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Posted (edited)

They have been asked, politely, many times.

I'm talking signs out on campus. E-mails sent to the entire student body.

Edited by RAGEMASTER5000
Posted (edited)

As a resident of either Southlake, Grapevine or Keller over the past 20+ years I feel it is my duty to let you know we don't think you are not good enough because you don't live in a "McMansion". You're not good enough because you are MF'n obnoxious. Newsflash - other teams aren't going to be intimidated by students, especially when the main attack is a potty word.

Secondly, I like my bubble. The first time my two sons hear the f-bomb, it's going to be from me. You don't have the right to take that paternal privilege from me.

Finally, my wife used to teach in Watauga. So not all of us feel that way. Some of us try to help them folk.

Some of us try to help them folk? So now you're better than them? Like they're poor trash? LMFAO, that mentality is the problem.

And you're an idiot if you think heckling has no effect on the opposing team. It does.

Edited by meangreener
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Wait. You thought I was serious? You really are clueless.

I don't understand what the big deal about people from watauga is. They're just people like you and I, but with less money. And mullets.
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I don't understand what the big deal about people from watauga is. They're just people like you and I, but with less money. And mullets.

Come to think of it, Wataugans are the kind of fans we need to market to and get into Apogee. They will create the fearsome, vulgar-mouthed, blue-collar crowd so many desire. Teams will be so scared to play us. I think getting beer sales in Apogee is key. Those people are alchoholics after all.


Instead of changing the fight song to remove the opportunity to insert the filthy phrase, how about asking the students use another phrase. Why not mother loving? Or how about mother hugging? The current action taken is going to create a game of whack-a-mole. It's an invitation to create new ways to be offensive. When someone is openly trying to be annoying, the worst mistake is to let them annoy you. That means you lose. You're now on defense. Probably best not to act in locus parentis. No one wants to lose touch with future alumni.

How about just practicing a little class? There, I asked.

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Posted (edited)

This is ridiculous. We finally have a "real school" tradition that gets the students fired up, and the older alumni are against it. I find this very funny because I know that the students saying these added words are the ones who make road trip games and stay for the whole game even though UNT is losing, and most of the alumni/students are leaving. These are also the students who want to change UNT into a more spirited and motivated school instead of letting the band try to motivate us with Friday night high school pump up songs.

I have been on numerous road trips to away games such as Clemson, LSU, and Houston where added cuss words are very common for fight songs and other activities involving the student section. I will probably get the response of just because they do it does not mean that we should. I know we cannot compare ourselves to LSU but look at the potential we can have by creating a motivated "real school" student section. If the students are fired up/motivated, then the football team will feed off of it and know they have a real fan base. I also know that a lot of the football players love it.

I am damn proud to have recently graduated from this outstanding university and I cannot wait to see a change in UNT athletics.

-Spring 13 grad, Marine and Afghanistan Veteran

First off, I sincerely thank you for your service to our country and am glad you made it home safely.

How would you feel about adding the same term into the following song just prior to United States Marine?

From the Halls of Montezuma,

To the shores of Tripoli;

We fight our country's battles

In the air, on land, and sea;

First to fight for right and freedom

And to keep our honor clean:

We are proud to claim the title

Of United States Marine.

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze

From dawn to setting sun;

We have fought in every clime and place

Where we could take a gun;

In the snow of far-off Northern lands

And in sunny tropic scenes;

You will find us always on the job

The United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps

Which we are proud to serve;

In many a strife we've fought for life

And never lost our nerve;

If the Army and the Navy

Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;

They will find the streets are guarded

By United States Marines.

Edited by UNTLifer
  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)

How about just practicing a little class? There, I asked.

I agree that it is inappropriate, but there could be creative and constructive ways to handle the situation. If the administration wants a little class to be practiced they should make a clear request and open a line of dialogue regarding the matter. Have a forum. Ten people will show up. Send out an e-mail. I have never said dirty words during the fight song, but I've never been asked not to. (I know, common sense)

What we have in our talons is opportunity. We can collaborate on a new addition to the fight song that all groups can be proud of. All we need are 4 syllables to join traditionalist and desecrator, uptight Southlaker and mullet-adorned Wataugan, immature student and dignified alumni. We can sream our lungs out in peaceful harmony and fondly scoff at the dark ages when ruthless vandals and barbarians threatened to unravel the fabric of our way of life by disgracing our glorious fight song with shameful language.

Edited by RAGEMASTER5000

I agree that it is inappropriate, but there could be creative and constructive ways to handle the situation. If the administration wants a little class to be practiced they should make a clear request and open a line of dialogue regarding the matter. Have a forum. Ten people will show up. Send out an e-mail. I have never said dirty words during the fight song, but I've never been asked not to. (I know, common sense)

The band director had asked students to stop inserting the cuss word into the fight song.

Also, common sense should dictate that inserting the cuss word is not appropriate in any situation, but there has been a shortage on common sense over the years.

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The band director had asked students to stop inserting the cuss word into the fight song.

Also, common sense should dictate that inserting the cuss word is not appropriate in any situation, but there has been a shortage on common sense over the years.

Sometimes I stub my toe really bad. That's a good time. And sometimes people act like real mother f*&$ers and need to be labled as such. For example, all these little mother f*&%ers keep yelling mother f&%$er during the fight song at football games. Really grinds my gears.


I agree that it is inappropriate, but there could be creative and constructive ways to handle the situation. If the administration wants a little class to be practiced they should make a clear request and open a line of dialogue regarding the matter. Have a forum. Ten people will show up. Send out an e-mail. I have never said dirty words during the fight song, but I've never been asked not to. (I know, common sense)

What we have in our talons is opportunity. We can collaborate on a new addition to the fight song that all groups can be proud of. All we need are 4 syllables to join traditionalist and desecrator, uptight Southlaker and mullet-adorned Wataugan, immature student and dignified alumni. We can sream our lungs out in peaceful harmony and fondly scoff at the dark ages when ruthless vandals and barbarians threatened to unravel the fabric of our way of life by disgracing our glorious fight song with shameful language.

Now, you should already know that UNT never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Here's what will appen in a nutshell:

1. UNT keeps the edited version of fight song

2. Students will gripe and complain to no avail

3. If what Meangreener said is true, then it will go up for a vote in SGA and make it go back to the extended version.

4. The admin will disregard the student vote and continue the edited version

5. An even bigger rift between student & alumni and student & UNT will occur.

6 Students will become alumni, leave Denton and never give UNT another thought

7. Repeat cycle

Now tell me if what I said wasn't spot on. As much as a good number of you hate me, I have never said anything that wasn't true nor have I ever been wrong. (It may not be the way many of you want to hear it but still, I have been right about everything.) Even if the edited version is here to stay, there is a pretty decent way to handle this, but UNT is already grossly mishandling the situation and things don't appear to be looking up anytime soon.

Inb4 why are you even here

Inb4 generic meatloaf joke

Inb4 somebody calls me CougarQueen

Inb4 Emmitt tells me I failed out

Inb4 Somebody flings anymore generic, unoriginal insults as opposed to trying to dispute my points (which doesn't happen because I do my homework)

Inb4 somebody makes some kind of homework joke

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Now, you should already know that UNT never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Here's what will appen in a nutshell:

1. UNT keeps the edited version of fight song

2. Students will gripe and complain to no avail

3. If what Meangreener said is true, then it will go up for a vote in SGA and make it go back to the extended version.

4. The admin will disregard the student vote and continue the edited version

5. An even bigger rift between student & alumni and student & UNT will occur.

6 Students will become alumni, leave Denton and never give UNT another thought

7. Repeat cycle

Now tell me if what I said wasn't spot on. As much as a good number of you hate me, I have never said anything that wasn't true nor have I ever been wrong. (It may not be the way many of you want to hear it but still, I have been right about everything.) Even if the edited version is here to stay, there is a pretty decent way to handle this, but UNT is already grossly mishandling the situation and things don't appear to be looking up anytime soon.

Inb4 why are you even here

Inb4 generic meatloaf joke

Inb4 somebody calls me CougarQueen

Inb4 Emmitt tells me I failed out

Inb4 Somebody flings anymore generic, unoriginal insults as opposed to trying to dispute my points (which doesn't happen because I do my homework)

Inb4 somebody makes some kind of homework joke

Wining mother f'n football games will do much more to keep students connected once they leave North Mother F'n Texas than any addition/deletion to some mother f'n fight song.

Good mother f'n gosh.

  • Upvote 1

The whole fight song has a losing mentality. Victory's in store whate'er the score? That's some old fashioned Watauga YMCA ideology. Also take note that it is "fight fight fight" not "win win win". We could throw out the whole thing and ask for a new one.

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The whole fight song has a losing mentality. Victory's in store whate'er the score? That's some old fashioned Watauga YMCA ideology. Also take note that it is "fight fight fight" not "win win win". We could throw out the whole thing and ask for a new one.

I have a nominee:



Now, you should already know that UNT never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Here's what will appen in a nutshell:

You have a different definition of nutshell than I.

Now tell me if what I said wasn't spot on. As much as a good number of you hate me, I have never said anything that wasn't true nor have I ever been wrong. (It may not be the way many of you want to hear it but still, I have been right about everything.)

Ummm, what? Are you serious? Never been wrong? That is, in itself, a wrong statement. You are correct though, nobody here likes you.

Inb4 why are you even here

Inb4 generic meatloaf joke

Inb4 somebody calls me CougarQueen

Inb4 Emmitt tells me I failed out

Inb4 Somebody flings anymore generic, unoriginal insults as opposed to trying to dispute my points (which doesn't happen because I do my homework)

Inb4 somebody makes some kind of homework joke

Maybe it's you...


Now tell me if what I said wasn't spot on. As much as a good number of you hate me, I have never said anything that wasn't true nor have I ever been wrong. (It may not be the way many of you want to hear it but still, I have been right about everything.) Even if the edited version is here to stay, there is a pretty decent way to handle this, but UNT is already grossly mishandling the situation and things don't appear to be looking up anytime soon.

Perhaps you are confusing questioning veracity with volition. I'm not one of the posters who responds to your posts with insults, so try and consider this perspective. You've identified yourself as a former NT student. And you have voluntarily chosen to continue to visit this board. However, as of late, your contributions have indicated more of a desire to take shots at those of us who still self-identify as having an interest in all things NT (probably the only common denominator for most active posters here).

This active choice of yours to be consistently negative or mocking puts your motivations more in line with posters who semi-frequent here but have not indicated previous NT-affiliation (GLG and FroggyStyle for example) but who somehow choose to devote hours of their week to posting on a board that they seem to have no affiliation with outside of wanting to make themselves feel superior in some capacity.

I remember your posts as the former EagleGreen. You were not a troll or tool then. You genuinely seemed to care about NT. Perhaps that is why you are getting negative feedback as opposed to some of us not "understanding" your righteous veracity on all topics. There is so much difference of opinion on this board, but for the most part excluding a few exceptional or overwrought topics, we all feel a bond based upon our ties to NT; that is why we choose to come here; and that breeds a certain amount of respect despite differences of opinion. You have placed yourself is some ambivalent place between us and the GLGs/Froggies. That's not a position myself or most NT-faithful would want to find ourselves within, much less actively work to put ourselves there.

So that's just my opinion of why you find yourself where you are at. I don't think it's about the unpopular veracity of your statements, and it has more to do with wondering why you've chosen to put yourself in that position as a former NT student.


-Spring 13 grad, Marine and Afghanistan Veteran

The only good thing to come from this thread is this demonstration in how to appropriately force-field one's opinion.

Good work.

(typed while giving CPR to a choking and asthmatic baby, baking an apple pie and watching a John Wayne movie)

  • Upvote 2

The only good thing to come from this thread is this demonstration in how to appropriately force-field one's opinion.

Good work.

(typed while giving CPR to a choking and asthmatic baby, baking an apple pie and watching a John Wayne movie)

What about TastyGreek's idea? I think it's marvelous.

I have a nominee:



The whole fight song has a losing mentality. Victory's in store whate'er the score? That's some old fashioned Watauga YMCA ideology. Also take note that it is "fight fight fight" not "win win win". We could throw out the whole thing and ask for a new one.

It's a "fight song", not a "win song."

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