Stan R Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Sorotiy Row - DRCI think it is interesting that one of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority sisters says that this will improve attendance at the atheltic events. I'd have to agree!! Also, I think it is interesing that the school has agreed to fund this and then "lease" the facilites to the sororities. That to me is further proof that sororities are completely different from fraternities. I don't think you would ever see a fraternity go for this setup.... Also odd that all five buildings are connected but with a commons area in the back. Interesting concept.
MeanGreenSig Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Sounds like TCU Greek Row, looks like dorms. Also sounds like new version of College Inn.
Stan R Posted July 22, 2003 Author Report Posted July 22, 2003 Well, mabye, but that looks a hell of a lot better than the College Inn.
meangreenboy Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 This is great news for the Sororities. It's about time! The Fraternities have been building their own Greek row for some time. Any major university will find a way to have great facilities for their Greek system. UNT is becoming a major university and should have these facilities. Sororities and Fraternities make some of your most loyal alumni. They have a tendency to stay in touch with the university. Way to go UNT!
Mad Hatter Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 I was a Delta Sig at UNT, and the current Fraternity row is sort of set up the same. The University actually owns the property and the Fraternities lease it from them on a long term basis. I'm not sure what the going rate is for new leases, but when the Phi Kap, Sigma Nu, and Delta Sig house's were built we actually got the lease for like $1 a year from the University. They were trying to encourage Fraternities to build. Should be great when the Sororities get houses.......That whole area will be a real Greek community.GMG!!!!
Nothing's Shocking Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Sorority Row !?! I like it! I was a big supporter of one particular sorority when I attended UNT - I Ate A Pi. Great group of girls.
PlummMeanGreen Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 I thought they were going to build the new UNT sorority row adjacent to the greenbelt which is adjacent to the good neighbors in the Denia neighborhood ! ! Wouldn't that have been a real hoot?!?!
grad88 Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Sorority row? UNT can't have a sorority row-aren't we just a commuter college?
Zeke Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 We only have music students grad88. Total enrollment is 5,000.
GrayEagle Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Careful, Jim, or the neighbors around the sorority row will demand a greenbelt because we have taken away their beautiful parking lot. The may no longer be able to see the sunset with these buildings in the way.In the 50s, all of the soroties were housed at Chilton Hall, Avenue C and Chestnut. The building was U-shaped with a common courtyard in back. There were six sororities then and each had a 'ramp' with their own entrance. It was a great atmosphere and stimulated the growth of the female Greek system. I think that this will do the same for the current sororities.I do wonder though. There are 13 sororities and only five of them are strong enough financially to warrant a long-term lease? I don't remember Chi Omega being included and they were very strong when I was there. Also, I believe that they added a chapter of Delta Zeta, another strong national fraternity. Will this sorority row have a Phase 2 for possible expansion?
Nothing's Shocking Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 (edited) I hope so, Gray. The more sorority sisters I have the opportunity to enjoy the five home games with this season, the better! "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no it wasn't, and it's not over now!" - Bluto, Animal House Edited July 22, 2003 by Nothing's Shocking
dmcgeeforpres Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 i wouldn't hold my breath that this would raise spirit or attendance overall.i noticed that frats and sororities only really made their presence known if it was a big game or it was televised.
UNT96 Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Youare right, we should just kick them all off campus. Bunch of worthless, good ofr nothing drunks. Get a clue, man. and OPEN YOUR EYES.
Nothing's Shocking Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Can't believe none of you commented on my I Atea Pi statement up above...tough crowd...
Greenblood94 Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Well, as your handle suggests...nothing's shocking.
meangreenboy Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Dmcqeeforpres obviously wasn't asked to be in a fraternity. Probably couldn't make the cut. The fraternity and sorority members are some of the most loyal fans to athletics in most universities, including UNT!
IronMan4 Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Well I have had some very bad experiences with greeks at games as has been chronicled in the past. I have learned that I can't let the few that got under my skin sour my opnion of greek athletic support as a whole.I still think there is room for improvement in that area, and if this new row can help, that's great.
UNTLifer Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 I think that this is a great idea. I was an active member of our fraternity, and we made it mandatory for our brothers to attend the games. Fraternities and Sororities and just like any other organization. There will be some people in those groups that you just don't like, but don't let them be the deciding factor when forming opinions about the group as a whole.
OXatUNT Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Stop the personal attacks. Can't we all just get along....?
SilverEagle Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 "Stop the personal attacks."I was thinking about making some impersonal ones, but I suppose that is "verboten" as well. It's really too bad. Someone, who shall remain unnamed (or is that "unnumbered"? )was just about to get himself worked up into a full fledged "Donald-Duck fit".
PlummMeanGreen Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Am I missing something in the DMN and DRC article today on UNT's new sorority houses? I mean come on now, we are talking 5 separate living quarters within 1 huge house with 25 beds per house here? What is all the excitement about over just 125 students? And someone please tell me what size the beds are in each of those co-eds rooms, anyho........????
UNT96 Posted July 22, 2003 Report Posted July 22, 2003 Hey, I think I stayed pretty reserved considering how passionately I feel about it!
IronMan4 Posted July 23, 2003 Report Posted July 23, 2003 I hope nobody feels as though my post was a personal attack, it certainly wasn't meant to be one.
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