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American Hero Shot at Gun Range

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Im asking by yours. Please. Id like to discuss.


--- Good grief.... I don't need as damn AK-47 or AR-15 to kill a rattlesnake after I pick up a bail of hay or to kill a skunk, raccoon or whatever. I like to think i am good enough to shoot a home invader with 1-2 shots if needed... pistol or especially a 12 guage. If it is possible to shoot 20 people in 20 seconds it is likely an assault weapon( which is exactly why they were designed to start with).. I don't need one and other than drug dealers, police, security, and military... doubt anyone else does either. the only time I can ever remember a person in this town needed one was when a bunch of drug dealers got into it on a bar parking lot and he was shot 88 times... likely after being shot a few times having an AK-47 was meaningless anyway... he was dead. In short ... we now had one less drug dealer... and I don't associate with those guys. Let me guess you an urban type... never lived in a rural setting....and are facinated with guns and often consider guns as toys. I don't.

Now if a feral hog shows up .... I am not wanting an assault weapon... caliber is likely too small to stop that thing before he gets to you..(likely you will just make him even more mad.... hitting him in head may just bounce off unless hit flat.). I want a 30-06 to blow a huge hole in him and maybe more than one shot. they are huge and mean. ...

-- If you are some guy that thinks you need one against our government... I pity you..... they have tanks, bazookas, grenades, morters, F-15s, warthogs, and all sorts of things... How did Saddam's huge army in 1990 do when he even had 100's of tanks and assault weapons... about 3 days later they were defeated and running for their lives.

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--- Good grief.... I don't need as damn AK-47 or AR-15 to kill a rattlesnake after I pick up a bail of hay or to kill a skunk, raccoon or whatever. I like to think i am good enough to shoot a home invader with 1-2 shots if needed... pistol or especially a 12 guage. If it is possible to shoot 20 people in 20 seconds it is likely an assault weapon( which is exactly why they were designed to start with).. I don't need one and other than drug dealers, police, security, and military... doubt anyone else does either. the only time I can ever remember a person in this town needed one was when a bunch of drug dealers got into it on a bar parking lot and he was shot 88 times... likely after being shot a few times having an AK-47 was meaningless anyway... he was dead. In short ... we now had one less drug dealer... and I don't associate with those guys. Let me guess you an urban type... never lived in a rural setting....and are facinated with guns and often consider guns as toys. I don't.

Now if a feral hog shows up .... I am not wanting an assault weapon... caliber is likely too small to stop that thing before he gets to you... 30-06 to blow a huge hole in him and maybe more than one shot. they are huge and mean. ...

-- If you are some guy that thinks you need one against our government... I pity you..... they have tanks, bazookas, grenades, morters, F-15s, warthogs, and all sorts of things... How did Saddam's huge army in 1990 when he even had 100's of tanks and assault weapons... about 3 days later they were defeated and running for their lives.

So it was you who killed Porky Pig!

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--- Good grief.... I don't need as damn AK-47 or AR-15 to kill a rattlesnake after I pick up a bail of hay or to kill a skunk, raccoon or whatever. I like to think i am good enough to shoot a home invader with 1-2 shots if needed... pistol or especially a 12 guage. If it is possible to shoot 20 people in 20 seconds it is likely an assault weapon( which is exactly why they were designed to start with).. I don't need one and other than drug dealers, police, security, and military... doubt anyone else does either. the only time I can ever remember a person in this town needed one was when a bunch of drug dealers got into it on a bar parking lot and he was shot 88 times... likely after being shot a few times having an AK-47 was meaningless anyway... he was dead. In short ... we now had one less drug dealer... and I don't associate with those guys. Let me guess you an urban type... never lived in a rural setting....and are facinated with guns and often consider guns as toys. I don't.

Now if a feral hog shows up .... I am not wanting an assault weapon... caliber is likely too small to stop that thing before he gets to you..(likely you will just make him even more mad.... hitting him in head may just bounce off unless hit flat.). I want a 30-06 to blow a huge hole in him and maybe more than one shot. they are huge and mean. ...

-- If you are some guy that thinks you need one against our government... I pity you..... they have tanks, bazookas, grenades, morters, F-15s, warthogs, and all sorts of things... How did Saddam's huge army in 1990 when he even had 100's of tanks and assault weapons... about 3 days later they were defeated and running for their lives.

I feel like you are getting angry. I'm not trying to stir any pot. Just clear up a few misconceptions. I'd like to direct your attention to the following website. http://www.assaultweapon.info

Have a read. Enlighten yourself.

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No .. I am disgusted with stupidity... and people that I have seen with guns that don't have a clue.... and should never have one. . Your misconception is I am anti-gun... no .... just that not every Tom, Dick, and Harry has any business with one and especially an assault rifle... I even once had an idiot neighbor go outside and shoot at the moon... ... drunk. My sons had friends that lost their mother to one... she had a license to carry, dropped it, it fired , she died.

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No .. I am disgusted with stupidity... and people that I have seen with guns that don't have a clue.... and should never have one. . Your misconception is I am anti-gun... no .... just that not every Tom, Dick, and Harry has any business with one and especially an assault rifle... I even once had an idiot neighbor go outside and shoot at the moon... ... drunk. My sons had friends that lost their mother to one... she had a license to carry, dropped it, it fired , she died.

Oh, I agree. Not everyone should own a gun. But again, I think you have a misconception of what an assault weapon and assault rifle are as you are using those terms interchangeably. They are not interchangeable. Please have a read: http://www.assaultweapon.info

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.. just that not every Tom, Dick, and Harry has any business with one and especially an assault rifle... .

Harry? Care to respond?

And again with the emotional story of the friend's mom. Ever think that maybe she caused her own death by mishandling a mechanical device?

She was an adult. She made a decision to own a mechanical device. She mishandled said mechanical device and died.

Maybe we should outlaw farm tractors. I heard a real sad story one time about this farmer that fell off his tractor, got run over, and got kilt. It made me so sad that, in my grief and outrage, I abandoned all cognitive thought and decided tractors should be outlawed.

And yes, I have serious doubts about your friend of a friend story (not that you are lying, but that you are completely void of important details).

Edited by UNT90
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"I'm the only one special enough to handle this gun." Boom!!!.

Never gets old.

Love the crowd reaction when the rifle is brought forward. This has been around for at least 6 years. It would be interesting to know what police department he USED to work for.

He worked for the DEA. Apparently he had just made a major bust and that is why he was invited to talk to the school. He let the publicity go to his head and it cost him. He was terminated.

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Ever seen a school teacher accidentally step on the gas instead of the brake and park her car in the 7 Eleven? I have. In fact, in 17 years I've seen a teacher and three other individuals park their cars into a building in such a manner, just in Fort Worth alone.

Because of it I've taught my kiddos to never walk in front of someone as they are attempting to pull into a parking space like at the post office, school parking lots etc....


....And just yesterday.

"Video shows elderly driver slamming into North Dallas toy store, narrowly missing shopper"



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....And just yesterday.

"Video shows elderly driver slamming into North Dallas toy store, narrowly missing shopper"



Outlaw Fords

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Harry? Care to respond?

And again with the emotional story of the friend's mom. Ever think that maybe she caused her own death by mishandling a mechanical device?

She was an adult. She made a decision to own a mechanical device. She mishandled said mechanical device and died.

Maybe we should outlaw farm tractors. I heard a real sad story one time about this farmer that fell off his tractor, got run over, and got kilt. It made me so sad that, in my grief and outrage, I abandoned all cognitive thought and decided tractors should be outlawed.

And yes, I have serious doubts about your friend of a friend story (not that you are lying, but that you are completely void of important details).

Not a friend of a friend... our sons played on the same soccer teams... her family and mine often went to the same out of town tournaments. she made a mistake... she must have forgot it was in her coat pocket when she picked it up after her trip.... details.. ??? It hit her in the groin and out her neck.... is that graphic enough details???.

I am not anti-gun... but I am against teachers having guns in the classrsoom.... accidents will happen and more people will die that are saved. .. plus any gun that can shoot 20 people in 20 seconds has no business being sold to the general public**. Want to legalize BARS... they can can fire 360 rounds in one minute. [ they are currently banned (we already have some gun control of miltary type weapons.. ) ] .


** yes the drug dealers will get them... so many assault guns already out thee... but they usually are shooting each other... good ridance...

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Not a friend of a friend... our sons played on the same soccer teams... her family and mine often went to the same out of town tournaments. she made a mistake... she must have forgot it was in her coat pocket when she picked it up after her trip.... details.. ??? It hit her in the groin and out her neck.... is that graphic enough details???.

I am not anti-gun... but I am against teachers having guns in the classrsoom.... accidents will happen and more people will die that are saved. .. plus any gun that can shoot 20 people in 20 seconds has no business being sold to the general public**. Want to legalize BARS... they can can fire 360 rounds in one minute. [ they are currently banned (we already have some gun control of miltary type weapons.. ) ] .


** yes the drug dealers will get them... so many assault guns already out thee... but they usually are shooting each other... good ridance...

I'm also against teachers having guns in the classroom.

What about a gun that can shoot 9 people in 1 second? Is that ok for the general public?

And for the record BARS aren't banned. It is legal to buy a class III weapon, i.e. "machine guns, silencers, short rifles, etc, it just takes a little more money and time than walking into your local discount store or Cabellas but it is completely legal and sanctioned by the ATF.

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plus any gun that can shoot 20 people in 20 seconds has no business being sold to the general public**


** yes the drug dealers will get them... so many assault guns already out thee... but they usually are shooting each other... good ridance...

1. I guess my Glock should be banned.

2. Brian Terry would like a word with you, but he's dead. Killed by the cartel.

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Not a friend of a friend... our sons played on the same soccer teams... her family and mine often went to the same out of town tournaments. she made a mistake... she must have forgot it was in her coat pocket when she picked it up after her trip.... details.. ??? It hit her in the groin and out her neck.... is that graphic enough details???.

I am not anti-gun... but I am against teachers having guns in the classrsoom.... accidents will happen and more people will die that are saved. .. plus any gun that can shoot 20 people in 20 seconds has no business being sold to the general public**. Want to legalize BARS... they can can fire 360 rounds in one minute. [ they are currently banned (we already have some gun control of miltary type weapons.. ) ] .


** yes the drug dealers will get them... so many assault guns already out thee... but they usually are shooting each other... good ridance...

No, not enough details. What kind of gun (make and model)? How did it misfire? Was it dropped?

That is one person out of 10 million in the DFW area. Of you want to start protecting people from themselves, you better start outlawing cars, power tools, boars, key skis, and any number of other items that people foolishly operate at times.

And I'm willing to bet the lady in the emotional story that you have posted over and over again didn't die at the hands of any of the weapons that you are calling for to be banned.

People die because of their own mistakes, someone else's mistake, or their own or someone else's intentional act. Whether the mechanism used is a gun, car, machine gun, machete, or Samuri sword really doesn't matter.

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No, not enough details. What kind of gun (make and model)? How did it misfire? Was it dropped?

That is one person out of 10 million in the DFW area. Of you want to start protecting people from themselves, you better start outlawing cars, power tools, boars, key skis, and any number of other items that people foolishly operate at times.

And I'm willing to bet the lady in the emotional story that you have posted over and over again didn't die at the hands of any of the weapons that you are calling for to be banned.

People die because of their own mistakes, someone else's mistake, or their own or someone else's intentional act. Whether the mechanism used is a gun, car, machine gun, machete, or Samuri sword really doesn't matter.

You are right about one thing.... it would not be one of the assault guns banned...... the point was that "guns do not belong in a classroom". Yes it was dropped.... Who cares what brand etc. .. it was dropped.... and it fired... and can bet the same would happen in some classrooms eventually. Carrying one into a school would likely kill more people than it would ever save.... When was the last time a mass shooting happened in a Texas classroom?...ever??

You keep switching back and forth on issues .. two issues here ... guns in classrroms ( not just security) and assault guns.. different issues... Nothing is absolutely fool-proof... just don't add to the danger by having teachers carrying one. ... I even saw a kid stabbed with a pencil... got him pretty good, bled a lot... it wasn't in anger but just horsing around.... can't ban pencils... needed every day... guns aren't.

Those who think the answer is police or ex-miltary in school is the answer need to read or listen to the news.... there are some nuts there as well. A couple of those stories lately .... and I know of several incidents where police have been fired or suspended for mishandling a gun (it fired).

In some cases ... it likely is good to have a gun on campus [ locked up ] especially if the school is a long way from police protection. I as a student and as a teacher often had one locked up in a pickup in the parking lot (family had cattle, legal then) ... that is a lot different that carrying one around. ....... so I am not the anti-gun nut that you seemed to think I am... nor am I the guy that is fascinated by them and think they are toys. ... You just assumed I am in Dallas area... I am not.... I am in west Texas. ... my picture above is my ranching/farming grandfather about 1899.... I own his guns... and his land. I am not exactly some city-person (but live in an area of 1/4 million) and have always had guns around me. My other grandfather and his brother drove some of their cattle to San Antonio as teenagers (parents deceased).... and sold them to the Teddy's roughriders for food. -- I understand guns but don't understand why some are so fascinated by them... they are needed ... but are not toys and are dangerous..

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the point was that "guns do not belong in a classroom". Yes it was dropped.... Who cares what brand etc. .. it was dropped.... and it fired... and can bet the same would happen in some classrooms eventually. Carrying one into a school would likely kill more people than it would ever save.... When was the last time a mass shooting happened in a Texas classroom?...ever??

Maybe I missed it, but who here is advocating guns in the classroom?

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I'm not that familiar with the program but Garland has had an uniformed police officer assigned to each school for years and I can't recall any serious problems. I believe that they sometime lecture students on personal safety as well. If Garland can do that, why not all Texas schools? All schools across the nation?

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I'm not that familiar with the program but Garland has had an uniformed police officer assigned to each school for years and I can't recall any serious problems. I believe that they sometime lecture students on personal safety as well. If Garland can do that, why not all Texas schools? All schools across the nation?

Because it is a waste of money? Because it only increases an ever growing police state? Because it is unnecessary?

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