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I am just disgusted that someone would assasinate the character of a player like that by claiming he did not give 100% during the season. Oh, wait...nm

You should be. Some of the comments on here during the season in an attempt to blame TM and some of the other players were downright shameful. All in an atttempt to justify supporting a coach who was in WAY over his head.

I'll be interested to see the excuses this year.

< 10 wins.

  • Downvote 2
Posted (edited)

When I bring this up, more than anything I'm referring to him running the court. It's the easiest to see and takes the least amount of effort. I would say he was easily the most athletic player on the court every game he's played for us, so there aren't many reasons or at least not many good reasons for him to get beat down the court by his guy as much as he did. As I've said before, this is also the easiest to correct, so this can and hopefully will be fixed on his part.

I totally agree with you cmj rarely does anyone give 100% all the time, but I would say most in the nba do and that's why they're there.

That being said tony will move up the board because of the insane athletic ability that didn't get used to its potential here. The level of success and the length of his career in the association will depend on this "motor" question that is brought up not just by people on this board, but by the guys at the combine too. Including Fran who is local and knows tony and his game better than the others on that panel, who calls him "high risk, high reward".

I'm wanting tony to skyrocket to a lottery pick and be named to multiple all-star games, but I'm not willing to bet the house on it or even the Mavs first round pick.


What will determine Tony's success in the NBA won't be hustle, as he will no longer be frustrated by inferior coaching. What will determine his success is if he can develop a better, I would even say different, outside shot and some back to the basket moves. NBA shooting coaches will completely re-work his outside shot (something that should have been done here) and it will take at least a year for TM to get used to the much quicker release. Of course, TM won't have 3 guys collapsing on him in the NBA, but he will have far more talented guys covering him one on one.

What TM should be able to give a team immediately is defense, rebounding, and a presence in the paint. He can'e rely on his shot blocking on defense as much as he could in college, because everyone in the NBA is super athletic. He will need to spread is feet and play heads up, hard nosed defense.

Depending on where he goes, I see him playing about 15-20 minutes a game, averaging 6-8 points, 5 boards, and 1 block a game his first year. I think you see these numbers steadily increase with each year in the league. The sky is literally the limit for TM.

Edited by UNT90
  • Upvote 1

What will determine Tony's success in the NBA won't be hustle, as he will no longer be frustrated by inferior coaching. What will determine his success is if he can develop a better, I would even say different, outside shot and some back to the basket moves. NBA shooting coaches will completely re-work his outside shot (something that should have been done here) and it will take at least a year for TM to get used to the much quicker release. Of course, TM won't have 3 guys collapsing on him in the NBA, but he will have far more talented guys covering him one on one.

What TM should be able to give a team immediately is defense, rebounding, and a presence in the paint. He can'e rely on his shot blocking on defense as much as he could in college, because everyone in the NBA is super athletic. He will need to spread is feet and play heads up, hard nosed defense.

Depending on where he goes, I see him playing about 15-20 minutes a game, averaging 6-8 points, 5 boards, and 1 block a game his first year. I think you see these numbers steadily increase with each year in the league. The sky is literally the limit for TM.

I agree with everything, but that first sentence. Although I don't think he'll ever average more than 10 in the nba he does need that to help his chances of sticking around.

I went back and found this report on tony after his first year, under Jones a coach who we all agree was not inferior when it came to coaching. Hope it works, I'm using the iPad and am not very proficient at it.

I see the usual comments about athletic ability, etc... but also quite a few regarding poor decision making, lazy, no go-to move, etc... Seems pretty accurate to me.



I agree with everything, but that first sentence. Although I don't think he'll ever average more than 10 in the nba he does need that to help his chances of sticking around.

I went back and found this report on tony after his first year, under Jones a coach who we all agree was not inferior when it came to coaching. Hope it works, I'm using the iPad and am not very proficient at it.

It talks about it at 6:00 in.

Posted (edited)

Tony Mitchell, great athlete, huge upside, no heart, no motor, no character. Mailed in a season! Would not want him on my team.

Edited by irish01
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I'm not saying I think Mitchell is gonna be an all-pro on the NBA, but only having nine posts, and defending Benford in many of them (while calling those out who question him as morons), is not exactly a voice of reason when it comes to NT basketball..

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Tony Mitchell, great athlete, huge upside, no heart, no motor, no character. Mailed in a season! Would not want him on my team.



You're wrong!

I'm surprised Andrew has a new handle

I laugh at you because you have no Clue.

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I hope Mitchell does great, becomes all pro,an all star every season but to admit that you didn't give your best to your school, your coach, your teammates, and most importantely yourself is way beyond unacceptable. Now, 9 posts or 9000 posts has nothing to do with the topic nor my view of what was said in the interview. Tony Benford has coached 3 1st round draft picks over the last 3 years and was a 2nd round pick himself, so from my way of thinking that makes him far more credible than me or anyone else who posts on this board. If Coach Benford is not successful at UNT during the life of his contract then find another coach. My guess is that he will be successful. Only time will tell. Have a great day.

  • Upvote 5
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Posted (edited)

I hope Mitchell does great, becomes all pro,an all star every season but to admit that you didn't give your best to your school, your coach, your teammates, and most importantely yourself is way beyond unacceptable. Now, 9 posts or 9000 posts has nothing to do with the topic nor my view of what was said in the interview. Tony Benford has coached 3 1st round draft picks over the last 3 years and was a 2nd round pick himself, so from my way of thinking that makes him far more credible than me or anyone else who posts on this board. If Coach Benford is not successful at UNT during the life of his contract then find another coach. My guess is that he will be successful. Only time will tell. Have a great day.

Ever heard of Isaiah Thomas?

Benford will suffer a similar Fate with a similar record.

But we will keep him longer than FIU kept Thonas.

You know, cause we poor.

Edited by UNT90
  • Upvote 3

I was also saying basically no athlete gives 100% all the time. Just about any great player in any sport takes a play off here and there. I've seen Lebron James look lackadasical before on defense -- doesn't mean I wouldn't want him on my team.


I posted something similar in another thread, but I will repeat. The reason that people question his heart and hustle is because it is questionable. This isn't internet trolling my Benford apologists, it is a stated concern by scouts.

In the interview in question here, TM himselfs said that the thing that most want to find out is effort, will he give it his all every possession. That means there are questions about that.

I understand that Benford sucks. I am 100% in agreement. I just don't buy the argument that it is ok for scholarship players to slck off because the team is struggling. CMJ, I slack off at work sometimes, to answer your question. But there aren't scouts watching me, a shot at millions of dollars, or thousands in the stands that paid to come see me at my job either. Double standard? Yes, it is sports and I am a sports fan. In an earlier post, you said you didn't want to apologize for TM, but the situation made it tougher to give his all (paraphrasing). But that is apologizing for him 100%.

As much as I am angry at Benford for running this team into the ground, I am sorry, but I want my superstars to bust their asses no matter if things are going great of they are winless. Maybe because I am a life-long Rangers fan or 15 year MG fan?

Every player on the team last year slacked off. That is my point. Yes, the scouts are concerned because TM is the only UNT player considered to be a 1st round pick (and probable will be for the next 10 years... Thanks, Benford).

Of course they are going to ask the question. The answer is found in your head coach, not in Mitchell.


Your right, I am on a crusade, a crusade to not let Benford destroy this basketball program piece by piece. A crusade to get rid of bad coaches, even if (gasp!!!!) you have to pay out 2 to 3 or even 4 years of a terrible contract.

I'm on a crusade to point out how little this school's admiinistration really cares about athletics.

Care to join me?

No way...I'd probably join you on several, but not this one. You are just so dug in on this one that you have lost all rationality on the whole thing. So, talk to me about something else...I could easily see being with you, but on this you know who you have on the crusade. I'd be very careful and check carefully who might be in the foxhole with you if the times get tough.

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TM must shoulder the responsibility. If he were to be a lottery pick, is he going to a winning team. What level of effort is he going to put out. Responsibility is being judged on the quality of your own work. TM admits the scouts are questioning him not his coaches. Maybe, if he goes all out, the other players give max effort, and some of those L' s become W's.

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I agree. It happens a lot. Look at the OKC Thunder in the playoffs after the Westbrook injury. They were a team that was a lock for the finals that suddenly lost it's balls and it's confidence. They were walking around like sad puppy dogs. Just like us after the Walton injury (kidding).

When you lose to a D2 team in the 2nd game, I can see how that would set the tone for the rest of the season.

Or, it could have served as a motivating force. Adversity often brings out the true measure of a man it is said. To even think that such a loss in the second game of the season would have a negative impact on the psychological make up of this team is actually saying that the team had no character....I am not buying that for even one second because if true it would/should be truly embarrassing for anyone associated with UNT athletics. No way......

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I don't get why this is such a complicated issue. Anyone who doesn't think Benford is a terrible coach isn't rational. But anyone who thinks Tony Mitchell isn't to blame for Tony Mitchell's effort, or lack thereof, isn't rational either.

I don't care how terrible a season is going. I don't care how much the rest of your team sucks, how much your coach sucks, how much your life sucks. The only one controlling a person's effort is that person, nothing and no one else dictates that.

I'm incredibly disappointed that Tony mailed in this season to some extent. He should have enough respect for himself as a talented basketball player who had the potential to go top 10, maybe even top 5, and enough respect for his teammates and university, to give it his all this season. I'm not disagreeing with the fact that everyone takes a play off every now and then to catch their breath or whatever, that's human. But when it becomes noticeable, like it has here, there is definitely an issue.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I may be 20 years old, but I'm not an idiot and I'm not naive. Giving anything but your best at whatever it is you do is to do a disservice to yourself and to those around you. Tony did a disservice to himself as his stock is lower and he has to deal with VERY avoidable questions being asked to him at this point. He did a disservice to his teammates by being a lazy excuse of a leader. And he did a disservice to his university by not respecting it enough to represent it to the best of his ability.

This all seems negative and hateful. It isn't. I lived in the same dorm as Tony this year. He's a good guy, a kind-hearted and humble person. I wish him nothing but the best in the NBA and will absolutely be rooting for him going forward. But, I am absolutely disappointed with his lack of effort this season. He had the talent to overcome any bad coaching situation, but he let the bad start of the season and iffy coaching decisions get the best of him when it should have only motivated him to try even harder.

  • Upvote 4

Unt 90 we are not poor. In 30 days we raised 3 million for basketball. Fire benford crusade fine.... But we are not poor. You need to quit with the we are poor crusade, because it is just not true.

When I say we are poor, it is sarcasm. I know we aren't, but not being able to afford the buyout is the excuse many on here make for not firing coaches.

You are absolutely right. 3 million in 30 days indicates exactly what our donors can do when properly motivated.

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No way...I'd probably join you on several, but not this one. You are just so dug in on this one that you have lost all rationality on the whole thing. So, talk to me about something else...I could easily see being with you, but on this you know who you have on the crusade. I'd be very careful and check carefully who might be in the foxhole with you if the times get tough.

You know, every once in a while you make one of these "you're either for us or against us" posts and I almost piss myself in laughter. It's like when you came back from hearing RV speak and you conveyed his "we know who is with us and who isn't" line. It's not just comical, it's insulting. What are you gonna do to those of us in the "fox hole"? You gonna beat us up? Hang us in cages in the town square? Revoke our season tickets? Or, are you gonna simply continue to brow beat us from your assumed position of moral superiority...cause I gotta tell ya it's got me hiding in attics Anne Frank style. No, really, it does...promise.

Let me make this as simple and plain as possible. Those who are "with you" are those who buy season tickets, are in the MGC and, in UNT90's case, actually have club seats. Those who are "against" you are the thosands upon thousands who don't give a rat's ass that RV greets you with the secret handshake because they wrote off being associated with their alma mater the second they graduated.

But hey, let's continue trying to make veiled threats at the few who make up the fan base numbers so small that they're guarded like nuclear launch codes. That's been ever so effective.

Now I gotta go get out of these soiled shorts.

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You know, there was a time I cared about what you had to say. No longer. You seem to really stalk my posts. Just employ the ignore button. We'll both be much happier, and you can stop being such a mouthpiece for others.

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Let me make this as simple and plain as possible. Those who are "with you" are those who buy season tickets, are in the MGC and, in UNT90's case, actually have club seats.

Read my posts much?

Apparently not.

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Posted (edited)

So you don't have club seats? Sorry to give credit where it wasn't due.

Apparently you missed the whole part about me agreeing with you.

Or maybe you don't read your own posts?

Edited by UNT90
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