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If folks do not want to work at Wal Mart I guess they do not have to do so. Is there some way Wal Mart is forcing people to apply for jobs? And, those applying...are they not aware of the pays scale and working conditions? Is there an armed. Guard forcing them to continue to work for Wal Mart?

I have heard that several machine shop owners are looking for skilled workers and are offering several dollars more per hour....oh, these Wal Mart folks have few skills and little education you say? Oh, maybe that makes a difference...in both pay scale and in the working environment.

Posted (edited)

Where is the overly simplistic solution being offered for Wal-Mart itself? If the strikes or union practices are so horrible just fire them all, don't whine and file ridiculous lawsuits. What? You mean you want these people around so that they can work Black Friday? These same people whose hours you're controlling so that some don't qualify for benefits. Surely, if it's as simple as them being lazy and unappreciative (and easily replaceable), Wal-Mart should just lay them off, right? How hard could it be to replace these people who "wander around all day"?

And if you're policing for $10/hr and are so miserable here's a crazy idea. Go to another department! I know we're hiring...I just can't imagine what could keep them from picking up an application. Surely the vast experience of patrolling the mean streets will come in handy.

Edited by emmitt01

1. I agree. they should be fired, if they are so unhappy.

2. You missed the point on my police statement. They DON'T complain. That's just it. IF anyone should, it would be them and volunteer firefighters.

3. You're better than that last comment.


My point was, if you're going to use them (Eustace officers) as a point of comparison, you have to admit that they too have the same ability to make a career change if they are unhappy. It's disingenuous to point out how treacherous their job is when compared to their salary of $10/hr...especially when attempting to place them up against Wal-Mart employees who supposedly "walk around all day". And, yes, I do take umbrage with the idea that they work in an environment wrought with daily danger...UCR stats just don't back that idea up. They're not being asked to patrol Detroit for minimum wage.


1. What is wrong with being born a millionaire or billionaire if you're still a good person?

2. I don't know their exact wage, but I imagine it is pretty similar to what it was when I was hired there in college. Their job is pretty easy. I can think of plenty of people who have tougher jobs and get paid well below their worth.

Their job is pretty easy? Have you worked at wal-mart? Define easy. Also, define good person.

I'm guessing that 10 bucks an hour when you graduated got a person by a little further than today.

I respect you for what you do, but have some respect for other people making an honest living such as yourself. It's easy to say that people that work at wal-mart don't work hard or that they have an easy job. But I'm guessing a lot of people would say that patrolling a town of 1,000 people is not that hard either. I don't believe either, but I just trying to make a point.


Their job is pretty easy? Have you worked at wal-mart? Define easy. Also, define good person.

I'm guessing that 10 bucks an hour when you graduated got a person by a little further than today.

I respect you for what you do, but have some respect for other people making an honest living such as yourself. It's easy to say that people that work at wal-mart don't work hard or that they have an easy job. But I'm guessing a lot of people would say that patrolling a town of 1,000 people is not that hard either. I don't believe either, but I just trying to make a point.

Jobs at Wal-Mart are just that, jobs, not a career. Perfect for high school and college kids and maybe a second job for a few extra bucks. If someone is trying to make a living working this type of job, there is the problem. If you want to make more than $10/hr, obtain a skill that warrants higher pay. Pretty simple.


Jobs at Wal-Mart are just that, jobs, not a career. Perfect for high school and college kids and maybe a second job for a few extra bucks. If someone is trying to make a living working this type of job, there is the problem. If you want to make more than $10/hr, obtain a skill that warrants higher pay. Pretty simple.

Yes..it is all about skills and choices. People make choices in their lives....people seem to want others to bail them out when they discover they have made bad choices along the way...then it is always the big bad employer that is trying to hold them back. This gets so very tiring...it is the same crap over and over and over. Don't like the pay/benefits at Wal-Mart? Go work somewhere else or go get some skills that can lead to a better job. Lots of folks have worked while going to school.

This crap about blaming Wal-Mart for "bad labor practices" is pure BS....how about poor life practices by those who cannot seem understand that THEY are part of the problem?

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Posted (edited)

OUR Walmart (Organization United for Respect) is an extension of the of the UFCW Union and has been around for a couple years. This new organization was formed shortly after Wake Up Walmart died off 2 or 3 years ago. OUR Walmart is far more brazen and really doesn't hide its strong relationship with the Union in its attempts to organize workers. Many of the protests have people that aren't actual WMT workers so while they may have a fair amount of support, how much of that support is from actual WMT workers?

For the large part, organizing workers at WMT would be a huge feather in the cap of the Union. We're talking about 1.2 million store and DC workers that could become members, which amounts to a ton of new income from membership dues. If the Union gets WMT workers to join the ranks, there is little to stop them from going to other companies and organizing those workers.

Edited by UNTFan23

Yes..it is all about skills and choices...This gets so very tiring...it is the same crap over and over and over...This crap about blaming Wal-Mart for "bad labor practices" is pure BS..

Geez, this is the problem with the far right and, ultimately, the reason republicans can't get back in office. When you oversimplify and apply YOUR life experiences and beliefs to others, you preach to the choir yet look dumb to the congregation. You can't see that some folks don't have the OPPORTUNITY to do the things you did, and no matter how many people try and tell you, you simply will never get it because you verify your thoughts with the choir. It IS getting tiring to hear the same crap over and over, and how would you know about the labor practices of Wal Mart? My god, man. This rant is for all the narrow minded brain vomit from all the indoctrinated tea bag followers who simply can't think outside their own twisted environment and judge others like they were some extension of Jesus. Think!

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Geez, this is the problem with the far right and, ultimately, the reason republicans can't get back in office. When you oversimplify and apply YOUR life experiences and beliefs to others, you preach to the choir yet look dumb to the congregation. You can't see that some folks don't have the OPPORTUNITY to do the things you did, and no matter how many people try and tell you, you simply will never get it because you verify your thoughts with the choir. It IS getting tiring to hear the same crap over and over, and how would you know about the labor practices of Wal Mart? My god, man. This rant is for all the narrow minded brain vomit from all the indoctrinated tea bag followers who simply can't think outside their own twisted environment and judge others like they were some extension of Jesus. Think!

The people that believe cashiers, floor sweepers, stockers, etc need more money are the same ones that bitch when the price of goods go up to cover increased pay.


Geez, this is the problem with the far right and, ultimately, the reason republicans can't get back in office. When you oversimplify and apply YOUR life experiences and beliefs to others, you preach to the choir yet look dumb to the congregation. You can't see that some folks don't have the OPPORTUNITY to do the things you did, and no matter how many people try and tell you, you simply will never get it because you verify your thoughts with the choir. It IS getting tiring to hear the same crap over and over, and how would you know about the labor practices of Wal Mart? My god, man. This rant is for all the narrow minded brain vomit from all the indoctrinated tea bag followers who simply can't think outside their own twisted environment and judge others like they were some extension of Jesus. Think!

Nice attack d-bag. What do you think Walmart workers should earn per hour? I take it you are part if the Me/entitlement generation. Hard work beats "You earn more so you owe me everyday.". Stop buying into the Left's class/gender/race warfare and you think.

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Geez, this is the problem with the far right and, ultimately, the reason republicans can't get back in office. When you oversimplify and apply YOUR life experiences and beliefs to others, you preach to the choir yet look dumb to the congregation. You can't see that some folks don't have the OPPORTUNITY to do the things you did, and no matter how many people try and tell you, you simply will never get it because you verify your thoughts with the choir. It IS getting tiring to hear the same crap over and over, and how would you know about the labor practices of Wal Mart? My god, man. This rant is for all the narrow minded brain vomit from all the indoctrinated tea bag followers who simply can't think outside their own twisted environment and judge others like they were some extension of Jesus. Think!

Number 1....I happen to know a good deal about the labor practices at Wal Mart, but that is beside he point. Your post is pure BS, and right out of the me, me, me...entitlement generation....what do you know about my opportunities? You are obviously buying the liberal crap....it is all about choices.....don't like Wal-Mart and their labor practices...don't work for Wal-Mart. We're these folks not told what their pay, benefits, hours, etc. would be when they were hired? Do these same folks know how much in union dues they will pay, how much their union bosses are making off their backs, how many will be paying much more for Wal-Mart products, how many fewer of them will have jobs if they unionize, and on and on and on. It is the same people who wanted the job...took the job...and now claim..."it is not fair". So, what was it fair when you took the job? You think you deserve more just because you have been there over one year?

Your reply indicates that you fail to understand even the basics here and have bowed to the union mantra...that's great thinking there Eagle Green.....pure BS right out of the union play book........speaking of brain vomit.

You can believe that people do not have any control over the choices they make if you want...and you can believe that those choices should have no impact on their lives..it is pure BS, but you can believe it if you want. But, that dog just don't hunt here....

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Nice attack d-bag. What do you think Walmart workers should earn per hour? I take it you are part if the Me/entitlement generation. Hard work beats "You earn more so you owe me everyday.". Stop buying into the Left's class/gender/race warfare and you think.

It's not about "how much a floor sweeper should make." You a-wipes make my point in that you will not get it. You think that if someone disagrees with you then they are liberal/entitlement "d-bags". My point exactly.

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Posted (edited)

It's not about "how much a floor sweeper should make." You a-wipes make my point in that you will not get it. You think that if someone disagrees with you then they are liberal/entitlement "d-bags". My point exactly.

Please explain your point then. You make a number of assumptions about "us" and that is what got to me. I enjoy hearing differing views, but tell me what your view is without calling us "a-wipes."

Edited by UNTLifer

Number 1....I happen to know a good deal about the labor practices at Wal Mart, but that is beside he point. Your post is pure BS, and right out of the me, me, me...entitlement generation....what do you know about my opportunities? You are obviously buying the liberal crap....it is all about choices.....don't like Wal-Mart and their labor practices...don't work for Wal-Mart. We're these folks not told what their pay, benefits, hours, etc. would be when they were hired? Do these same folks know how much in union dues they will pay, how much their union bosses are making off their backs, how many will be paying much more for Wal-Mart products, how many fewer of them will have jobs if they unionize, and on and on and on. It is the same people who wanted the job...took the job...and now claim..."it is not fair". So, what was it fair when you took the job? You think you deserve more just because you have been there over one year?

My reply was not as much about Wal Mart as it was about many folks (not all) that lean or fall right who apply their experience and opportunity to all situations and judge others accordingly. It wouldn't matter what YOUR experiences are, or that I understand them. That's the point. I don't know if you are a moocher or not. You don't know if the union folks at Wal Mart are bitchin' for no reason or not. Neither do I. Unions, in my opinion are rarely needed and mostly taken advantage of. Many workers are psuedo forced to participate in a union, if there is one, and don't know about the situation until after they take the job. The Union decides what to fight for, not always the worker. So, the Union tells a good worker, "we are going on strike". The worker, although a good guy, disabled vet, redneck, whatever, has to go along with it or pay the price. Generally, these things are non-events and get worked out...in this case, half the nation is amplifying the situation so that they can show the president they didn't vote for is a d-bag, entitlement loving, communist.

Your reply indicates that you fail to understand even the basics here and have bowed to the union mantra...that's great thinking there Eagle Green.....pure BS right out of the union play book........speaking of brain vomit.

You can believe that people do not have any control over the choices they make if you want...and you can believe that those choices should have no impact on their lives..it is pure BS, but you can believe it if you want. But, that dog just don't hunt here....

The dog hunts. It's not always about JUST choices. It is also about opportunity. Take the Wal Mart in Denton, for example. They have a program (read opportunity) that works with the state hospital to give mentally disabled folks an opportunity to work a normal job and get normal pay. It was just a few years ago that a big stink was made that those folks don't get the same opportunity for advancement as other non-disabled folks. "Wal Mart's" point was that they gave them opportunity to work, not advance to areas where they were perhaps uncapable. It turns out, if the worker is capable of moving up, you can't discriminate on other factors and they had to provide that opportunity for advancement. I don't believe there was a union involved, but this is where it would be good, if needed. Opportunity is often just as important as choices. The state hospital person doesn't always have the choice to work where they want. This applies to many other demographics.

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It's not about "how much a floor sweeper should make." You a-wipes make my point in that you will not get it. You think that if someone disagrees with you then they are liberal/entitlement "d-bags". My point exactly.

It is because liberals always seem to make it personal...you know ZERO about any of us...to even associate me with the tea party movement shows how very little you actually know...what are you...12 years old or something that you need to use foul language to try to make a point? I don't condone the personal stuff flowing either way....

You can by the union crap all you want, but if you want to try to make a point...how about using big people language and bring it up a notch or two?

Now...that being said...just what is your point? Happy to listen if you use big boy language.....I'll wait patiently because all I have heard from the union yahoos is all about wages and benefits...so, do tell...what IS it all about?

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Please explain your point then. You make a number of assumptions about "us" and that is what got to me. I enjoy hearing differing views, but tell me what your view is without calling us "a-wipes."

No assumptions, fella; those are observations. Some folks just need opportunity to thrive. They will choose to do better, given the opportunity. Some won't, some will. Just because someone asks for a raise does not mean they are entitlement (insert new catch phrase here) lazy, welfare queens. When you jump on the "union workers are liberal pieces of crap" bandwagon, you don't look very smart. What are the facts of the case? Who, specifically is asking for more money and benefits? What do they propose as a resolution? Is it warranted? I'd wager that a little less than half the country doesn't care, they just want to show that the president is a liberal union-tied guy by amplifying the situation.

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My reply was not as much about Wal Mart as it was about many folks (not all) that lean or fall right who apply their experience and opportunity to all situations and judge others accordingly. It wouldn't matter what YOUR experiences are, or that I understand them. That's the point. I don't know if you are a moocher or not. You don't know if the union folks at Wal Mart are bitchin' for no reason or not. Neither do I. Unions, in my opinion are rarely needed and mostly taken advantage of. Many workers are psuedo forced to participate in a union, if there is one, and don't know about the situation until after they take the job. The Union decides what to fight for, not always the worker. So, the Union tells a good worker, "we are going on strike". The worker, although a good guy, disabled vet, redneck, whatever, has to go along with it or pay the price. Generally, these things are non-events and get worked out...in this case, half the nation is amplifying the situation so that they can show the president they didn't vote for is a d-bag, entitlement loving, communist.

The dog hunts. It's not always about JUST choices. It is also about opportunity. Take the Wal Mart in Denton, for example. They have a program (read opportunity) that works with the state hospital to give mentally disabled folks an opportunity to work a normal job and get normal pay. It was just a few years ago that a big stink was made that those folks don't get the same opportunity for advancement as other non-disabled folks. "Wal Mart's" point was that they gave them opportunity to work, not advance to areas where they were perhaps uncapable. It turns out, if the worker is capable of moving up, you can't discriminate on other factors and they had to provide that opportunity for advancement. I don't believe there was a union involved, but this is where it would be good, if needed. Opportunity is often just as important as choices. The state hospital person doesn't always have the choice to work where they want. This applies to many other demographics.

How did this get to be about Obama and if "my experiences" didn't matter, why did you mention it in the first place?

So, now it is about Wal-Mart and handicapped workers and their rights? Cool...love the idea that Wal-Mart reached out to this segment of the population as I personally have a ton of experience with a handicapped child and know first hand about this...plus the bride has worked in the field and has advanced degrees and certifications in this area. So, let's talk about this one.....thanks to Wal-Mart for even starting this program...many many other employers would not even venture into this area...IF Wal-Mart feels one is ready for promotion...handicapped or not...that is their business and their choice...they do not need union fat cats telling them what they can and can not do...and would the union fat cat bosses make these handicapped workers pay union dues????? Probably as they are really all about lining their own pockets at the expense of their workers. Want to talk about policy...how about the fact that the new health care law will result in fewer hours for these folks...thus less income. What are your union buddies going to do about that? Just asking.

Thanks for the big boy language reply...I get your point...I have lived your point in many ways over many years...so, I get it...but unlike you, I thank Wal-Mart for dipping their toe into this area....In no way do I think they are taking advantage and in no way should any union at any level get involved...they would do nothing but cause Wal-Mart to drop the program.....my opinion of course.

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Just to point out...Obamacare is not the origin of cutting hours to avoid paying benefits. Companies have been doing that for decades because of the high cost of healthcare.

I’m not going to get into the politics of it. Just stating a fact that cutting hours to avoid benefits is nothing new.


Just to point out...Obamacare is not the origin of cutting hours to avoid paying benefits. Companies have been doing that for decades because of the high cost of healthcare.

I’m not going to get into the politics of it. Just stating a fact that cutting hours to avoid benefits is nothing new.

Exactly, because a business has to make a profit or it goes under and then nobody has a job.

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