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Off season topic: Who are you?


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Where do you live/family: Carrollton TX, Wife of 1 year and 2 big yellow dogs

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: graduated 2006 Hospitality Management with business minor

Favorite NT Memory: Too many to list, not appropriate most of them, but Living on Hickory street less than half a mile from Fry in a really old house with my three best friends for three years, don't think it will ever get much beter than that.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Tearing down the goalpost after rushing the field early in my college career. It was a great day when we clinched the conference title and carrying the goalposts around the field, then to the admin building to light the tower and then on the Fry... That was an amazing night.

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Where do you live/family: Upstate Hudson Valley, New York (Albany area) for past 30 years; girlfriend; daughter/granddaughter.

Degree/Year Attended/Graduated UNT: MA, 1975, but attended then-NTSU 1964-69 before flunking out, getting drafted; returned to NTSU to get MA because I wanted a degree from my beloved NTSU.

Favorite NT Memory: hanging out for long hours in the old Journalism Bldg, working on the Chat, being taught by Pop Shuford and many other greats (and if memory serves me right, I think one of my instructors was good ol' Fred Graham).

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Impossible to limit it to one -- I started attending Fouts Field/Men's Gym games in 1960, as a ninth-grader, and have memories of those years that will be with me forever -- especially in Men's Gym, seeing the great John Savage and Willie Davis and Lee Winfield and Creston Whitaker and Joe Hamilton . . . playing in the best BB conf of the time, the old MVC. Possible best of all memories: hanging around Odus Mitchell, as a young sportswriter for the DR-C. He was gracious to me, encouraging, made me feel like a professional, although I was really a glorified amateur. I always stood a little taller when I was around him.

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JesseMartin,this was a different time.Denton was still segregated,women could only stay out until 10:50 every night except Saturday,which was till 1:00,and we had no rights as a student. If you were a man and didn't like it, there was always the draft and Viet Nam.


---Guess you know why the odd time was 10:50 ...It was a trade off.... had been 11:00... but the girls gave up ten minutes every week night for one more hour ( from 12:00 to 1:00 ) on Saturday. Also remember women must wear skirts on campus until 4;00, then pants were permitted. I never wore levis to class unless weather was very bad.. .no one did...we dressed very urban even those of us from west Texas. Kids today have no ideas about the draft.. I was "draft bait" for 6 years and finally took a physical.. somehow I failed but so did everyone else that was 24 or 25 that day... Every 19-20 year old passed... Welcome to Nam. I got the feeling they didn't want us contrary older guys... easier to boss an 19 year old around.


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Where do you live/family:

Denton, TX married, 2 kids

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2007 BS Economics

Favorite NT Memory:

Professor asking the class who all was going to the New Orleans Bowl and I was the only in class that raised a hand.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: New Orleans Bowl win over the Bearcats.

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Possible best of all memories: hanging around Odus Mitchell, as a young sportswriter for the DR-C. He was gracious to me, encouraging, made me feel like a professional, although I was really a glorified amateur. I always stood a little taller when I was around him.

I grew up with his grandkids and my Dad used to play golf with Coach Mitchell at the old golf course where Apogee now stands. He drove around in his own golf cart. It was blue and had, what we called, dingleberry fringe around the roof. He made me feel that way as a kid. He was a great man and I am happy he was chosen the Coach of All-Century Team. Wish they would name the field after him.

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Where do you live/family: Argyle, wife and kids

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: BS/MS Accounting and IS/1992,1994

Favorite NT Memory: Many, various memories at KA events; State Club

Favorite NT Sports Memory: N.O Bowl win over Cincy, Beating Baylor at home, NMSU win for Sunbelt Championship, Being at Jamario's break out game at Colorado- we lost but he was amazing.

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Where do you live/family:Fort Worth W/ wife (a TWU grad) of 37 years, one son and two grandkids (3 & 18mo)

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: BS Sec. Ed 1975

Favorite NT Memory: Many, while in the HS band, we were always invited to the homecoming. For an adolescent, this was a very fun and festive event. Watching the North Texas marching band perform, both on the field and in the stands, was awesome Then, over the years that my HS band attended HC, I was treated to seeing various future pro players play.....for free. As a commuter, I would meet with my commuter buddies at Marquis Hall cafeteria for lunch, and sometimes we would go over to the Student Union to listen to the 2 O'clock lab band perform.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: As mentioned above, I got to see at least three future pros play while attending Homecoming games After that, memorable games were all of the SMU games during the Hayden Fry era, the NT/ UTA game at Texas stadium where Bernard Jackson set the (then) single game rushing record, and the 28-0 win at Texas stadium over Houston.....who went on and won the SWC championship the next year. First N.O Bowl (just to be part of the history) and the beat down we gave Baylor. But two of the most memorable were losses. The 1982 NT/Tulsa game at the end of the year where a 9-1 Tulsa came to town looking for a bowl bid and a beat-down and beat-up NT team showed up with their "I didn't come here to lose" shirts on. Rusty Hill and Marvin Walker were the only weapons and they put on a show. Hill was 61/42 and 22 of those receptions went to Marvin Walker. The other great game was Daniel Meager and Casey Fitzgerald against SMU.

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Where do you live/family: Just south of Austin, wife, 1 son and another son due July 5

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: BA Economics 2007

Favorite NT Memory: Playing Rec Softball with the Rabid Squirrels and winning the league championship for whatever the lowest level was (I think it was like C but don't remember)

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Woody Wilson's long touchdown run that put us up 14-6 on SMUt.

Edited by Cr1028
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Where do you live/family: Denton; married for 18 years, 2 sons. That's them with Coach Mac in my new profile pic.

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: Hope to finish my master's in criminal justice in December of this year. We'll see how quickly I can finish this thesis.

Favorite NT Memory: Tailgating. We open up the tailgate in the morning and shut it down after the game's over, win or lose. The boys love it too- tossing around the football with pals, eating barbecue, cleaning up on free t-shirts and backsacks and cups and all the other free stuff UNT groups give out at tailgates, standing 6 feet from Coach Mac and the team when they march into the stadium- what kid wouldn't love the atmosphere?

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Hmmm. I don't have as many to draw from as some of you folks. I had a great time at the ULL victory last season. The inaugural tailgate and game at Apogee ranks up there, of course. Just about every basketball game at the Super Pit. (O-du-fa-WHO? O-du-fa-WAAAA!)

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Where do you live/family: I live in Denton with my wife that graduated from UNT and our baby that should be born around August 5th.

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: I went to UNT off and on for 8 years. Then got in trouble and graduated else where. I was too busy working on Fry Street and drinking to care about school when I was young. Finished my a Masters in Liberal Arts from TCU in December 2012. I am going to go back to UNT this summer to get a graduate certificate in Hospitality Management. That way I got something, other than good memories out of UNT.

Favorite NT Memory: Playing in a flag football tournament at Baylor representing UNT and wrecking shop! That is until the flag football team from Arkansas, with fake Jeff Garcia kicked our butts.It was pretty cool meeting my wonderful wife as well.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: The 2002 New Orleans bowl when UNT beat Cincinnati. That and going to a game that season with my dad and watching him get every cheer wrong. Also, he clapped off rhythm the entire time. Great times!

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Where do you live/family: Northeast Arkansas/Ozarks. I have 3 children with my wife of 12 years.

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1998 BM Music Education

Favorite NT Memory: They're not my favorite anymore, I've repented.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Tough call. The comeback win against Oregon State was a great one. The point in the K-State game when Riley was on a stretcher and held up his Eagle talon was a chills-up-and-down-my-spine moment. But I'd have to go with the N.O. Bowl win.

Edited by Mean Green 93-98
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Where do you live/family: Northeast Arkansas/Ozarks. I have 3 children with my wife of 12 years.

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 1998 BM Music Education

Favorite NT Memory: They're not my favorite anymore, I've repented.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: Tough call. The comeback win against Oregon State was a great one. The point in the K-State game when Riley was on a stretcher and held up his Eagle talon was a chills-up-and-down-my-spine moment. But I'd have to go with the N.O. Bowl win.


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Must've been a hard hit. He forgot how to do the talons correctly.

Not saying I like it but...

Eagle Claw

The eagle hand sign is our universal sign of pride and unity.

To display your pride:

Hold up your fist.

Make a "V" for Victory using your pointer and middle fingers,

Extend your thumb and curl your fingers slightly towards your palm.

Read more at http://www.unt.edu/traditions/

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Where do you live/family: San Diego/Camp Pendleton (Afghanistan for the time being), married an Aztec

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: 2002-BS Emergency Administration and Planning

Favorite NT Memory: The last party we (Theta Chi) had after we got kicked off campus, not really knowing how I ended up at Fouts Field parking lot in my cap and gown 3 hours before graduation

Favorite NT Sports Memory: 2001 New Orleans Bowl- yeah, we got stomped by one of my senior officers in my battalion (starting center John Van Lant who won't let me hear the end of it) but that run at the end of the year was epic.

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Where do you live/family: Fort Worth, 1 wife - ou undergrad - nt MS, no kids, 1 dog.

Degree/Year attended/Graduated UNT: 07 BS Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Graduated with 160 hours of work - did you know the state of Texas makes you pay out of state tuition after 150 and no degree?

Favorite NT Memory: meeting up with friends at the rec to play some basketball between classes. Fry street.

Favorite NT Sports Memory: the NM state game, and all of the trips to New Orleans for bowl games. Just make it to a bowl game in New Orleans, and you'll be hooked for life.

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Where do you live/family: Farmers Branch

Degree/Year attended/graduated UNT: BA in RTVF 2010

Favorite NT Memory: Getting my acceptance letter from UNT after a long year and a half at NCTC. Getting to become an RA. Working shifts at KNTU. (i was finally on the radio) Getting my Degree!

Favorite NT Sports Memory: has to be MBB vs OSU, i started in 07 (dodge's first year) but that BB game really sealed the deal on making me a NT fan for life. TT game was awesome as well, and the first trip of Isiah Thompson (haha) was awesome with all the signs we held up and all the shit we talked (he was cool with it all, except he asked us nicely not to talk about his mamma) The ULL game was awesome last year also and of course the opening of Apogee! GO MEAN GREEN!

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Graduated with 160 hours of work - did you know the state of Texas makes you pay out of state tuition after 150 and no degree?.

Not if you file multiple degree plans ;) If you use your minor(s), cross over with electives, etc., you can get another whole degree with only a few more hours than it takes for 1 degree...and if you set up multiple majors and/or degrees in your degree plan, you don't have to pay the extra. There's a loophole for almost anything :D

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Not if you file multiple degree plans ;) If you use your minor(s), cross over with electives, etc., you can get another whole degree with only a few more hours than it takes for 1 degree...and if you set up multiple majors and/or degrees in your degree plan, you don't have to pay the extra. There's a loophole for almost anything :D

That requires planning.

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That requires planning.

Sort of...but if you only need a couple more classes in your minor to make it a major or in something else to get General Studies added, you can do it right before you start the semester that takes you over 150 hours. And even though you'd have to take those extra classes, it'd still be cheaper than paying OOS tuition. Not that it helps you now, but current and future students reading this might like the extra info :thumbsu:

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The second major turning into a second degree plan only works if they actually file your paperwork correctly.

If the undergrad advisor quits during the semester you graduate, and the fill-in is a grad student who doesn't know what the hell they're doing, you might find out 8 years later that you have one degree with two majors, and not credit for two full degrees.

This Green Light to Greatness brought to you by TheTastyGreek

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The second major turning into a second degree plan only works if they actually file your paperwork correctly.

If the undergrad advisor quits during the semester you graduate, and the fill-in is a grad student who doesn't know what the hell they're doing, you might find out 8 years later that you have one degree with two majors, and not credit for two full degrees.

This Green Light to Greatness brought to you by TheTastyGreek

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The second major turning into a second degree plan only works if they actually file your paperwork correctly.

If the undergrad advisor quits during the semester you graduate, and the fill-in is a grad student who doesn't know what the hell they're doing, you might find out 8 years later that you have one degree with two majors, and not credit for two full degrees.

This Green Light to Greatness brought to you by TheTastyGreek

That's why it's easier to memorize all of the requirements for everything. Then you can pretend you're cool by showing everyone the loopholes their advisor didn't tell them about. (See: Exhibit A shown here)


I'd try to dispute this, but then I'd get a 2-page trolling lesson about how facts actually aren't.

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