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Rick, Do you even believe the crap you post? Honest question.

Krauthammer was one of the Fox News pundits that predicted a Romney win days before the Obama landslide victory.

From a certain perspective the government conspiracy sword dropping angle makes sense. No one had ever trusted the government. When bush was in office how many random conspiracy theories did we sift through? If memory serves it was way to freaking many. were all of those just bs rhetoric?

Same song different verse

I don't think that the current president and administration is evil, i don't think the previous one was either. I do think that the government as a whole is dishonest and i don't put the thought of manipulating this situation, among others, outside of the realm of possibility.

I know it can be awkward to evaluate yourself, but were the bush haters any different? Were their points less valid? Does Rick and others not have the right, nay responsibility, to look into these things? It would be irresponsible to let a government of any stripe get away with something due to lack of public scrutiny.

The people that should understand that the most should be those that tore bush apart whenever possible, that was a big group. What us wrong with looking onto a possibility that circumstantially (sp) is quite possible?

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From a certain perspective the government conspiracy sword dropping angle makes sense. No one had ever trusted the government. When bush was in office how many random conspiracy theories did we sift through? If memory serves it was way to freaking many. were all of those just bs rhetoric?

Same song different verse

I don't think that the current president and administration is evil, i don't think the previous one was either. I do think that the government as a whole is dishonest and i don't put the thought of manipulating this situation, among others, outside of the realm of possibility.

I know it can be awkward to evaluate yourself, but were the bush haters any different? Were their points less valid? Does Rick and others not have the right, nay responsibility, to look into these things? It would be irresponsible to let a government of any stripe get away with something due to lack of public scrutiny.

The people that should understand that the most should be those that tore bush apart whenever possible, that was a big group. What us wrong with looking onto a possibility that circumstantially (sp) is quite possible?

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

- Anais Nin

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Lets hear more about Schwarzennegar and also about the GOP S.C. governor that left his wife to chase the woman in Argentina... or Gingrich and all of his affairs and the wives he left (love the one about telling his wife he was leving her when she was in a hospital bed)... maybe even a story or two about Rush and his FOUR wives. ... yep that is the party of morality and family Christian values....

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Lets hear more about Schwarzennegar and also about the GOP S.C. governor that left his wife to chase the woman in Argentina... or Gingrich and all of his affairs and the wives he left (love the one about telling his wife he was leving her when she was in a hospital bed)... maybe even a story or two about Rush and his FOUR wives. ... yep that is the party of morality and family Christian values....

Or Clinton getting his pole smoked in the Whitehouse, and still the Democratic Party bows at his feet.

And regarding people calling Obama's win a landslide, really? Since when did winning by 2% of the electoral vote and roughly 2-3 million of the popular vote become a landslide?

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Or Clinton getting his pole smoked in the Whitehouse, and still the Democratic Party bows at his feet.

And regarding people calling Obama's win a landslide, really? Since when did winning by 2% of the electoral vote and roughly 2-3 million of the popular vote become a landslide?

About the same time that losing the popular vote and just winning the electoral college in 2000 was a mandate.

This country is way to divided. Too much Red State vs. Blue State, Left vs. Right, Liberal vs. Conservative. The country is head ti hell in a handbasket if we don't work together. The country needs to work together to but the US back in USA.

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..."For starters, King said Petraeus told them that the CIA talking points meant for U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's Sept. 16 round robin of five Sunday network news shows, originally contained the information that there was evidence al-Qaeda elements were involved in the attack. These talking points were then altered through "an inter-agency process...."

Like I posted earlier, the Obama Administration held this over Petraeus'' head to get favorable testimony about the cover up. Now all bets are off on that.


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Like I posted earlier, the Obama Administration held this over Petraeus'' head to get favorable testimony about the cover up. Now all bets are off on that.


......"when Petraeus was asked if the affair and investigation had any impact on his testimony on Libya. "He said no," King said...."

Protecting his sweetie I'm guessing. He's changed his statements so it doesn't matter as to why. Im just guessing here, and may be wrong after it all comes out, but I predict he eventually admits to being the victim of blackmail. Regardless its safe to say this administration will never take the blame for this.


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This shouldn't surprise anyone.


..."WASHINGTON (AP) — An Obama administration official says a Tampa Bay socialite whose emails triggered the eventual downfall of CIA director David Petraeus visited the White House three times this year with her sister, twice eating in the Executive Mansion mess...."


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Yes, as much as I can believe the news that is reported. Do you believe the news that is reported?


If it's from a credible source, yes. That is why I gather information from multiple souces, rather than just one. I attempt to look at both sides of the story before I make any conclusion.

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Republican Logic: bad intelligence that lead to the unnecessary Iraq War costing trillions of dollars & thousands of American lives = Secretary of State nomination. Bad intelligence about the mindset of terrorists who killed an ambassador = no Secretary of State nomination.

Consistency. You has none.

Edited by Coffee and TV
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Or Clinton getting his pole smoked in the Whitehouse, and still the Democratic Party bows at his feet.

And regarding people calling Obama's win a landslide, really? Since when did winning by 2% of the electoral vote and roughly 2-3 million of the popular vote become a landslide?

He won the electoral vote by over 20%, 332-206 and the popular vote by over 3.5M votes.

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. That is why I gather information from multiple souces, rather than just one. I attempt to look at both sides of the story before I make any conclusion.

Every liberal I know claims to do this, but they always come away with the same liberal mindset. Reading just for the sake of reading is not what's important. If one actually reads both sides and THINKS about what they read they wold probably never end up on the fringes of either side...nor would they always march to exact same beat on every issue each and every time.

Also...most libs I know NEVER seem to claim to be liberal...I wonder why that is? Sort of like all the negative people I know never call themselves negative...they always seem to want to be called realists even when each and every comment is negative. Strange thing this human behavior, no?

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"CBS News: Office of the DNI cut "al Qaeda" reference from Benghazi talking points, and CIA, FBI signed off"


..."(CBS News) WASHINGTON - CBS News has learned that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) cut specific references to "al Qaeda" and "terrorism" from the unclassified talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice on the Benghazi consulate attack - with the agreement of the CIA and FBI. The White House or State Department did not make those changes...."

I don't believe a thing these sorry people tell us but there you go. This is how the White House is going to sweep it under the rug.


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