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GoMeanGreen.com Interview with UNT AD Rick Villarreal


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This is more of a statement than a question, but here goes:

Football: Assuming that we will have an away game at UH, and regardless of whether we are able to adjust the schedule to have 6 home games, I would like to see the Athletic Department / University / Alumni Association make an effort to get as many fans as possible to attend the game in Houston. When we played at Rice back in 2008 (never mind the game itself :( ), ther was a tailgating event planned, but unfortunately Hurricane Ike caused it to be scaled back. Still, there was very good attendance for a road game; provided we don't have another hurricane, I would expect we can significantly outdo that game, attendance-wise.

I would like to see:

- Significant marketing of the game, as if it was an extra home game

- An event on Friday evening

- A large tailgating event

- The Green Brigade's presence at the game

I hope this will be considered.

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Are we going to get some good OCC games at apogee for 2012...something that merits spendings several hundred bucks to travel to Denton and see the game?

When are we going to do something about the sorry state of the MGPremium (laughing) service on the UNT athletic site...its been crap for years...video sucks, hard to sign on and modify or cancel service.

Any word on a Hotel at Apogee for us traveling to Denton for games?....is it going to happen?

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My questions for RV are as follows:

1) Can you address from your perspective where you see North Texas in terms of a conference whether in the Sunbelt or CUSA/MWC/Aliance in 2012 or 2013?

2) Now that we have a stadium what is the status of adding a baseball team?

3) As the AD what are your short term and long term goals for North Texas athletics?

4) What is the health status of coach Mac?


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What has RV been told or think we need to spend money on to improve our conference upgrade chances?

Does he think adding another sport helps us, or should we focus on the sports we do have?

When can we upgrade the Super Pit?

Will we have 6 home games next year?

Do they plan on continuing the events they started last year like the Coaches caravan?

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Two questions-

1) can you remember the names of the 38 people that were at Fouts for the first football game you saw there, since there were only 32 people at the muts game this year in denton who out of that group was absent from that game?

2) If patterson leaves tcu do you think you will be a shoe-in as head coach since you've coached there before.

Harry just do it & see if he cries!

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Fall 2013 will be 100 Years of North Texas Football (1913 - TCU 13 NT 0).

Do we have any special acitivites planned for the 2013 season?

This is a major milestone for our University's football program, we need to embrace it.

1913 was the year that North Texas began playing football. However, North Texas did not field a team in 43,44 & 45 because of WWII. So we will not field our 100th football team until 2016.

Edited by SilverEagle
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1913 was the year the North Texas began playing football. However, North Texas did not field a team in 43,44 & 45 because of WWII. So we will not field our 100th football team until 2016.

There you go with facts again. It is still the 100th anniversary of NT football. And we can also celebrate the 100th team in 2016. We went to NT so any excuse for a party - its only Tuesday once a week!

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Conference, home schedule, super pit upgrade & baseball

Also, MTSU , Denver & FAU BB teams have all got to play overseas or in Canada the past few summers. It really helped all those programs. Is there any chance we could see UNT get an opprotunity like that ?

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