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I am amazed


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I have been able to attend few UNT games, but was honored to attend at Robertson Stadium in Houston on Saturday night. There was a great green crowd and the family I sat with was more than enjoyable to visit with as we are old friends. What I came away with, and yes, I do follow the team, was that you guys pay a coach way too much , when all of you can coach free on a blog. I hear all the Todd Dodge stuff til I'm amazed you can't come up with any other sort of an excuse. If my memory serves me, and it may not, your junior class will be the last of the Dodge recruits and then you guys will be winning Conference USA every year. Congratulations! What confuses me the most is, you guys totally dislike the quarterback DT, as you call him. He's a Dodge recruit, he's not good, he can't pass but I think there are 2 McCarney recruits that stand on the side line of every game. Osborne and McNulty? maybe another one, not sure. You talk about giving McCarney 4 years to recruit, you are asking to put the freshmen kids in and give them a chance. AND, you guys also saved a scholarship for a quarterback who was DISMISSED from Kansas and didn't win the job at a Community College. I know, I know, your beat writer Mr. Vito, LOVES THIS KID and touts on his 15th ranking in the nation. SO hopefully, he will prove to be the bread winner you need. The funny thing is other than Vito's article, that states, Mr. Berglund left Kansas because of a coaching change...have any of you REALLY read information on this guy? Weiss dismissed him from Kansas and the coach at Scottsdale CC said in an interview they ALL thought it was best that Berglund enroll at UNT immediately. HMMMMMM, just throwing it out there, but all of a sudden, this young man WAS able to transfer AND the community college coach couldn't wait to help him out of his program. Just interesting reading if you look......I also know you can't believe everything you read, because STOJK or however you spell it will be back next year, hopefully beating the hell out of your opponents on the field instead of at bars. Also, information that can be found when you look for it. I'm amazed that Daddy's post practice information on the blog openly. Mr. McCareny closes his practices except to family and few others from what I understand from my North Texas friends, players families really aren't supposed to be discussing what goes on in practice. But just for fun, let's say at the GREEN/WHITE scrimmage, the 1st team played the 3rd team.....I believe afternoon practices go the same. So, Mr. Trussell, be VERY careful, how you post what your son says. Administrator, Coaches, Students, PLAYERS and fans ALL read this blog. Just putting that out there.

Last but certainly not least, I do believe you guys have a good coach with McCarney, but good coaches win with what they have. June Jones proved that in Hawaii with kids that were not highly recruited. Yes, he is struggling a bit at SMU, but he's getting a few recruits UNT is not. WHY? That's a good question, you say. UNT does have to win before a 5 star recruit is going to turn down the UH's, Mississippi States and the Tulsa's of the world. UNT has playmakers, whether they were recrutied by Dodge, McCarney or Mickey Mouse, the coaching staff just has to keep pushing ahead with what they have. And hopefully, in the 2-4 more years, McCarney is here, you guys will be the shining Conference USA winners you want to be.

Good Luck to the players and coaches against ULL on October 16th! Hold your heads up guys because what you do IS WAY HARDER than what we do sitting at a computer and typing what we think will change the college football world!

GMG supporter! Win, lose or draw~

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