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Anyone at the Alumni Party tonight in Houston?

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If so....what was it like?

Well, pretty good I guess....maybe a couple of hundred...should have been 500 hundred....band , cheerleaders and dancers were great...free food, free beer...I personally had a great time....I think the football players loved the support...we will be cheering them on at the game and the tailgating will be good I;m sure...went on the million dollar bus...very nice.

Talked with RV...I asked him about the hotel at apogee...he said he isn't really invovled, but believes the city has signed off on it and it will be built...I believe next year...he said all the coomponents were in place....the BB facility will be done this year...Dan Smith (also at the pep rally) raised 3.5 million in one month for the BB facility....all good guys.

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Well, pretty good I guess....maybe a couple of hundred...should have been 500 hundred....band , cheerleaders and dancers were great...free food, free beer...I personally had a great time....I think the football players loved the support...we will be cheering them on at the game and the tailgating will be good I;m sure...went on the million dollar bus...very nice.

Talked with RV...I asked him about the hotel at apogee...he said he isn't really invovled, but believes the city has signed off on it and it will be built...I believe next year...he said all the coomponents were in place....the BB facility will be done this year...Dan Smith (also at the pep rally) raised 3.5 million in one month for the BB facility....all good guys.

Should have been 500 I agree but I believe we put almost 2k into the stands tomorrow. Hopefully we are the loudest fans that UNT has. Many people are not coming down until tomorrow morning.

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I'm bad at estimating crowd sizes, but I'm guessing anywhere from 200 - 400, based on that the crowd was similar in size to the Green Brigade (who was there). One of the best attended UNT events I've been to in Houston.

It was held in a tent close to the size of a football field, and it felt about half full. It was a mix of out-of-towners staying at the hotel and Houstonians. Hank, RV, Mac, the VP for the Advancement office, and Derrick Morgan (Alumni Association director) spoke (decent PA system - you could hear them), and Mac had the captains say a few words. Lots of spirit, helped out by the Green Brigade, cheerleaders, and dancers.

One awkward thing towards the end - Hank mentioned Mattress Mac's donation "that started the ball rolling" (as best as I can remember, that's how he put it), but Mac was not there, and it seemed like a spur of the moment thought to mention it. I'd say that Mac is still not on good terms with NT. Not that it should be a surprise to anyone who lives in Houston - Mac has a way of moving from one pet project to another anyway.

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Sounds like a pretty slick event. As for Mac, hey, if he wants to spread his money around, that's his choice and I'm glad we got a chunk of it. I'd like to see UNT on better terms with ALL alums - and even exes that didn't graduate - but I'm sure those who donate know that those of us who bleed green appreciate every bit.

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