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Better Without JW/CJ?


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we are better off without them if they aren't going to get their shit in order and man up to their responsibilities as students. at least those that are playing know what's expected of them and are placing the team's importance above all else. this team will be just fine with or without the two failures...

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I failed my bar exam the first time and passed it the second time,so does that make me a failure too. These kids read this board stop the negative. Go mean green

It's foolish to think that they're not oblivious to college athletics and what comes with the package. It goes especially for a team that is good and has been on an uptick the last 5 years or so.

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The anus was on JJ and the rest of the team to find a formula that works enough to get some wins and they've done that. But no way in hell they're better without CJ and JW.

I think you mean the "onus" was on JJ and the team.

The anus was probably off doing other shit.

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We have seemed to respond better than I thought with them gone. But, there was a bit of chemistry missing in the fall semester that as the season progressed and the play of Tony, we started finding ourselves.

I look forward to next season to see what they all can do together. I am expecting great things.

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I think Tony Mitchell qualifies as a "go to" guy every millisecond he is on the floor.

I get what you mean. Other teams deny Tony the ball and we end up jacking up a contested 3. Yes, we miss those 2. We miss the one who used to play point guard the most when it comes to crunch time.

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I get what you mean. Other teams deny Tony the ball and we end up jacking up a contested 3. Yes, we miss those 2. We miss the one who used to play point guard the most when it comes to crunch time.

This is exactly what I mean. Since they've been gone on at least 3 occassions we've had chances to win in regulation or overtime. We've either gone 4 down/isolation or high pick and have settled for a 3 or missed the shot hoping for a tap in. CJ had the ability to break you down off the dribble and take a higher percentage shot or hit the open man for a clean look. We're not getting clean looks in these situations and are having to settle for contested shots.

Yes, Tony is your "go to" guy throughout the course of the game. Yes, Alzee has stepped up and played fantastic. However, with 10 seconds left and the final shot I want a pg with handles who can get his shot or drive and dish to an open man for their shot.

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This is exactly what I mean. Since they've been gone on at least 3 occassions we've had chances to win in regulation or overtime. We've either gone 4 down/isolation or high pick and have settled for a 3 or missed the shot hoping for a tap in. CJ had the ability to break you down off the dribble and take a higher percentage shot or hit the open man for a clean look. We're not getting clean looks in these situations and are having to settle for contested shots.

Yes, Tony is your "go to" guy throughout the course of the game. Yes, Alzee has stepped up and played fantastic. However, with 10 seconds left and the final shot I want a pg with handles who can get his shot or drive and dish to an open man for their shot.

You are seeing very clearly Gmoney – trying proper on court spacing and looking for back door cuts

– Does this sound like Georgetown – well if you saw their game against Notre Dame then you saw great offensive spacing and back door cut after back door cut

– this is what I see us lacking along with your points about a good distributing guard.

Last game against Denver – 15 steals and 20 turnovers – you make a very good point.

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