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If the LGBT wins this then I've given my last dime to the university.


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I just sent a brief email to Dr. Rawlins in support of free speech, freedom of expression and support for Chick-fil-A to remain on campus. It riles me that some people/groups preach tolerance, while at the same time, being intolerant of others opinion. I suppose as long as we all think the same, it's "tolerance." But don't you dare disagree or you're a bigot/racist.

O.K. Fire away, but GEAUX MEAN GREEN!

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This reminds me of a quote I recently recalled by William F. Buckley....I quote..."Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views".

That pretty much sums it up I would say.....

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Also, unless the terms of the contact between Chik-Fil-A and UNT have some sort of clause in there about where Chik-Fil-A donates money, it's a non-issue.

This is the only thing that matters in this whole silly debate.


Is this really a liberal or conservative thing or is just two relatively small sects of varying dumbassery catching us all in the crossfire?

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Posted (edited)

Is this really a liberal or conservative thing or is just two relatively small sects of varying dumbassery catching us all in the crossfire?

This seems to be how it unfolded:

(1) A Baptist guy who owns a chicken food eatery told a Baptist publication (which is read by maybe 116 people worldwide) that he believed marriage should be between and man and a woman, and other things you'd expect a Baptist to tell a Baptist publication.

(2) Someone drunk and surfing the internet accidentally found the article and tipped off the "mainstream" press.

(3) The mainstream press acted as though Baptist guy was the only person on the planet who believe one man + one woman = only way to marry.

(4) The Angry Gays went crazy because a Baptsit believed what the Bible says about marriage and told a Baptist publication, thus said people should boycott Baptist guy's business.

(5) Former governor of Arkansas who, with no money, scuttled Mitt Romney's 2008 presidential campaign, countered by telling like-minded people to patronize Baptist guy's chicken food establishments on a certain day to show solidarity.

(6) The Angry Gays, not to be outdone, called on their people to kiss in front of Baptist guy's chicken eateries two days after solidarity day.

(7) Everyone patted themsleves on the back for doing what they did on their respective days to do what they were supposed to do.

(8) Baptist guy still believes marriage should only be between one man and one woman...and, he's millions of dollars richer due to the publicity and falderal that followed.

Overall, it was a good job of the The Angry Gays riling up people to give Bapist Guy millions more dollars.

Now, Pretentious College Students are making demands about Baptist Guy's chicken eateries on their campus. Being at school on their parents' and/or the taxpayers' dime isn't good enough. They've now got to attack Baptist Guy for believing what he believes...surely missing the overall effect of The Angry Gay experience.

My guess is, kids brought up in Baptist, and the like, homes will over-patronize the Baptist Guy's chicken eateries, thus putting even more money in his company's coffers. The Pretentious College Students will do one of several, if not all, of the following; (1) make protest signs, (2) write editorials to school papers, (3) blog, (4) facebook, (5) pout, (6) "boycott", (7) have "sit-ins", (8) sing "We Shall Overcome", (9) sigh heavily and act exasperated.

I expect a store or two to be closed. Not that it will make a dent in Baptist Guy's profits, due to the earlier "boycott" efforts that led to his chicken eatery being showered with cash.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch

Click fil a couldn't have come up with a better marketing campaign if they had spent a gazillion dollars.


No kidding. More and more free publicity for them that riles up their supporters. If the guy is the type to laugh all the way to the bank, then he's all the way to the bank. Otherwise, he's just quietly walking to the bank. Either way, he's being enriched from the whole deal.


I just sent a brief email to Dr. Rawlins in support of free speech, freedom of expression and support for Chick-fil-A to remain on campus. It riles me that some people/groups preach tolerance, while at the same time, being intolerant of others opinion. I suppose as long as we all think the same, it's "tolerance." But don't you dare disagree or you're a bigot/racist.

O.K. Fire away, but GEAUX MEAN GREEN!


or liberal..


  • Upvote 1

No kidding. More and more free publicity for them that riles up their supporters. If the guy is the type to laugh all the way to the bank, then he's all the way to the bank. Otherwise, he's just quietly walking to the bank. Either way, he's being enriched from the whole deal.

Very true. I haven't eaten at that place in ten years, because the last chicken sandwich I ate there was very dry and crappy tasting. Now because of all this, I think I'll give them another try out of curiosity. Great marketing campaign no doubt.

Posted (edited)


--Read what you write... .. you are the one that brought up the KKK first not me. and yawl showed "dog" pictures which have zero to do with a boycott.. Stay on the subject... that would have never occured to me although it did happen but has nothing to do with any type of boycott. You do know the big reason the deep south went GOP after 100 years of voting Demo?. It was all about the civil rights legislation LBJ and the Demos passed afterwards. I am sure you know that because you claim to know so much about that era even though you didn't live through it. It has stayed GOP largely because now they try to appeal to the Bible Belt with religious issues.

Almost every post you make is about " Liberal / Coservative and labeling people as something.

If they disagreee with you they are liberal... Well I did disagree with the era after 2001 when the debt got out of control, so I am a liberal?? and it increased as much as all 42 previous Presidents had. You will have to explain how opposing that that is "liberal" ..and supporting it is conservative. My definition of conservative is to not increase your debt, pay it down and in fact stay out of debt (which I am.). ... yes it is still climbing ... and Congress will do nothing to help or to have anything for the President to sign. The WH doesn't pass laws, just vetos and approves.

You refered to me as a Democrat... well I am now... after seeing what has happened to the national debt after 2001 and what is happening to education in Texas with funding dropping every session... and don't say economy... the Texas economy is good... maybe the best in the nation .... there are so many jobs available in the western half of the state that "help-wanted" signs appear in nearly every window. Except for a few locations (which is always the case) the rest of the state isn't doing poorly either... The $25 billion problem the legislature had last session was the result of seveal sessions of creative accounting... moving expensives to next budget etc. No I don't support the GOP in Texas now... why should we... they are wreaking education and I work there... I see it after every session the past twelve years or since Perry walked in and the legislature changed control. . I had no problem with GOP when Bush was there or Bill Clements either....

PS: not every Democrat is a Liberal nor is every GOP person an extreme conservative... I know many GOP that are fed up up the T-party guys and their lack of understanding... most of those guys seem to be all about wanting more tax cuts and terrible services and to hell with schools. ..... but they complain about them. .

No, I refer to you as a liberal, because every view point you have fall directly in line with liberal policy. Accept it, it's not a dirty word. I am absolutely a conservative. Feel free to call me that anytime you like. Nothing you post on here gives any indication of one ounce of conservatism in your body (fiscal or social). You say the republicans have been highjacked by the religious right, yet you try to equate the gay marriage "movement" with the civil rights movement? or never mention the democrat's highjacking by organized labor (I wonder why)? Tolerance? Conservatism? I think not.

You are the worst kind of liberal. One who pretends to be a moderate, or, as you say, a fiscal conservative, when that really isn't what you are at all. If you were a fiscal conservative, you wouldn't introduce the last 20 years as purely republicans running up the debt without mentioning ONE WORD about the last 4 years, when the pace of that debt and deficit have broken the sound barrier (which you did in another thread). You wouldn't defend every position of the current president, as you do on every occasion.

Just be who you are and stop pretending.

Either way, I'll buy you a beer at the alumni pavillion 1st home game.

Edited by UNT90
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Posted (edited)

Are you trying to say that employees have the same opinion as the CEO of the company they work for?

Absolutely not. I never even remotely said anything close to that. Where are you people getting these insinuations?

So people who don't think like you are discriminatory?

From Websters online: Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on his or her membership - or perceived membership - in a certain group or category. It involves the group's initial reaction or interaction, influencing the individual's actual behavior towards the group or the group leader, restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to a group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making.[1]

So you would basically discriminate against the groups you mentioned from their right to push for the causes that they believe in? And punish Chik Fil A for the same?

Here is some news for you. The vast majority of Americans are against gay marriage. Does that make them discriminatory toward gays? No. It means they want the definition of marriage protected. Civil Unions? Go for it. But not gay marriage. Of course, that's not good enough for in-your-face organizations like the LGBT, who want everyone to accept their ideas as the new normal, when they are ANYTHING but that.

Where is your outrage for groups like the LGBT, who consisently attempt to jam legislation down the throats of a MAJORITY of Americans that don't want that legislation? Where is your outrage for THEIR discrimination? Oh, that's right, they agree with your opinion.

The hugely liberal state of California twice passed marriage definition laws. That's California. But organizations like the LGBT won't accept this, and lobby to get the laws overturned. Why? Because they DEMAND that you accept their sexuality.

Personally, I wish they would keep their sexuality where most heterosexuals keep it; in the privacy of their own personal life. But NOOOOOOOOO... There is an agenda to be pushed!!!

This post is absolutely laughable. I have ZERO issue with anyone not agreeing with being gay. But that person must still tolerate that group anyways. That's the way tolerance works. You may not agree with others ideas, feelings, thoughts, and actions, but unless they're harming you or others, you deal with it. This is why I don't tolerate those who are anti-gay. Tolerating intolerance is no different than being intolerant in the first place.

Of course they DEMAND their sexuality be accepted! Why the F wouldn't they??? They're like that, there's nothing they can do about it, and they want acceptance, just like everyone else does. Why is that difficult to comprehend? Comparing this to the civil rights battles of the 20th century is not comparing apples to submarines, if anything, it's red apple to green apple. A group of people who cannot change the way they are want acceptance???? OH NO!!!! Please.

And, for the fourth time now, I DO NOT CFA PUNISHED. I do not care whether or not it is on campus. I have simply just stated the reasons of WHY IT MAY BE A PROBLEM. How the hell did you guys graduate college with the reading comprehension of a 12 year old? Dammit guys, it's pretty pathetic that as soon as someone posts an alternative view about anything, you all go into "kill the gay atheist commie who hates America" mode.

Oh, and by the way, that is completely false that most Americans don't want gay marriage. Look at any recent poll. It's about 50/50, and rising. Whether you like it or not, gay marriage is happening. And we won't be the first country to do it, nor will we be the last. It does NOT effect your life at all, nor your faith, nor does it impede on your rights. So, why the hell do you care so much?

PS: I failed to acknowledge your comment about my lack of outrage at LGBT groups. Since I've never stated anything about that, I don't know where you think you can get that insinuation. But, I'm 100% fair with my judgments, I assure you. Any LGBT group that tries to pass legislation that IMPEDES THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS, I am against. But, I haven't exactly heard of any group doing that, though I admit I haven't exactly looked for one either. No, an LGBT group trying to legalize same sex marriage does not count as impeding your rights, sorry. When they make your church marry gays, or make you marry a dude, I'll be on your side and call BS on them. My fairness extends beyond this issue to. Although I'm an atheist, I'm outraged at the atheist group that is trying to take down the Ground Zero cross. I think that's ridiculous and offensive of them. So, don't try to call me one sided. I side with what I feel is right, and I side with those who actually are fair in their views. I'm sorry, but you're just neither of those to me.

Edited by UNTstormchaser
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Posted (edited)

No, I refer to you as a liberal, because every view point you have fall directly in line with liberal policy. Accept it, it's not a dirty word. I am absolutely a conservative. Feel free to call me that anytime you like. Nothing you post on here gives any indication of one ounce of conservatism in your body (fiscal or social). You say the republicans have been highjacked by the religious right, yet you try to equate the gay marriage "movement" with the civil rights movement? or never mention the democrat's highjacking by organized labor (I wonder why)? Tolerance? Conservatism? I think not.

You are the worst kind of liberal. One who pretends to be a moderate, or, as you say, a fiscal conservative, when that really isn't what you are at all. If you were a fiscal conservative, you wouldn't introduce the last 20 years as purely republicans running up the debt without mentioning ONE WORD about the last 4 years, when the pace of that debt and deficit have broken the sound barrier (which you did in another thread). You wouldn't defend every position of the current president, as you do on every occasion.

Just be who you are and stop pretending.

Either way, I'll buy you a beer at the alumni pavillion 1st home game.


---I did not equate the civil rights movement with gay marriage movement..... just that many people boycotting those who spoke out on "racial" civil rights** and now people are boycotting those who dare say anything about gay marraige....[ I do find it interesting that in both cases most of it has occured in the Southern Bible Belt ]. and by the way I do not support gay marriage... you put a lot of words in peoples mouths. and make a lot of insane assuptions. ... but you know it all...

** a lot of the civil rights movements in the 60's and 70's involved womens rights and rights for people between 18-21 who could not vote but could be drafted for war (ever been "draft bait" for years, I was) and we could not conduct a lot of business until age 21... Obviously you are not the expert on that era as you think you are. .


Dare to explain how you think the era-2001-2009 was conservative financially... Don't mention 9-11, even World War II didn't add as much to the debt as that era did.. that debt bothers us that are really conservative...... but not the TRUE financial liberals such as you seem to be. .......read closer .....I do mention the insane debt climb now.... the Congress isn't passing anything for the President to sign or veto... largely because of the Norquest pledge. The WH does not pass laws Congress does.... he vetoes or signs... that is basic info in government class.


I just sent a brief email to Dr. Rawlins in support of free speech, freedom of expression and support for Chick-fil-A to remain on campus. It riles me that some people/groups preach tolerance, while at the same time, being intolerant of others opinion. I suppose as long as we all think the same, it's "tolerance." But don't you dare disagree or you're a bigot/racist.

O.K. Fire away, but GEAUX MEAN GREEN!

As I've said, the issue here isn't freedom of speech or expression. It's UNT profiting off of a company that donates to discriminatory organizations.

  • Downvote 2

stormchaser should change his name to stormstarter. That is all.

Haha, it would be an appropriate change. I understand how an intense argument broke out on the last CFA thread, but I don't understand it this time. All I did was tell everyone that I could care less what happens, but showed why it could be a problem for UNT. That's it, and then when people asked for detail, I gave it. My position is still indifferent, I could really care less if CFA is on campus. If it is, I'll eat there. If it isn't I'll eat the Taco Bell next to it (and pay for it later...), at one of the dining halls, or somewhere else entirely. It doesn't really effect my life at all. It just amazes me that when I injected fact and logic into the conversation rather than just throwing around a random opinion without backing, I got flamed for it. Oh well, I still respect all of you and enjoy talking UNT with you guys on here. No love gained nor lost here.


Dare to explain how you think the era-2001-2009 was conservative financially... Don't mention 9-11, even World War II didn't add as much to the debt as that era did

You need to check your facts. World War II drove the national debt to the highest level in U.S. history:


Also, for a more objective look at debt to GDP take a look at the following link:


Based on that graph, the debt expansion under Obama far exceeds anything that occurred under GWB...or any president since 1901 (excluding World War II).

  • Upvote 2

You need to check your facts. World War II drove the national debt to the highest level in U.S. history:


Also, for a more objective look at debt to GDP take a look at the following link:


Based on that graph, the debt expansion under Obama far exceeds anything that occurred under GWB...or any president since 1901 (excluding World War II).

It's on wikipedia...good enough for me.

Posted (edited)


---I did not equate the civil rights movement with gay marriage movement..... just that many people boycotting those who spoke out on "racial" civil rights** and now people are boycotting those who dare say anything about gay marraige....[ I do find it interesting that in both cases most of it has occured in the Southern Bible Belt ]. and by the way I do not support gay marriage... you put a lot of words in peoples mouths. and make a lot of insane assuptions. ... but you know it all...

** a lot of the civil rights movements in the 60's and 70's involved womens rights and rights for people between 18-21 who could not vote but could be drafted for war (ever been "draft bait" for years, I was) and we could not conduct a lot of business until age 21... Obviously you are not the expert on that era as you think you are. .


Dare to explain how you think the era-2001-2009 was conservative financially... Don't mention 9-11, even World War II didn't add as much to the debt as that era did.. that debt bothers us that are really conservative...... but not the TRUE financial liberals such as you seem to be. .......read closer .....I do mention the insane debt climb now.... the Congress isn't passing anything for the President to sign or veto... largely because of the Norquest pledge. The WH does not pass laws Congress does.... he vetoes or signs... that is basic info in government class.

So then all the debt in the Reagan years was the democrats fault? Along with all the debt garnered in the years 2008-2010, when the democrats had a super majority?

And you wonder why I call you a liberal. Just look at your post. All the blame on conservatives, not one word about Pres. Obama's spending. NOT A ONE.

I have said time and again that Bush was not a true conservative, and that Romney won't be one, either. But neither of these 2 men tried to socialize 18% of the U.S. economy, but your are just fine with that. And NEVER one word of criticism for a President that has failed to restart the economy and has kept unemployment over 8% HIS ENTIRE TERM IN OFFICE.

And again the tone of your post, implying that I am too stupid to interpret a basic government class. When you can't win the argument, resort to the personal attack.

Ya, you were talking about the right to vote when you compared gay marriage to civil rights. Please.

Edited by UNT90

As I've said, the issue here isn't freedom of speech or expression. It's UNT profiting off of a company that donates to discriminatory organizations.

I don’t see how that would be any different than UNT profiting off of students, some of who donate to, or are even actively involved with, discriminatory organizations. Some of these same students probably receive federal financial aid as well.

  • Upvote 2

Absolutely not. I never even remotely said anything close to that. Where are you people getting these insinuations?

This post is absolutely laughable. I have ZERO issue with anyone not agreeing with being gay. But that person must still tolerate that group anyways. That's the way tolerance works. You may not agree with others ideas, feelings, thoughts, and actions, but unless they're harming you or others, you deal with it. This is why I don't tolerate those who are anti-gay. Tolerating intolerance is no different than being intolerant in the first place.

Of course they DEMAND their sexuality be accepted! Why the F wouldn't they??? They're like that, there's nothing they can do about it, and they want acceptance, just like everyone else does. Why is that difficult to comprehend? Comparing this to the civil rights battles of the 20th century is not comparing apples to submarines, if anything, it's red apple to green apple. A group of people who cannot change the way they are want acceptance???? OH NO!!!! Please.

And, for the fourth time now, I DO NOT CFA PUNISHED. I do not care whether or not it is on campus. I have simply just stated the reasons of WHY IT MAY BE A PROBLEM. How the hell did you guys graduate college with the reading comprehension of a 12 year old? Dammit guys, it's pretty pathetic that as soon as someone posts an alternative view about anything, you all go into "kill the gay atheist commie who hates America" mode.

Oh, and by the way, that is completely false that most Americans don't want gay marriage. Look at any recent poll. It's about 50/50, and rising. Whether you like it or not, gay marriage is happening. And we won't be the first country to do it, nor will we be the last. It does NOT effect your life at all, nor your faith, nor does it impede on your rights. So, why the hell do you care so much?

PS: I failed to acknowledge your comment about my lack of outrage at LGBT groups. Since I've never stated anything about that, I don't know where you think you can get that insinuation. But, I'm 100% fair with my judgments, I assure you. Any LGBT group that tries to pass legislation that IMPEDES THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS, I am against. But, I haven't exactly heard of any group doing that, though I admit I haven't exactly looked for one either. No, an LGBT group trying to legalize same sex marriage does not count as impeding your rights, sorry. When they make your church marry gays, or make you marry a dude, I'll be on your side and call BS on them. My fairness extends beyond this issue to. Although I'm an atheist, I'm outraged at the atheist group that is trying to take down the Ground Zero cross. I think that's ridiculous and offensive of them. So, don't try to call me one sided. I side with what I feel is right, and I side with those who actually are fair in their views. I'm sorry, but you're just neither of those to me.

From your earlier post:

and their "employees" have the exact same set of opinions that they do, otherwise they would not work for/volunteer for them,

  • Upvote 2

Absolutely not. I never even remotely said anything close to that. Where are you people getting these insinuations?

This post is absolutely laughable. I have ZERO issue with anyone not agreeing with being gay. But that person must still tolerate that group anyways. That's the way tolerance works. You may not agree with others ideas, feelings, thoughts, and actions, but unless they're harming you or others, you deal with it. This is why I don't tolerate those who are anti-gay. Tolerating intolerance is no different than being intolerant in the first place.

Of course they DEMAND their sexuality be accepted! Why the F wouldn't they??? They're like that, there's nothing they can do about it, and they want acceptance, just like everyone else does. Why is that difficult to comprehend? Comparing this to the civil rights battles of the 20th century is not comparing apples to submarines, if anything, it's red apple to green apple. A group of people who cannot change the way they are want acceptance???? OH NO!!!! Please.

And, for the fourth time now, I DO NOT CFA PUNISHED. I do not care whether or not it is on campus. I have simply just stated the reasons of WHY IT MAY BE A PROBLEM. How the hell did you guys graduate college with the reading comprehension of a 12 year old? Dammit guys, it's pretty pathetic that as soon as someone posts an alternative view about anything, you all go into "kill the gay atheist commie who hates America" mode.

Oh, and by the way, that is completely false that most Americans don't want gay marriage. Look at any recent poll. It's about 50/50, and rising. Whether you like it or not, gay marriage is happening. And we won't be the first country to do it, nor will we be the last. It does NOT effect your life at all, nor your faith, nor does it impede on your rights. So, why the hell do you care so much?

PS: I failed to acknowledge your comment about my lack of outrage at LGBT groups. Since I've never stated anything about that, I don't know where you think you can get that insinuation. But, I'm 100% fair with my judgments, I assure you. Any LGBT group that tries to pass legislation that IMPEDES THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS, I am against. But, I haven't exactly heard of any group doing that, though I admit I haven't exactly looked for one either. No, an LGBT group trying to legalize same sex marriage does not count as impeding your rights, sorry. When they make your church marry gays, or make you marry a dude, I'll be on your side and call BS on them. My fairness extends beyond this issue to. Although I'm an atheist, I'm outraged at the atheist group that is trying to take down the Ground Zero cross. I think that's ridiculous and offensive of them. So, don't try to call me one sided. I side with what I feel is right, and I side with those who actually are fair in their views. I'm sorry, but you're just neither of those to me.

If that's possible, then you must have been born in Bethlehem, and I ain't talking Pennsylvania. Oops! I guess I'm not being PC by injecting Christianity into the equation.

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