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UNT paying pretty large guarantee for Idaho


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I guess you don't understand the concept of a money game. You are dreaming about a 1 and 1 with a Big ten school but overlooking that, what is the difference if you play Iowa twice away or Alabama or LSU?

A 2 for 1 means that you don't get the payoff of an guaranteed game and further screws up your home schedule.

Good for ULM getting a 1 and 1 with Wake Forest but that is nothing like getting one with Iowa. Wake Forest plays in a 31,500 stadium and has an announced average attendance of 28,900, not hardy a team that can afford big guarantees. Iowa's average announced home attendance last year was 70,700.

The point is you are in one contract with Iowa for 2 away games. And those 2 away games are situated in your schedule in such a manner that they severly limit flexability for future schedules.

Apogee was supposed to be a game changer. That is what we were all told. If we can schedule a 2 for 1 with K. St. in crappy Fouts, we ought to be able to at least get a 2 for 1 with a team like Iowa in Apogeee.

Hell, N. Illinois scheduled a game with Iowa at Soldier Field in Chicago. I wouldn't be opposed to having one home game at Cowboys Stadium in order to play a quality opponent. It sure beats playing them at their place all the freaking time. Plus, it would bring a UNT game into the heart of the metroplex and make us seem like we were making an attempt to put on our big boy college football pants.

Edited by UNT90
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This thread is bouncing all over. $410,000 is nothing for NT to pay to get that crowd pleaser Idaho into Apogee without a return game for some and too much for others. We complain about only having 5 home games in some seasons Yet some want more 1 for 2 games which would result in more 5 game home schedules or NT buying more home games from fc teams or Idaho.

Probably one of the best scheduling NT has done is get Iowa for two away guarantee games replacing the top 3 powers NT usually plays in these games. Now some think that should be an 1 and 1 or a 1 for 2 or a game in Arlington.

It all goes to demonstrate that you can't come close to satisfying everyone with any feasible schedule.

NT has an increased budget due to the student fees and probably a modest increase from conference coffers. That increase is probably already accounted for, it does not mean that NT can jettison the away guarantee game or start signing big name teams to 1 for 1 and have a guaranteed 6 home games. Sure there are examples of big name schools occasionally playing at small venues but it is very rare.

The truth is that NT has done will only having one guaranteed game a year. Playing six home games a year consistently is impossible unless NT buys games, nearly always a fc team, which in itself will become more difficult because of the number of programs moving up.

All fans complaining about the schedule is not going to change the economic realities of a lower tier football program. NT has a small stadium that it does not sell out and oc scheduling is not going to change much. The best bet is to sign 1 and 1 series with like programs, play one guarantee game a year, and suffer slates with only 1 oc home game about every other year. The alternate is to buy a low cost home game which will give you 6 home games but will also limit the more attractive 1 and 1 series.

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Apogee was supposed to be a game changer. That is what we were all told. If we can schedule a 2 for 1 with K. St. in crappy Fouts, we ought to be able to at least get a 2 for 1 with a team like Iowa in Apogeee.

Not disagreeing with your general point, but when K-State was scheduled to come to Denton, it was originally with the understanding that they'd be opening Apogee Stadium (supposed to open in 2010 at the time).

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This thread is bouncing all over. $410,000 is nothing for NT to pay to get that crowd pleaser Idaho into Apogee without a return game for some and too much for others. We complain about only having 5 home games in some seasons Yet some want more 1 for 2 games which would result in more 5 game home schedules or NT buying more home games from fc teams or Idaho.

Probably one of the best scheduling NT has done is get Iowa for two away guarantee games replacing the top 3 powers NT usually plays in these games. Now some think that should be an 1 and 1 or a 1 for 2 or a game in Arlington.

It all goes to demonstrate that you can't come close to satisfying everyone with any feasible schedule.

NT has an increased budget due to the student fees and probably a modest increase from conference coffers. That increase is probably already accounted for, it does not mean that NT can jettison the away guarantee game or start signing big name teams to 1 for 1 and have a guaranteed 6 home games. Sure there are examples of big name schools occasionally playing at small venues but it is very rare.

The truth is that NT has done will only having one guaranteed game a year. Playing six home games a year consistently is impossible unless NT buys games, nearly always a fc team, which in itself will become more difficult because of the number of programs moving up.

All fans complaining about the schedule is not going to change the economic realities of a lower tier football program. NT has a small stadium that it does not sell out and oc scheduling is not going to change much. The best bet is to sign 1 and 1 series with like programs, play one guarantee game a year, and suffer slates with only 1 oc home game about every other year. The alternate is to buy a low cost home game which will give you 6 home games but will also limit the more attractive 1 and 1 series.

So you aren't in favor of 2 for 1s, but love the 2 for 0 with Iowa.


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So you aren't in favor of 2 for 1s, but love the 2 for 0 with Iowa.


I think I understand his point. When negotiating a 2 for 1, you lose out on your paychecks. That's bad too... but at least you have the 1 home game to jack up prices and make some money as well as drumming up local support and interest.

If money is not too tight, which obviously it's not with the news of us bringing ID in, then a 2 for 1 is better than just 2 away games for money.

If money is tight, then I think Grand is right, and a 2 for 1 would be worse because we'd be losing the 2 paychecks.

But, the way I see it, it seems like we are going to have paycheck games during those 2 years anyway, right? We may as well sell them to a better "opportunity" in IA, than FL, AL, LSU, and the like.

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Yes, dammit. We are one of the little sisters of the poor. We are finally only playing one guarantee game a year. If you do 2-1 series, you end up with 5 home games is some years, which you (and all of us want to avoid). Why do you end up with that? Because it reduces your ability to schedule the 1-1 games we all want. Why?


So that means UT/UA/OU + Iowa (who isn't going to stay bad forever). That mean 2 away games against top opponents, likely at the beginning of the year (0-2), then you still have to schedule your home games, which is more difficult because you have 2 years where you are playing Iowa PLUS a money game. How f'ing hard is this to understand? Last year was a good example:

1. LSU (money)

2. Houston (return for 1-1)

3. Kansas St (return for 2-1)

4. Home vs FCS

and only 5 home games

I know you aren't getting it or refuse acknowledge this or just want to disagree, but this is the truth. I spoke to RV years ago on this topic and he told me he really wanted to stop 2-1 because of this reason. I agree. We should do 1-1s and money games (getting and giving) almost exclusively.

And despite what you think, 1-1 is not always year to following year. You already acknowledge both Ohio and Ball St have waited 4 years, but we also owe Indiana a return game and that also didn't happen immediately.

God these schedules are so much better than they used to be! In 2017, the year you seem to be upset about, we play at Iowa, at SMU, and have Army at home (plus hopefully another home game). A Big10 money game at a storied program, Army at home (and the service academies games are VERY popular home games), plus a metroplex area OOC game. How is that a problem?

Do you realize that in 2002, we played at Texas, at Alabama, at TCU, and at Arizona? Now that is something to bitch about.

Here was Vito's take on it when it was announced in July 2009:

Well, get ready for at least 2 more 5 game home seasons before 2019.

I guess Apogee changed nothing and we should all just be thankful we aren't playing the same schedule we did in 2002, when we didn't have Apogee or a student athletic fee.

Man, we keep taking leaps like this and we may actual win CUSA in 2075 (probably squeeking by Savannah St. and Abolene Christian to finally break through).

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A lot of whining on this thread.

The school takes steps to move away from the 2 body bag game format and our "fans" bitch."

1 & dones are going for as much as $900,000 (that's what Texas paid FAU a few seasons ago) and our "fans" bitch about paying half price.

We get to open our season at home instead of a road game blow out and our "fans" bitch.

We upgrade conferences and have a better slate of teams comming to our stadium yet our "fans" bitch about the number of home games.

Every indicator says this program is moving in the right direction, yet our "fans" bitch.

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A lot of whining on this thread.

The school takes steps to move away from the 2 body bag game format and our "fans" bitch."

1 & dones are going for as much as $900,000 (that's what Texas paid FAU a few seasons ago) and our "fans" bitch about paying half price.

We get to open our season at home instead of a road game blow out and our "fans" bitch.

We upgrade conferences and have a better slate of teams comming to our stadium yet our "fans" bitch about the number of home games.

Every indicator says this program is moving in the right direction, yet our "fans" bitch.

Every indication except the one indication that counts, right?

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Only one FCS win can count towards bowl eligibility, so rarely do you see anyone schedule two.

Yep. Sorry if the way I phrased it was confusing but when I said 2 FCS or lower-tier FBS, I meant any combination of those. Of course there are some that do 2 FCS games and complain about not getting into a bowl but usually it's 1 of each. Either way, I agree with the last couple of posts completely. Things are headed in the right direction (except for in the Win column, which will hopefully be a great symptom of the rest falling into place), and though it's not the perfection we'd hoped for a decade ago, we're a lot closer than we were even 2 years ago. Me likey.

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Mac has more wins in two season than Dodge had in four. Like I said, every indicator says were moving in the right direction. Sorry its not fast enough for such great "fans."

Right, because when you have 4500 "great fans", you don't need to worry about what is enough for them, right?

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Mac has more wins in two season than Dodge had in four. Like I said, every indicator says were moving in the right direction. Sorry its not fast enough for such great "fans."

Again, why is abysmal the baseline by which we judge "progress"? Doing better than Todd Dodge is no accomplishment.

Should we erect a statue for the coach who follows Benford? He'll show "progress".

African-Americans in the Jim Crow south must have been ecstatic!!! Compared to slavery that was some serious progress.

I'll say it again, ONLY at North Texas are we so beaten down and unfamiliar with real success that we'll lower our expectations to better than horrible.

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Again, why is abysmal the baseline by which we judge "progress"? Doing better than Todd Dodge is no accomplishment.

Should we erect a statue for the coach who follows Benford? He'll show "progress".

African-Americans in the Jim Crow south must have been ecstatic!!! Compared to slavery that was some serious progress.

I'll say it again, ONLY at North Texas are we so beaten down and unfamiliar with real success that we'll lower our expectations to better than horrible.

I like Coach Mac, but the "progress" we have seen isn't even remotely close enough to being satisfactory. Hell, even Coach Mac will say that. I'm sorry, but I think our OOC scheduling sucks, too. I think that having a 5 game schedule at home every few years is fine, if it means that we host a bigger name at home some years. Houston and Baylor brought more people to a game in Denton than anyone else we have scheduled, ooc or in conference. I think that should tell you something. I can't sell Idaho to other people to take 4-5 hours of their day to come watch a football game nearly as easily as I can Indiana. Just for a moment, imagine how cool it would be to host a team like Iowa or Nebraska or Colorado here. Heck, even a team like BYU or Boise State. The coverage and fan interest would be double what it normally is here, at a bare minimum. Army is a fine OOC opponent and so is SMU, but I just think we should be able to host a team with more name recognition, just like everyone else we play in conference. A lot of people on this board always jump on the "Hey, its the first home game, so we will always get a decent crowd just for that reason alone" argument. That may be true, but its only compared to the chumps we have played after that. I look at Boise State when they got going and watched them schedule FCS games at home and then played home-and-home series at various Pac and MWC schools. Somehow, that managed to work out fairly well for them.

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When I try to do the math, I come up with this: A 2-1 series gets us roughly $500,000 gross from our 1 home game (not sure what we make per home game, but I think $500k is being very generous) and 3 money games get us $3mm gross and means only 1 fewer home game. So if we go for the 2-1, we would be basically paying (opportunity cost) $2.5mm to have a big name team come in our place and beat us.

It seems fairly obvious why the money games stay on the schedule, plus the coaches have said the players really look forward to them.

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