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Is it really that simple? I don't believe it is, or we would see tons of guys bumped, or "re-accomodated", all over the nation at coaches' discretion.

Do you not think we see tons of guys re-accommodated?


Epic fail on that one.

When I, because let's not pretend that wasn't pointed at me, was promote to Sergeant nobody said to me "we're offering this position which is renewable at the department's discretion each year".Let me speak slowly so that we can all read along: SCHOLARSHIPS ARE NOT PROMISES OF FOUR YEARS OF PAID COLLEGE. They never have been. And trying t shoe horn in a "let others foot the bill" argument, in addition to being incomprehensibly off topic, is a pretty desperate attempt to slide a little political slant in.

Wasn't pretending...and I think you got the point...no one is saying "guaranteed"...it's a one year deal...so, if a kid isn't performing...and it should be based on THAT kid's performance...not some suspect that "might" be better based on prior stats who can't find a college "home"...the kid knows he/she is in danger of having their scholarship eliminated...even for academic reasons. My point is...you make a commitment, you bide by that commitment. These kids...and their parents know scholarships are one year deals...no arguing there...but to rip a kid's scholarship away that is performing in their sport and in the classroom because some "maybe" wants to transfer after passing up playing closer to home in the first place is WRONG and, if up to me, would not happen. And, yes...that "let's take it away" attitude is a perfect example of what is wrong today in so many ways. When one's word means nothing....well...pretty much nothing else matters.

And, I thought I did pretty good with that little "add in" :thumbsu: ......yep, it's all good as long as it happens to someone else...let it hit a little closer to home and, well, gee, it's apples and oranges and really is no comparison at all....I love rationalizations.....let's hope everyone here who thinks this sort of thing is just keen, never has a kid on athletic scholarship at any college...I'm thinking if they do, a big change of attitude would be seen immediately. Why don't you go ask a walk-on who is eventually put on scholarship or a first-time scholarship player who struggles a bit with the move up to college ball how secure they feel.

I am fine with a difference of opinion here...I am just of the opinion that this sort of crap...and crap is what it is....is WRONG on many many different levels. If you disagree, well...so be it....opinions are aplenty here on GMG.Com.

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Posted (edited)

A lot of shaky justifications for doing the wrong thing abounding here by people with little idea of what they are advocating. All scholarships are now one year renewable, but with a lot of people wanting to return to 4 year commitment primary because of schools that are doing what many are suggesting. Get rid of your recruiting mistakes or simply upgrade talent at every opportunity.

There are I bet, few recruits that are not told that they will have a scholarship for their college career has long as they stay eligible, give out good effort and obey all the rules. Only the most marginal of players would play for an University that recruited them with the pitch; you will have a ship as long as you are an asset to the team and we can't sign anyone with more potential.

Per NCAA rules, scholarship are renewed or not in writing by July 1 so what many have advocated is a moot point. So save your arguments for the good of the program for next year. What is done is done.

Edited by GrandGreen
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This happens more then you think. My friend played college ball in Houston and he told me your scholarship is on the line every year. It is not a contract nor a guarantee. If a new recruit is going to be better then you well.. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. They had to sit down at the end of every year and discuss if they would be allowed back. Almost every program does this. This Is not some liberal ideal where everyone is a winner and gets a trophy sport. It is a compeition. There are winners and losers as life should be.

Liberal ideal? Liberal ideals like supporting capitalism, human rights, free and fair elections, and free exercise of religion? Could it be like the liberal philosophy that justified the armed overthrow of tyrannical rule i.e. the American Revolution? Nope, none of those - just the stupid stuff you want to believe a liberal is. What a crap ending to otherwise solid post.

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Do you not think we see tons of guys re-accommodated?

I'm highly doubting TJ is being re-accommodated by Buzz because he's going to be the worst player on their roster and not get any playing time. If TJ wants to come home and Marquette lets him out, that's their perogative.

If there were underperforming players on teams and it were considered OK for them to be let go from their scholarship, we'd be seeing a giant cascade of players being re-accommodated every single year as late-qualifying, stud players get their grades in order and are ready to be picked up by high-profile teams.

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Liberal ideal? Liberal ideals like supporting capitalism, human rights, free and fair elections, and free exercise of religion? Could it be like the liberal philosophy that justified the armed overthrow of tyrannical rule i.e. the American Revolution? Nope, none of those - just the stupid stuff you want to believe a liberal is. What a crap ending to otherwise solid post.


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The most probable path for Taylor is to return to JC ball, play his Sophmore year, and then commit to UNT (I hope) for next year.

Also, having a JC player would help even out schollies per year down the road (huge turnover of 6 this year).


Is it really that simple? I don't believe it is, or we would see tons of guys bumped, or "re-accomodated", all over the nation at coaches' discretion.

I think we do see this. It's called transfers. Didn't FIU just get a Kentucky transfer? Talent upgrade for Kentucky. And for FIU, for that matter.

Sure, it's the kids' decision. But only because they are not playing where they are at (most times). No kid is gonna say that (athletic pride), but that is usually the reason.

Do you really think it is unethical for a coach to be blunt with a kid about his chances of receiving playing time? These kids get 4 years to see floor time. Most would appreciate knowing where they stood.

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I'm highly doubting TJ is being re-accommodated by Buzz because he's going to be the worst player on their roster and not get any playing time. If TJ wants to come home and Marquette lets him out, that's their perogative.

If there were underperforming players on teams and it were considered OK for them to be let go from their scholarship, we'd be seeing a giant cascade of players being re-accommodated every single year as late-qualifying, stud players get their grades in order and are ready to be picked up by high-profile teams.


40% of kids are out of school or have transferred by the end of their Sophmore year.

I'd say we are a little late to the re-acccommodation party.


These types of discussions amaze me. All the "experts" who believe it's just part of an athlete's life if he/she gets thrown to the curb because the next great flavor of player might be available. How many of u have been part of a division 1 athletic program?

The fact is that unless you've experienced it either as an athlete or their family, you have no idea how hard these kids work or the sacrifices they make. Believe it or not, most of these athletes know exactly where they stand on a team. Their place on a team is constantly communicated to them. Again, if you've not been a part of it, you can't appreciate how direct the communication is between coaches and players, even between teammates.

Coaches understand the need to constantly recruit to shore up weakness. They also get that they can't have 13 superstars. There simply aren't enough minutes for 13 scholarship players and maybe even a couple walk-ons.

Please appreciate these kids for wanting to represent UNT. Know recruits and parents evaluate every aspect of a program, including the contents of boards like these. Athletes want to be wanted just like anyone. Parents want their kids taken care of as promised by every coach and AD they are recruited by.

These are one year renewable scholarships. Not one kid recruited to any sport believes that it won't be renewed each year if they do what they are told, keep their nose clean, and work hard. Just because some jackass at another university (SMU) feels empowered to negatively impact lives, doesn't mean all schools or coaches do. Also doesn't make it right.

Be careful what you wish for. You have no idea how quickly the news of mistreatment of kids by coaches and fans spreads in the world of recruitment. Kids know it. Parent know it. Coaches know it. Don't think Coaches aren't using it against SMU right now. That tremendous talent that could allow us to continue our hoped for success after this year will know how we treat our kids. Negatively or positively. Believe me, they'll follow positive.

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Goodness...this is getting ridiculous. Quite simply players transfer, in general, for 2 reasons:

1. They are better than their current program and transfer up in school prestige.

2. They aren't cutting it at their current program and transfer down in school prestige.

In the case of number 2, often it is solely the decision of the player...however also you're being rather naive if you don't believe there are many coach-to-player "you're out of my rotation, playing time is gonna be nearly non-existant if you stay here, let's see what we can't do to find you a better situation" conversations had at the end of every season.

A good coach owes it to the player who wants to play, he owes it to the university paying him to floor a winning program and he owes it to himself for the sake of his job and lively hood.

Is it as straight forward as losing an academic scholarship? No...with an academic scholarship you have a very objective standard to maintain...3.5 GPA in 15 hours of work, say. An athletic scholarship and the expectation standards set for each individual athlete is much more subjective and as such the process of "re-accommodation" is more subjective.

I'll ask...how often do you see a 6'1" guard stay on scholarship for 4 years and never average more than 2 points a game in under 5 minutes a night? You don't. A coach has no need for a player-rich position who never develops to their level of play, and as such will "encourage" that player pursue his sport elsewhere.

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40% of kids are out of school or have transferred by the end of their Sophmore year.

I'd say we are a little late to the re-acccommodation party.

We're not late...we've benefitted greatly from the re-accommodation of guys like Kendrick Davis, Collin Dennis, George Odufuwa, Keith Wooden...hell, benefitted greatly from the re-accommodation of guys Michael Sturns, Harold Edwards and Jonathan Jackson when they freed up scholarships for Josh White, Tristan Thompson and Kedrick Hogans.

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I kind of look at it like this... I technically received a scholarship by committing myself to 4 yrs of service. Once out... there was money for me to go to school in appreciation for my occupation. The stipulation laid out by the government is that I pass my classes......therefore I had to ensure I had passed my classes. Had I showed up and bombed out and not done what I committed to them that I would do (pass) I would have had to report to my VA official that I had failed to show to class, failed a class or anything that did NOT meet their guidelines. If that occurred I would have to pay out of pocket for my classes until I showed them that I had corrected the problem.

How many dead weight (sorry for the term) athletes have we signed who showed us nothing in return? They didn't live up to what they were supposed to do and some just coast through milking the scholarship. I can name a couple of basketball and football players that I just question why they received a 4-yr education for free. I would like to think though that the difference in the two scenarios is that I didn't mind if I were forced to pay for for my shortcomings and failed expectations. However I do believe that a student who is on an athletic scholarship should be given the option to continue studies at the university free of tuition if they are cut from the team for something on the grounds of lacking talent to compete. Some of these kids bust their aces trying to compete..... but they can't hold up. Is it fair to the team and program that they take a spot on the bench when they can't hack? Hell no it isn't. I believe that allowing the kid to stay on scholarship though potentially alleviates the concerns that some have about burning these kids.


We're not late...we've benefitted greatly from the re-accommodation of guys like Kendrick Davis, Collin Dennis, George Odufuwa, Keith Wooden...hell, benefitted greatly from the re-accommodation of guys Michael Sturns, Harold Edwards and Jonathan Jackson when they freed up scholarships for Josh White, Tristan Thompson and Kedrick Hogans.

Good point.

My knowledge is limited to the last several years.

Posted (edited)

Managers in the business world are encouraged to coach up (the bottom 20% performers) or coach them out. Employer's hire workers only to quickly terminate them, demote them, reduce hours/benefits or even outsource their job overseas to improve the profitability of the company. Many of the impacted employees were probably performing at an "exceeds" level. College athletics is a multi-billion dollar industry. Its all about winning and generating revenue/returns for the shareholders. (Big donors) Employees and players often times get screwed. Not right but a reality in all walks of life.

Edited by Cooley
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Would you prefer the company or in this case school not to exist? They could easily stop their services or pull their teams since it is so bad for them to want to succeed maybe they should just not exist. That way no one has their feelings hurt...

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Indeed. I see this attitude of "pulling a scholarship" for a so-called better player as just another indication of how we, as a society, see no shame in walking away from our commitments these days. The folks saying this is fine are, to me, like the folks who just want to tax other people. It's just well and good unless of course it happened to them in their jobs or within their families...then, not so much. But, let the situation fall on someone else...well, that's not a bad deal...it's just upgrading! Not for me it's not....you make a commitment...you honor it. You ask someone to the prom and then a "better deal" pops up...too bad, you take the one you first asked. Just another "symptom" of the change that is taking place in our society these days and one of the things that definitely is becoming a big problem...my opinion, of course.

Just let the Dallas Police Chief tell a newly minted Sarge something like...oh, sorry, we have this guy who just moved here and was a Sarge in the BIGGER CITY police force and he was a super star....we don't have room for him, so we are going to demote you and bring this guy in...you don't mind do you? It's all about upgrading the force and that's what we all want, right? I wonder how that would go over? With all due respect of course. BTW...I know this couldn't happen within the Dallas Police force...unions and all that and I am sure folks will say...oh, that's apples and organges...but the analogy is perhaps made.

I see both sides of the argument and it definitely is a fine line. That said Coach Benford and every other coach in college sports have a job and that is to run their respective programs and build a winning product. His job is on the line...if he doesn't win or continue a momentum of winning then the chances of him getting fired the next day are a reality. Therefore if an opportunity comes up where he can land a player of high caliber to make the team and program better then I don't fault him or any coach for taking those steps because their job security is a heck of a lot thinner than athletic scholarships.


So he could play THIS season if he decided to pay his own way, correct?

My understanding is Marquette would have to release him.

Posted (edited)

My understanding is Marquette would have to release him.

I thought they already had released him? Reading the quotes from Buzz, I would be shocked if they didn't, especially if he was coming here.

Edited by UNT90

I thought they already had released him? Reading the quotes from Buzz, I would be shocked if they didn't, especially if he was coming here.

No release is prolly not the right term...it is similar to when RV wouldn't release Odoh to be able to transfer without sitting a year...then later did. I don't expect that Buzz would do that to Benford based on their relationship...

Guest Guest

From just creeping on twitter, I learned he was checking out the dorms at UNT tonight, or was at the dorms. This speculative matter seems to have led to near fact. He's been chatting with one of the football players on twitter, and has followed a few UNT guys, and retweeted someone who said he'd look good at UNT. How he is coming, we obviously do not know. But, it looks like he's on the way here. Which is not surprising, considering his connection with Benford and Marquette, his girlfriend attending TWU, and him being from the area. This would be a great get, he was ranked 78 in the nation by ESPN in 2010.

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