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Margaret Thatcher...1925-2013

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...."Many features of the modern globalised economy - monetarism, privatisation, deregulation, small government, lower taxes and free trade - were all promoted as a result of policies she employed to reverse Britains economic decline...."

One of my favorite quotes of hers.

....."The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money"....


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That's some really intelligent commentary right there...

You know something about intelligent commentary? Start proving it by making an intelligent comment once, just once.

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You know something about intelligent commentary? Start proving it by making an intelligent comment once, just once.

Right, because anyone that disagrees with you is unintelligent, stupid, dumb or any other name for a long list of names that you have called people on this site, particularly in this forum.

An insult from you is pretty much a compliment.

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Hardly.. I don't call people names and attack their intellect (aside from Andrew on the basketball board, but do you really blame me?).

I will attack your political or sports opinions, but never the person.

I know. I don't play by the left's playbook, but to me the surest sign that you are void of ideas is resulting to personal insults.

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Hardly.. I don't call people names and attack their intellect (aside from Andrew on the basketball board, but do you really blame me?).

I will attack your political or sports opinions, but never the person.

I know. I don't play by the left's playbook, but to me the surest sign that you are void of ideas is resulting to personal insults.


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Wow! You convinced me. I yield to the wisdom and beautiful vocabulary of this punk rocker. Surely he deserves a loftier place in the annals of history than some obscure lady prime minister.

I wasn't trying to convince anyone of anything...nor would I suggest Frank Turner has any aspirations of joining Thatcher on any historical scale (though...I wonder how many times Thatcher has had her words yelled fervently back to her at a sold-out Wembley). Simply pointing out that many...especially many Brits...don't exactly share the belief that she did the great things for Britain and the world that you and Rick and 90 seem to feel she did.

And I chose to do this through the eloquent words of one of my favorite musicians.

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I wasn't trying to convince anyone of anything...nor would I suggest Frank Turner has any aspirations of joining Thatcher on any historical scale (though...I wonder how many times Thatcher has had her words yelled fervently back to her at a sold-out Wembley). Simply pointing out that many...especially many Brits...don't exactly share the belief that she did the great things for Britain and the world that you and Rick and 90 seem to feel she did.

And I chose to do this through the eloquent words of one of my favorite musicians.

Because musicians and actors are really in touch with everyday Brittian, or America..... Right?

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Because musicians and actors are really in touch with everyday Brittian, or America..... Right?

I'd contend that a person who grew up in the 80s in England would have better base of knowledge to form an opinion than a dude posting from his phone to a Texas university fan board.

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I'd contend that a person who grew up in the 80s in England would have better base of knowledge to form an opinion than a dude posting from his phone to a Texas university fan board.

As long as his opinion agrees with yours, right?

Otherwise he'a just stupid regardless I'd where he grew up, right ?

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It must really burn the leftist' ass to know their guy will NEVER be remembered as a great leader like Thatcher is. This is why Obama always mentions Reagan...(whenever he thinks it benefits his agenda)...every chance he gets. But when his history is finally written, it won't ever measure up,


Thatcher probably elicits even more divisive a reaction from Brits than Obama does here.

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Thatcher probably elicits even more divisive a reaction from Brits than Obama does here.

I doubt it unless the reaction is reported by their liberal outlets.

Thatcher won by landslides and was the longest acting PM in their history until she was undermined from within her own party by the likes of their version of John McCain and Lindsey "Goober" Graham, who has made it a living undermining those who stand in support of the constitution. Just this past weekend they were the two usual rino suspects brought onto the liberal political talk shows to down play and attack Ted Cruz for standing up and defending the Bill Of Rights for threatening to filibuster any attack on the 2nd amendment in the Senate.


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