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What's Happening From CUSA & Commish' Banowsky?


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Is CUSA going to try to talk into coming back to CUSA some of those schools who left for the Big East if it folds this year or even next?

I know, a most hypothetical question there.

I know the smack board circuit says one thing about SMU, UH, and others, but sometimes they just don't match with what

is really going on from an official standpoint.

Anyone close to the CUSA office or officials know anything? Jeff?


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Best article I read on line was that the football schools left in Big Least should merge with CUSA. By their count the combined conference would have 16 schools,two eight team divisions. Since its too logical to happen it probably won't, so I have not gone to effort of listing teams.

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To answer your question Plumm - which I think is a valid one - I would think Banowsky is working the phones with all of the C-USA defectors and trying to convince them to return to C-USA.

Keep in mind, Banowsky has handled all of the Big East moves with schools like SMU, Houston in a very classy way -- he still has very good relationships with all of these schools.

The problem is once schools leave a conference its sort of like the Jefferson's moving on up and it's very difficult for the Presidents and AD's to explain to their fans that they are having to go back...even though it makes a lot of sense.

The C-USA strategy remains to get some or all of the schools that defected to the Big East to come back to C-USA. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen. I think it is unlikely because the fan bases in the Gang of Fives are all desperately trying to find a "moving on up" story to tell their fans and alumni... The problem is that's next to impossible since the Mountain West, Big East, Cusa all have the same access to the BCS bowl and comparable money.

Right now, it appears that UH and SMU will stay Big East but that could change if the Big East has more defections.

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To answer your question Plumm - which I think is a valid one - I would think Banowsky is working the phones with all of the C-USA defectors and trying to convince them to return to C-USA.

Keep in mind, Banowsky has handled all of the Big East moves with schools like SMU, Houston in a very classy way -- he still has very good relationships with all of these schools.

The problem is once schools leave a conference its sort of like the Jefferson's moving on up and it's very difficult for the Presidents and AD's to explain to their fans that they are having to go back...even though it makes a lot of sense.

The C-USA strategy remains to get some or all of the schools that defected to the Big East to come back to C-USA. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen. I think it is unlikely because the fan bases in the Gang of Fives are all desperately trying to find a "moving on up" story to tell their fans and alumni... The problem is that's next to impossible since the Mountain West, Big East, Cusa all have the same access to the BCS bowl and comparable money.

Right now, it appears that UH and SMU will stay Big East but that could change if the Big East has more defections.

Thanks for the input especially on Banowsky, Harrry.

I do agree that Commish' Banowsky did handle the defections in a classy way. He could have been a real turkey about it but he wasn't.

At this point CUSA would be our best option, but would really hate to lose Tulsa and a few Texas schools because I perceive that could

change a few minds on this board including my own. It is imperative that Rice U hang in with CUSA because North Texas needs that trip to the Bayou City

every other year.

It will just be nice when this round of re-alignment is over with, but I think there will be other rounds no matter what because those who used to play

Big Time football who are now in the 'Gang of 5" conferences I don't think will ever be happy with their so-called box of chocolates.

Must be a source of real frustration for their fans and alums to never be content with who they have to call as conference neighbors I suppose.


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Selling defectors shouldn't be that hard. If you moved from a freighter to the Titanic, and even though that ship is much better, you still try to get a lifeboat when the ship is sinking. Even if it manages to stay afloat a while longer it sinks if CUSA members hold firm. It's CUSA with more travel expense. Every member except Connecticut and Temple once belonged to Conference USA. Bring any and all back that want to come. Twelve team conferences are no longer vogue.

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Is CUSA going to try to talk into coming back to CUSA some of those schools who left for the Big East if it folds this year or even next?

I know, a most hypothetical question there.

I know the smack board circuit says one thing about SMU, UH, and others, but sometimes they just don't match with what

is really going on from an official standpoint.

Anyone close to the CUSA office or officials know anything? Jeff?


I've been reading your posts for a while. You're in serious denial. WE ARE NOT COMiNG BACK TO CUSA! Especially with the likes of UTSA, Middle Tennesse, Florida Atlantic, Old Dominion and many other terrible schools polluting CUSA.

Also for greenjoe who keeps stalking me, I am ex-UNT and I currently go to UH. So stop asking around the site like a creepy old man, especially considering that you're in your fifties at the youngest.

Edited by Cougar King
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I've been reading your posts for a while. You're in serious denial. WE ARE NOT COMiNG BACK TO CUSA! Especially with schools like UTSA, Middle Tennesse, Florida Atlantic, Old Dominion and many other terrible schools.

Also for greenjoe who keeps stalking me, I am ex-UNT and I currently go to UH. So stop asking me.

I wouldn't say "never", but it would be very unlikely that Houston comes back to the CUSA. If they don't and decide to go to MWC (if even invited), then they will probably regret it. It would be a huge hit to their fanbase.

Although CougarKing will deny it, Houston doesn't have a big, dedicated fanbase that will travel well to the west coast. Same goes with SMU, but that won't stop them because they are too prideful to admit that CUSA is a better fit.

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I've been reading your posts for a while. You're in serious denial. WE ARE NOT COMiNG BACK TO CUSA! Especially with the likes of UTSA, Middle Tennesse, Florida Atlantic, Old Dominion and many other terrible schools polluting CUSA.

Also for greenjoe who keeps stalking me, I am ex-UNT and I currently go to UH. So stop asking around the site like a creepy old man, especially considering that you're in your fifties at the youngest.

Who the hell are you to be casting stones at other institutions in the first place? You should damn sure hope your university does what is fiscally responsible for the university, wherever that may be, as opposed to appeasing the fragile ego of kids like you who pound their chest with hubris who undeniable have no clue how the world works in grown up land.

Your school isn't ivy league nor one of the big kids on the block, so stop trying to pretend it is. You have obvious inferiority issues, so you come here to bash others, in some sad attempt to make yourself feel elevated.

You are the stalker here slick. Are you that much of a loser, while still in college, you waste your time on other universities web sites? Especially while on holiday. Go away and get back to Warcraft or whatever guys like you do in your mom's basement.

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I've been reading your posts for a while. You're in serious denial. WE ARE NOT COMiNG BACK TO CUSA! Especially with the likes of UTSA, Middle Tennesse, Florida Atlantic, Old Dominion and many other terrible schools polluting CUSA.

Also for greenjoe who keeps stalking me, I am ex-UNT and I currently go to UH. So stop asking around the site like a creepy old man, especially considering that you're in your fifties at the youngest.

I wish you were an ex-GMG poster too. How can we make that happen?

Edited by Daddy Dumpsalot
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I believe in the end result common sense will prevail. Fans like Cougar King are reacting as one would have in the past, when the rules of the game were different. Now we're all in the same boat, same BCS bowl access, similar TV money and needing a place for our programs to build and grow.

Here's the reality for Cougar King and UofH fans, you're fixing to break ground on a $140 million dollar stadium. The Big East was supposed to be bringing you $8-10 Million in revenue...now with the defections you'll get 2-3 if you are lucky. Are these Big East leftovers going to fill your shiny new stadium? And if you stay in the Big East you know that UConn and Cincy have one foot out the door. What happens then? Backfill with C-USA teams and start the cycle of unrest all over again because the eastern schools want school A and the western schools want school B? It's dumb...it makes no sense.

The Mountain West is the old WAC - ask SMU and Tulsa how that worked out for them. Late night games, long travel for student athletes...the revenue is the same, the BCS bowl access is the same.. it makes sense for schools in that region which is why Boise returned. And here's the reality, if you think Wyoming, CSU and some of the other Mountain West schools want another Texas school in the mix after their TCU experience you better think again. They know any Texas school will have an immediate recruiting advantage. And I refuse to believe that Wyoming and Utah State fans will flock to see games at Ford stadium or the new Houston one. Their fans and students aren't going to travel to those games and vice versa and you know it.

If NIU proved anything by getting to the BCS it is that what the MAC does promoting stability and regional rivalries makes the most sense. What's the advantage of having the best of the rest if the money and bowl access is the same? Why should you pull a La. Tech and prevent your seniors from a bowl game they earned because you are afraid of getting beat by a neighborhood program? It doesn't make sense!!

Boise made a reasonable decision by returning to the Mountain West. SDSU will follow shortly. Common sense will eventually prevail.

First off you have to limit the amount of move ups by setting clear standards or requirements for participating in FBS. That needs to happen quickly or it will force the big boys to try and break off on their own. 10 fingers and 10 toes should not be the FBS requirement any longer. Set some standards.

Take the gang of five schools and pull out a map. The Mountain West and the MAC are already pretty well set. Take the Big East, C-USA and Belt and cut it into regional sections that make sense. Where fans can jump into a car and get to games, where rivalries can develop and grow. If you have invested more in your program than others who you are joining it will come out in the wash because you will have more successful programs and have a better shot at the BCS windfall game, NCAA tourney bids etc. Put together a mini playoff among the regions and sell it to the highest bidder. Work out a deal with the NCAA where the winner gets the BCS spot... why not think outside of the box?

I understand Houston and SMU don't want to have to tell their fanbase they had to "Go Back" to C-USA -- Fine then, rename the damn thing. Call it the XYZ conference or Acme... give it a DBA...that way all the NCAA bids and units can stay in tact.

So many are so concerned about who they are aligning themselves with....here's a big secret, Boise moved back to the Mountain West in part because they expect to DOMINATE that conference every single year which means they have a good shot at a BCS bowl every single year which mean big dollars for their program and good recruiting. Their fanbase will get to attend a LOT of games and have A LOT of fun. In the new world order you should align yourself with teams that you feel you can compete against and win more times than not. Teams that are close enough for your fans to drive to so you can build interest and attendance and increase revenue.

Come to agreement on teams, regions and names and then, here's a novel idea -- work together!! Instead of fighting amongst yourselves, use your power in numbers to influence the NCAA by creating more BCS access (bigger playoff) and make a better road for the future.

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Delicious...SMU forced into the same conference with us by default! I suppose they could go independent, but.... Would SMU go to the Sun Belt to avoid us if the Big East falls apart?
More delicious:

CUSA telling SMU to pound sand because CUSA already has a presence in the DFW market and SMU and their terrible attendance numbers having to go to the Belt.

Hey, a man can dream, right?

Edited by UNT90
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I've been reading your posts for a while. You're in serious denial. WE ARE NOT COMiNG BACK TO CUSA! Especially with the likes of UTSA, Middle Tennesse, Florida Atlantic, Old Dominion and many other terrible schools polluting CUSA.

Also for greenjoe who keeps stalking me, I am ex-UNT and I currently go to UH. So stop asking around the site like a creepy old man, especially considering that you're in your fifties at the youngest.

Never is a long time. No question CUSA looks like a hybrid Sun Belt Conference. However,as of this post[assuming SDSU returns to MWC], the Big Least consists of 6 CUSA newbies plus U.Conn.,Temple,Cincy, and USF. May be a step up, but not a leap. Regardless, I wish Houston nothing but the best,and hope your proposed new on campus stadium is as nice as ours.

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I wish you were an ex-GMG poster too. How can we make that happen?

I second the motion. I don't come here to read verbal diarrhea from a fecal flinging child. I love UNT and douche bags like this child don't understand that this forum is people discussing UNT football, college football in general, and not measuring peckers.

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I believe in the end result common sense will prevail. Fans like Cougar King are reacting as one would have in the past, when the rules of the game were different. Now we're all in the same boat, same BCS bowl access, similar TV money and needing a place for our programs to build and grow.

Here's the reality for Cougar King and UofH fans, you're fixing to break ground on a $140 million dollar stadium. The Big East was supposed to be bringing you $8-10 Million in revenue...now with the defections you'll get 2-3 if you are lucky. Are these Big East leftovers going to fill your shiny new stadium? And if you stay in the Big East you know that UConn and Cincy have one foot out the door. What happens then? Backfill with C-USA teams and start the cycle of unrest all over again because the eastern schools want school A and the western schools want school B? It's dumb...it makes no sense.

The Mountain West is the old WAC - ask SMU and Tulsa how that worked out for them. Late night games, long travel for student athletes...the revenue is the same, the BCS bowl access is the same.. it makes sense for schools in that region which is why Boise returned. And here's the reality, if you think Wyoming, CSU and some of the other Mountain West schools want another Texas school in the mix after their TCU experience you better think again. They know any Texas school will have an immediate recruiting advantage. And I refuse to believe that Wyoming and Utah State fans will flock to see games at Ford stadium or the new Houston one. Their fans and students aren't going to travel to those games and vice versa and you know it.

If NIU proved anything by getting to the BCS it is that what the MAC does promoting stability and regional rivalries makes the most sense. What's the advantage of having the best of the rest if the money and bowl access is the same? Why should you pull a La. Tech and prevent your seniors from a bowl game they earned because you are afraid of getting beat by a neighborhood program? It doesn't make sense!!

Boise made a reasonable decision by returning to the Mountain West. SDSU will follow shortly. Common sense will eventually prevail.

First off you have to limit the amount of move ups by setting clear standards or requirements for participating in FBS. That needs to happen quickly or it will force the big boys to try and break off on their own. 10 fingers and 10 toes should not be the FBS requirement any longer. Set some standards.

Take the gang of five schools and pull out a map. The Mountain West and the MAC are already pretty well set. Take the Big East, C-USA and Belt and cut it into regional sections that make sense. Where fans can jump into a car and get to games, where rivalries can develop and grow. If you have invested more in your program than others who you are joining it will come out in the wash because you will have more successful programs and have a better shot at the BCS windfall game, NCAA tourney bids etc. Put together a mini playoff among the regions and sell it to the highest bidder. Work out a deal with the NCAA where the winner gets the BCS spot... why not think outside of the box?

I understand Houston and SMU don't want to have to tell their fanbase they had to "Go Back" to C-USA -- Fine then, rename the damn thing. Call it the XYZ conference or Acme... give it a DBA...that way all the NCAA bids and units can stay in tact.

So many are so concerned about who they are aligning themselves with....here's a big secret, Boise moved back to the Mountain West in part because they expect to DOMINATE that conference every single year which means they have a good shot at a BCS bowl every single year which mean big dollars for their program and good recruiting. Their fanbase will get to attend a LOT of games and have A LOT of fun. In the new world order you should align yourself with teams that you feel you can compete against and win more times than not. Teams that are close enough for your fans to drive to so you can build interest and attendance and increase revenue.

Come to agreement on teams, regions and names and then, here's a novel idea -- work together!! Instead of fighting amongst yourselves, use your power in numbers to influence the NCAA by creating more BCS access (bigger playoff) and make a better road for the future.

I wanna PLUS ONE you so hard right now Harry I can hardly breathe.

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I posted this elsewhere, sorry if dupe. I agree with Harry and hope that egos will allow something like this to happen. The concerns of folks at SMU/UH/etc... can be alleviated somewhat by creating separate divisions so they can tell their alumni that they 'won' and don't have to play teams like us except for every few years (even though they are willing to sign 6 year OOC contracts with us, which may last longer than the conferences nowadays. How much sense does something like the following make:










Southern Miss

La Tech


It keeps all 4 private schools together, separates the teams located closely so they don't have to play each other every year unless they want to, and allows stronger teams to schedule tougher OOC games if they want to try to bump up their SOS. The oly sports get to reap the benefit of the local competition.

As Harry points out, the Eastern teams could do the same type of thing. In the end, it would benefit everybody. Attack the big conferences with guerrilla tactics. Stay on the minds of the locals by playing against local competition frequently. You might even convince some alumni to sell one or two of their orange and maroon shirts and trade up to a green one.

Edited by CurveItAround
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What Harry said in spades!

Ironically, there are, or will be, 36 teams in the MWC, CUSA and Big East which would make three 12-team leagues. All are pretty much in the same boat regarding TV contracts. So why not divide those teams regionally? Actually, the Mountain West has assuming San Diego State returns. The Big East, instead of gambling on resistance from CUSA members could save their conference and a lot of travel expense by dividing regionally. The two conferences would look something like this:



North Texas






Louisiana Tech


Southern Miss


Middle Tennessee

Big East





Old Dominion

East Carolina



South Florida




The Big East would be somewhat the loser initially but they do have the largest markets and the highest attendance. I would expect ODU to be up to speed rather quickly but Charlotte is an unknown. However, taking a page from their basketball they will be competitive and have good attendance. The other weak teams presently are FAU and FIU. Both are in populated areas and should draw better with UCF and South Florida nearby. How well they compete will likely depend on their coaching hire as they are in a recruiting hotbed. At least half of the conference would be well-attended, competitive teams.

CUSA should have some good teams as well and I see UAB and Tulane improving. UTSA will have to build but they have an outstanding coach in Larry Coker. Travel would be much tighter as many of the members are very drivable. SMU might be a problem and I laid it out so that they would be in a different division than North Texas but if they are amenable then Tulsa could go east. Maybe SMU will realize that the travel savings and synergy of the DFW market will outweigh their desire for the BCS which cannot happen for now. They would have a better chance for a playoff berth in CUSA than in either of the other two conferences.

It's almost a natural and most will not be inconvenienced by the realignment, given the surviving teams. I would expect two to as many as 14 teams to eventually become members of the Power 5 but for now this seems a fairly peaceful solution.

Edited by GrayEagle
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