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Ron Patterson


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How can he be immediately eligible when he was released for grades?

Question. No info.

He met the NCAA requirement , but not IU's

We already had to bump 1 player , not interested in doing again this late. He should just go to prep

Edited by NT03
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Nobody... Yet.

But, taking a look at player Twitter accounts... Trey Norris flew to St. Louis with his family, worked out with a different team, and got treated to a pretty tasty looking steak. He's talking about how hard it's going to be to be away from his girlfriend, and for the past few weeks he's been talking about big changes, wondering what it'll be like to live in a different state, and saying how life is going to be different.

It wasn't always like that for Trey... As recently as July 30th, he was happily representing UNT basketball. But the very next day, things started going bad somehow.

What the heck happened that would make Trey Norris turn on a dime like that on July 31st? Why would Tony Mitchell be trying to cheer him up with 'things happen for a reason' and 'use it as motivation' talk?

Oh, wait... It might just be the Buzzsaw.

Looks like we're that sort of program now. Where's the vomit emoticon?

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Nobody... Yet.

But, taking a look at player Twitter accounts... Trey Norris flew to St. Louis with his family, worked out with a different team, and got treated to a pretty tasty looking steak. He's talking about how hard it's going to be to be away from his girlfriend, and for the past few weeks he's been talking about big changes, wondering what it'll be like to live in a different state, and saying how life is going to be different.

It wasn't always like that for Trey... As recently as July 30th, he was happily representing UNT basketball. But the very next day, things started going bad somehow.

What the heck happened that would make Trey Norris turn on a dime like that on July 31st? Why would Tony Mitchell be trying to cheer him up with 'things happen for a reason' and 'use it as motivation' talk?

Oh, wait... It might just be the Buzzsaw.

Looks like we're that sort of program now. Where's the vomit emoticon?

Great post! Sounds like you hit it right on the money, according to the timeline. A little bitter sweet considering we were able to add a missing piece of the puzzle, yet let go of a loyal player.

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Nobody... Yet.

But, taking a look at player Twitter accounts... Trey Norris flew to St. Louis with his family, worked out with a different team, and got treated to a pretty tasty looking steak. He's talking about how hard it's going to be to be away from his girlfriend, and for the past few weeks he's been talking about big changes, wondering what it'll be like to live in a different state, and saying how life is going to be different.

It wasn't always like that for Trey... As recently as July 30th, he was happily representing UNT basketball. But the very next day, things started going bad somehow.

What the heck happened that would make Trey Norris turn on a dime like that on July 31st? Why would Tony Mitchell be trying to cheer him up with 'things happen for a reason' and 'use it as motivation' talk?

Oh, wait... It might just be the Buzzsaw.

Looks like we're that sort of program now. Where's the vomit emoticon?

My guess is he is worried about playing time. Pj Hardwick is going to surprise a lot of people. Coach Benford speaks very highly of him. Just speculation on my part if its true he is looking else where. I've seen him in the rec with the rest of the team as recently as August 4-7ish.

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Nobody... Yet.

But, taking a look at player Twitter accounts... Trey Norris flew to St. Louis with his family, worked out with a different team, and got treated to a pretty tasty looking steak. He's talking about how hard it's going to be to be away from his girlfriend, and for the past few weeks he's been talking about big changes, wondering what it'll be like to live in a different state, and saying how life is going to be different.

It wasn't always like that for Trey... As recently as July 30th, he was happily representing UNT basketball. But the very next day, things started going bad somehow.

What the heck happened that would make Trey Norris turn on a dime like that on July 31st? Why would Tony Mitchell be trying to cheer him up with 'things happen for a reason' and 'use it as motivation' talk?

Oh, wait... It might just be the Buzzsaw.

Looks like we're that sort of program now. Where's the vomit emoticon?

It is hard to doubt it, the way you broke it down.... but I really don't like the idea of NT being that kind of team :sick: ... i would rather miss the final puzzle piece, than win by throwing out players on short notice who have given their all . Provided this is true, I am not sure what to make of Benford

Edited by outoftown
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We don't know that Benford kicked him off the team. Benford might have been very frank with Trey, and told him that he has no chance whatsoever of playing time on this team, and that he will receive a full release if he so chooses. With the level of talent on this team now, Benford may have been doing him a favor so that he did not end up on a bench for most of his college career. Pure speculation on my part, but so is everything else in this thread.

Edited by chrisfisher
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We don't know that Benford kicked him off the team. Benford might have been very frank with Trey, and told him that he has no chance whatsoever of playing time on this team, and that he will receive a full release if he so chooses. With the level of talent on this team now, Benford may have been doing him a favor so that he did not end up on a bench for most of his college career. Pure speculation on my part, but so is everything else in this thread.

I would bet this is much more likely than just pulling his scholarship when you land a better player.

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Very little difference in my view and in fact since the date for not renewing ships is long past, it is about the only way you could reduce the roster.

I'll hold most of my opinion until/if Trey officially leaves the program, but this really shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone.

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Yall are worst than the paparazzi in LA... There young 18-20 year old kids who tweet everything whats on there mind.. Just because they had a bad day doesnt mean they are leaving town... I hear stuff everyday from people, but I dont go posting it on the board.. Just relax and watch everything pan out...

Yes I would rather have a person leave to get a final piece of the puzzle... This type of talent is what coaches dream of, and you get to many chances. The reason why most college athletes transfer is because they want to play and the team is getting better... Look at Thrice, perfect example, great athlete on and off the field but OU had freshman players that were getting more playing time and other rumors... What did he do, he transferred to another school, not a big deal

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Very little difference in my view and in fact since the date for not renewing ships is long past, it is about the only way you could reduce the roster.


As I recall, Trey was one of the guys who hosted PJ Hardwick on his visit. I think if Trey was concerned about his own playing time, he would have been more motivated to leave after the guy he helped lure here to play PG signed on. Not after bringing in a 2 guard.

I don't think Trey is someone who is driven by playing maximum minutes. Chris Jones mentioned Trey (and Jordan) helping to convince him to commit to UNT. Between that and Hardwick... I don't think the guy would help sell UNT to players who would take those minutes away. He knows he only played 11 minutes a game last year, and that was with Chris out 2/3rds of the year and the coaches that recruited him running the lineups. And he knew Hardwick was coming back the first week of May.

If this were about Trey wanting minutes, I don't think the process would have started after Taylor joined us and created a 14 players for 13 scholarships situation.

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Ahh Dr. Seuss. So young. So graced by the sweet bird of youth. One day you too will be less kick ass like the rest of us. One day you will no longer be rubbing elbows with the athletes we discuss or the young girls we ogle.... C'est la vie

10 years from now when Im 35, Im sure I wont be freaking out after what some freshman- sophmore tweets or says... Thats not me

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Trey wasn't gonna get any minutes here anyway. He'll get a scholarship somewhere else where he can actually get some solid run. Is Benford honestly required to sit on his hands regarding a player recruited by the former coach when there's a roster spot that can be improved? We don't even know that he flatout cut the guy anyway--hell, it's not close to confirmed that Norris is even gone.

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