them they were 1 of 2 elite Texas-based schools that could use PUF (permanent university fund) monies because it seems they never really did ...............but then first thing I recall was just how quickly Rudder Tower would soon be built. And then the rest of the 70's TAMU took off with enrollment and new facilities like a skyrocket and it hasn't stopped since. UNT's growth will continue in a similar way but we just have to get those on campus who can capture the imaginations of all our new faces, new students and new alums...........I think we all hope that and I think most on this forum don't really care who gets the job done at UNT as long as the damn job gets done.

USM has no where to go but Ha.ttiesburgh, MS. and to their old and new CUSA opponents football stadiums in the Fall. This Carlisle guy would probably like to back step what he said but he and their new prez' now are just probably just singing to the USM choir just to shut them up and make them think.........."the future is bright!" Seems we have the last few decades had a few choral anthems sung to us from many of our past presidents, BOR's and AD's. too. :) And we fell for most of theirs hook, line and sinker, too! LOL! (Hey! Just sue us all for wanting good things to happen for our school and for our Mean Green athletlcs program, too).

For Southern Miss, even any future move to the AAC by the time they might do such would probably merely be considered a lateral move by that time because i see some winning cycles coming back to some and others will soon start their losing cycles and that happening at schools in both CUSA and the AAC for that matter. BTW....North Texas will be one of those schools whose winning cycle returns.


Edited by PlummMeanGreen
  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)

I think that this is a chicken or egg example. Did they start winning, thus getting people to games and indoctrinating them with tradition and keeping them coming while developing a culture of attendance? Or did the traditions bring them and the winning came second? I would guess that the winning came first, some time ago, and the tradition and culture of showing up to games was built up on that base.

They had traditions long before I first noticed them in the 60's. But when I first noticed them they were the butt of everyone's jokes. In fact making fun of them became so popular that one of the first aggie joke books came out around that time. They didn't start winning until the late 60's when Gene Stallings was their coach. But before that most non-aggies believed that THEY SUCKED. And yet, even during those football losing years, which included the counter-culture years, they had a large fiercely loyal fan base. Want to get a fight going during those days (60's), tell an Aggie joke in front of a Aggie or group of Aggies.

So my take on the chicken and egg discussion regarding the Aggies is that the traditions came first, and then the winning. And when the winning started, they really took off. But it was the traditions that attracted people to the school....even during the tumultuous counter-culture hippie days.

Edited by SilverEagle
  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)

They had traditions long before I first noticed them in the 60's. But when I first noticed them they were the butt of everyone's jokes. In fact making fun of them became so popular that one of the first aggie joke books came out around that time. They didn't start winning until the late 60's when Gene Stallings was their coach. But before that most non-aggies believed that THEY SUCKED. And yet, even during those football losing years, which included the counter-culture years, they had a large fiercely loyal fan base. Want to get a fight going during those days (60's), tell an Aggie joke in front of a Aggie or group of Aggies.

So my take on the chicken and egg discussion regarding the Aggies is that the traditions came first, and then the winning. And when the winning started, they really took off. But it was the traditions that attracted people to the school....even during the tumultuous counter-culture hippie days.

So you are saying that the 3 national championships and 9 conference championships they won prior to 1960 had no impact here? And the Bear Bryant three consecutive top fifteen finishes in 55-57 were not part of this either? I think they had plenty of history of winning to allow their tradition to pull them through the tough times.

Edited by forevereagle
  • Upvote 2

So you are saying that the 3 national championships and 9 conference championships they won prior to 1960 had no impact here?

Three? The only national championship in football I ever heard about was 1939.....and that was years later that I heard about it. The people that were loyal Aggie fans might have mentioned the 1956 team coached by Bear Bryant. But they would have had to explain why,if their program was so great, did Bear Bryant leave?

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Three? The only national championship in football I ever heard about was 1939.....and that was years later that I heard about it. The people that were loyal Aggie fans might have mentioned the 1956 team coached by Bear Bryant. But they would have had to explain why,if their program was so great, did Bear Bryant leave?

Their site mentions three national championships, 1939 being the last.

For the loyal fans mentioning Bryant, it would still be relevant at the time and recent winning history. As far as why he left, who knows why, but you could ask Florida the same question about Meyer today.

Edited by forevereagle
  • Upvote 1

Their site mentions three national championships, 1939 being the last.

For the loyal fans mentioning Bryant, it would still be relevant at the time and recent winning history. As far as why he left, who knows why, but you could ask Florida the same question about Meyer today.

In the 50's-60's, coaches didn't move around like they do now. So, A&M must have been a stepping stone for the Bear.

  • Upvote 1

That might be his opinion, but why would you piss on your new conference in public when the one you admire left you out to dry? Just doesn't make sense.

Good point, Harry. There is,of course, Mississippi and even Miss. State, but SOUTHERN Mississippi? When did they become accredited?
  • Upvote 1

Te preceding post by me somehow ended up in the wrong place. Sorry about that.

Good point, Harry. There is,of course, Mississippi and even Miss. State, but SOUTHERN Mississippi? When did they become accredited?

The preceding post by me somehow ended up in the wrong place. Sorry about that.
  • Upvote 1

Southern Miss is really screwed for its future. They have absolutely no media market for any decent conference up the chain to take them. They have a great history of being a giant killer, but they are smack dab in the middle of SEC country. The AAC would be a nice step up for them, but that won't happen, since TV markets AND winning are the drivers for conference affiliation. I don't blame the USM President for being butt hurt, but there is nothing that is going to change there.

They are stuck in CUSA. Teams like FAU or FIU, as well as UTSA, UNT, or even MUTS have a better chance of moving upward on the conference foodchain than USM, which is saying something since I don't think any of those teams are going to be moving anywhere anytime soon. Southern Miss just has to accept it.

  • Upvote 1

In the 50's-60's, coaches didn't move around like they do now. So, A&M must have been a stepping stone for the Bear.

Back when Bear Bryant was at TAMU he once said Baylor could be the best college football coach's job in Texas because of all the Baptist in the Bible Belt's largest populated state.

The part of all this he seemed to not be aware is how Baptist are known (even humorously at times) for their theological in-fighting amongst themselves and thereby many times one group splitting from said church to establish yet another Baptist church in Texas. Not exactly the unity Bear Bryant had in mind when he made his statement about the Baylor job back in the 1950's.


Doesn't the AD set the tone for the school's regional/national interest, participation and pride of the alumni?

After 2 buyouts & what is being said here about the men's coaching, do you even need to have another hire from our ad office. In fact, talk routinly comes up about his office based personnel that he hires. What was said was that" the good ones tend to leave". I'm not thinking that helps our fan base much generally speaking.

Winning doesn't matter at UNT. Scheduling big money games that help pay for athletics does.

How else would one explain the recent 9-0 vote by the BOR to extend RV's contract? They simply don't care about wins and losses.

And don't interpret this as a "fire RV" post, because it isn't. But you also don't extend a guy after 3 straight failures in money sports hires with a 4th major sports hire facing a era defining year with questionable talent to make the required turn around.

But that's what we do so well at UNT, except mediocrity... Or losing.

  • Upvote 3
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Posted (edited)

In the 50's-60's, coaches didn't move around like they do now. So, A&M must have been a stepping stone for the Bear.

My money would be put on Bryant wanting to return to where he played college ball. With your alma mater calling, A&M could have been 10 time national champions, offered a 2012 salary and I don't think The Bear would have hesitated to leave.

EDIT: looks like he considered it his second home (he's from Arkansas)

Bryant took over the Alabama football team in 1958. When asked why he came to Alabama, he replied "Momma called. And when Momma calls, you just have to come runnin'."


Edited by greenminer
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Three? The only national championship in football I ever heard about was 1939.....and that was years later that I heard about it. The people that were loyal Aggie fans might have mentioned the 1956 team coached by Bear Bryant. But they would have had to explain why,if their program was so great, did Bear Bryant leave?

I thought Bear Bryant was forced out--the A&M program was under sanction when he left, IIRC.


Winning doesn't matter at UNT. Scheduling big money games that help pay for athletics does.

How else would one explain the recent 9-0 vote by the BOR to extend RV's contract? They simply don't care about wins and losses.

And don't interpret this as a "fire RV" post, because it isn't. But you also don't extend a guy after 3 straight failures in money sports hires with a 4th major sports hire facing a era defining year with questionable talent to make the required turn around.

But that's what we do so well at UNT, except mediocrity... Or losing.

I wish we did except it.

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