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Hold the wedding. WE need to do something like this.

This is called a....wait for it...promotion.


I have zero interest in becoming an SMU fan. But if I had no previous allegiance I gotta say this is pretty inviting and sounds fun.

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The link below for your reading enjoyment...especially for those of our fans for which the only thing they can celebrate of late is a cute'sy commerical Joe Greene and Roger Staubach made together and what our unis' will look like this Fall--our 100'th Fall playing college football. Simply pitiful for a school that had so much promise to offer to all its masses at one time.

Yes, this below link a bit dated, but anyone dont' think this group of college football marketeers will try to top what they've already done?

How long will it take our school to even put together a commitee to study what this school is aleady doing?



Probably as long as it will take many of UNT's "talk a lot, but do nothing" fans to step up and support the program with any of these three....time, talent and/or treasure! Talk is cheap and takes no effort. Actually doing something will make a difference. But, that is a concept that is lost on way too many from UNT it seems.

People who continue to complain about everything UNT fail to understand the history that got us to where we are...and that is on the edge of bigger and better and growing daily. Supporters were "lost" in generations, we get them back one at a time. That hurts, but it is what it is. We can all decide to be part of the solution or we can decide to continue to be part of the problem.

Personal choice...each of us makes a choice.

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Wow Plumm, just wow.

Regarding the SMU event, looks great but when is it? Also, posters on here would complain that an open house was planned at the same time as football practice.

Regarding UNT, we just had a day that included a 5k run, fan flag football game to raise scholarship $$ in the memory of a deceased player, had a ribbon cutting of a new practice facility for the basketball program, introduced the All-Century Team, had a garage sale for the fans, had a silent auction put together by KRAM and wrapped it upwith the Spring Game. Seems like a full day.

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Seriously??? The "Hitler argument": aka Goodwin's Law already? A bit early for it to rear it's ugly head.

"Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies is an assertion made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an internet adage It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches In other words, Godwin said that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis."

Edited by Baby Arm!
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Seriously??? The "Hitler argument": aka Goodwin's Law already? A bit early for it to rear it's ugly head.

"Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies is an assertion made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an internet adage It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches In other words, Godwin said that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis."

Godwin's Law, better known as The Law of Diminishing Useful Talking Points

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You take care of your backyard, KRAM1, and I'll take care of mine.

Seems you are constantly in so many other alum's backyards while on these opinion forums of late and while on that subject...................who the hell made you the Grand Master of All Things North Texas in the first place? And another question someone asked me about you going back a few decades, just what name or face were you using during the Fry era of the 70's and even during the merry go round comedy of athletic hiring errors in the 80's because no one I know seems have known you back then? And we know that at North Texas athletic events during those 2 decades, the faces just didn't change that much as to where we couldn't have run into you at least once or twice and for certain remembered you. :)

KRAM1, for crissakes, would you have supported Adolph Hitler to the hilt just because you would have been a German citizen back in that day and because he was in charge? Sometimes you might need to do a more thorough study on who it is you would support. Support is good thing until a regime has completely worn their welcome out as well as being responsible for a string of hires that have worn out our varsity W/L records, too. (And yes, I still think Coach Dan's team wins 6 or 7 this Fall but none of this is about him).

And for those like you who continually measure other's support for their alma mater on this public forum, it's such self righteousness and your undying as well as "stranger than hell" support for those no one else at the NCAA FBS level will presently hire that helps sustains the non-stop mediocrity we've had up there in Denton for how long now?

You get what you support and it looks like you're getting exactly what you keep supporting, KRAM1-----but what we are not getting is the respect of our CUSA or SBC peers nor any mention as a "possible" new future entry for the Mountain West Conference; in fact, 4 other schools from Texas are getting that mention and North Texas is not one of those 4 and do you know why we aren't, KRAM1?

And FWIW, if I won the lottery tomorrow or the family well finally struck black gold, I assure you the group presently on payroll would not get a plug nickel of it because quite frankly, I've seen enough of their arrogance (and many of you know exactly what I mean with that) so why throw good money after such arrogance who spend more time running off good fans and alums than bringing new ones in?

KRAM1, if you use the same business practices in whatever business you're in as UNT athletics has done the last decade or so, then you best get ready to go out and get yourself one helluva' bankruptcy lawyer.

And for the life of me, KRAM1, just how much does RV pay you to get on this board and support his regime that has athletic officials from all NCAA FBS schools flocking to Denton as to hire them away from us............one..... at...... a..... time.


Pretty childish of you Jim...wasn't even talking about you, but it seems the post hit real close to home for you...unlike you, I will not mention personal stuff like whether you are a Mean Green Club member or a season ticket holder or a donor at any level to the program...that is your business not mine, but get the chip off your shoulder.

You know so much about me that you have no clue what profession I spent over thirty years working within. And, I never saw you around during the Fry era either! Who cares? Maybe we ran with a different crowd...you know, I recently just met a guy who has been around the program since 1961...we had never met, but shared stories of being at the same games in the late 60's and 70's. I saw Abner play while he was a student and athlete at UNT, did you? I was in a class with Joe Greene and watched all those MVC games at Fouts. I'll bet I can name at least a hundred folks who knew me at the time and still do that would not know who you are if you were standing right in front of them...what in the SAM hill would that prove? That you were not there? Ridiculous of you...just ridiculous. The reference to Hitler just shows how immature you can be. Stupid that was....

And, let's see...FRY ERA...yep I was there...Coach Fry even told me in person in an office of the local bank where I was working at the time that he was headed for Iowa BEFORE he announced it to the school and media...even drew the first "Fry styled Hawkeye" on a sheet of paper for us (I was one of his bankers at the time...knew him very well)...I was at the ice bowl game against Fla. State...I was part of the original "insurance program" that the Mean Green Club (in its early form) developed (did you contribute to that program or do you even know of its existence?)...ask greenjoe about that...my kid was a ball boy from the time he was about 10 all the way through his jr. high years during the era that mainly included Jimmy Gales (yep, they just let random folks walk out and have their kids be ball boys for umpteen straight years...check with Wendall, Deon, etc., etc.)...want to see a photo of him with Deon?

I went by the name I have always gone by...Mark Miller...was a season ticket holder...want to see my name on the plaque of the donors who gave to turn the seats green at the super pit? It's on the wall of the Super Pit...have you been there lately????

Been around this place since 1965...yes, I did have to leave for a few years serving in the US Air Force and doing graduate work but paid my Alumni dues and donated to the athletic dept. and my academic department every year even when I was away.

So, spout off about what you have no clue all you want...if the shoe fits for you...wear it, but don't jump on me after getting your info third hand. If you want to know the facts...you know where to find me. I'm usually around UNT somewhere...what about you? If you don't find me there...PM me...I'll give you my phone number and you can give me a call. Or, you can continue to get your info third and forth hand.

WOW...you really went off on this one...seems I ruffled a feather or two...I wonder why? It was not directed at anyone in particular...that's why I named no names nor did I direct any part to "you" in the post AT ALL. Amazing reply...simply amazing. So, it's great if one wants to knock UNT and the Athletic Dept. at every turn, but let someone support it with the same enthusiasm and, in your book, that's wrong! Interesting...but, since you seem to get your info third and forth hand, what should one expect? Hang around with the negative crowd and it doesn't take long for one to also turn negative just.

Thanks for the personal attack...very big of you. You are so far off base that you can't even see the place. Like I say...people can be part of the solution or part of the problem...personal choice...you win the lottery...you get to make yours...I win the lottery UNT gets a big piece immediately. It's about UNT for me, not about the folks currently running the place! It's my university. I support UNT and UNT needs OUR help. That's all that matters to me.

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Pretty childish of you Jim...wasn't even talking about you, but it seems the post hit real close to home for you...unlike you, I will not mention personal stuff like whether you are a Mean Green Club member or a season ticket holder or a donor at any level to the program...that is your business not mine, but get the chip off your shoulder.

You know so much about me that you have no clue what profession I spent over thirty years working within. And, I never saw you around during the Fry era either! Who cares? Maybe we ran with a different crowd...you know, I recently just met a guy who has been around the program since 1961...we had never met, but shared stories of being at the same games in the late 60's and 70's. I saw Abner play while he was a student and athlete at UNT, did you? I was in a class with Joe Greene and watched all those MVC games at Fouts. I'll bet I can name at least a hundred folks who knew me at the time and still do that would not know who you are if you were standing right in front of them...what in the SAM hill would that prove? That you were not there? Ridiculous of you...just ridiculous. The reference to Hitler just shows how immature you can be. Stupid that was....

And, let's see...FRY ERA...yep I was there...Coach Fry even told me in person in an office of the local bank where I was working at the time that he was headed for Iowa BEFORE he announced it to the school and media...even drew the first "Fry styled Hawkeye" on a sheet of paper for us (I was one of his bankers at the time...knew him very well)...I was at the ice bowl game against Fla. State...I was part of the original "insurance program" that the Mean Green Club (in its early form) developed (did you contribute to that program or do you even know of its existence?)...ask greenjoe about that...my kid was a ball boy from the time he was about 10 all the way through his jr. high years during the era that mainly included Jimmy Gales (yep, they just let random folks walk out and have their kids be ball boys for umpteen straight years...check with Wendall, Deon, etc., etc.)...want to see a photo of him with Deon?

I went by the name I have always gone by...Mark Miller...was a season ticket holder...want to see my name on the plaque of the donors who gave to turn the seats green at the super pit? It's on the wall of the Super Pit...have you been there lately????

Been around this place since 1965...yes, I did have to leave for a few years serving in the US Air Force and doing graduate work but paid my Alumni dues and donated to the athletic dept. and my academic department every year even when I was away.

So, spout off about what you have no clue all you want...if the shoe fits for you...wear it, but don't jump on me after getting your info third hand. If you want to know the facts...you know where to find me. I'm usually around UNT somewhere...what about you? If you don't find me there...PM me...I'll give you my phone number and you can give me a call. Or, you can continue to get your info third and forth hand.

WOW...you really went off on this one...seems I ruffled a feather or two...I wonder why? It was not directed at anyone in particular...that's why I named no names nor did I direct any part to "you" in the post AT ALL. Amazing reply...simply amazing. So, it's great if one wants to knock UNT and the Athletic Dept. at every turn, but let someone support it with the same enthusiasm and, in your book, that's wrong! Interesting...but, since you seem to get your info third and forth hand, what should one expect? Hang around with the negative crowd and it doesn't take long for one to also turn negative just.

Thanks for the personal attack...very big of you. You are so far off base that you can't even see the place. Like I say...people can be part of the solution or part of the problem...personal choice...you win the lottery...you get to make yours...I win the lottery UNT gets a big piece immediately. It's about UNT for me, not about the folks currently running the place! It's my university. I support UNT and UNT needs OUR help. That's all that matters to me.

Now where did I put that gold star?

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Now where did I put that gold star?

Did not ask for a gold star, but you know where to find me. I'll just pretend the cookies you baked for me and brought to the GMG.Com flag football is my "gold star". You will note it was a post presented in response to a very personal and childish by someone who has no clue about me personally nor any idea of why i do what I do for UNT....and who really doesn't care to learn and will, most likely, continue to get his information third and fourth hand. He asked...I answered. Don't believe there was any mention of a "gold star".

But, thanks for jumping in...can always count on your support!

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