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A person can care about more than one political issue at the same time. I care about Santorum's views on things like birth control and rape because they show, in my thinking, that he's woefully unsuited for the presidency.

I saw Santorum on Meet the Press adopting the same tactic you're using and trying to steer discussion away from his social conservatism.

As David Gregory responded, you can't make speeches about this stuff for year after year and not expect to be questioned about it.

The funny thing is you would take a Bill Clinton or a JFK everyday over someone who believes in the priciples of their particular religion.

David Gregory is one of the most liberal morning show hosts out there. This is an issue to the left, and really no one else.

Too bad Gregory never thought to ask such hard questions of candidate Obama's past acquaintances 4 years ago. Far more important than questioning a catholic about contraception.

Bit that never came up. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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The group is African Americans FOR Obama, not ONLY AFRICAN AMERICANS FOR OBAMA.

So, is it also your belief that the NAACP is a racist organization?

You know Phil, I am originally from east Texas (Longview) and I always find it both ironic and amusing anytime someone from the deep south & east Texas calls ANYONE racist.

I also found it ironic and amusing that middle class (and above) white families in the deep south and east Texas used to talk about African Americans as if they weren't really human. Yet they were more than happy to turn over child raising duties (the most important job in any family) to African American women.

This post seems like there are several logical fallacies in it. Unless, I am confused at what your point is... Because, to me, it seemed like you were trying to discredit his statement by bringing up where he possibly was born. Something that does not make his argument invalid.

Furthermore, it assumes a lot of someone just because of something out of their control like where they were born.

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We have never had a president more disrespected than Barack Obama. From day one, many folks have been running scared at the thought that they will lose whatever rights they have enjoyed their whole life. Republican (and Tea Party) candidates use this fear to their advantage by continuing to lie and distort the truth. This guy is not one of us; he’'s not American, not Christian, hangs around terrorists, he's a socialist etc. I remain shocked that so many continue to embrace this type of bigotry. Despite it all, Mr. Obama remains the consummate professional and adult with these attacks.

What has he done? How about keeping this country out of a depression. Saving the US auto industry. Bringing our troops home from a lie, killing the top terrorists, bringing the stock market back, creating jobs month after month, restoring the US imagine around the world

Instead of constantly berating the guy and believing all the lies out there because of the color of his skin, we need to thank the guy for bringing us back from the mess of the prior 8 years. Imagine where we would be if the Republicans would try to work with him rather than obstruct everything the man is trying to do; for all of us. Fortunately, the majority of American have not fallen prey to this garbage.

Polls have him rising because of the lack of an alternative from the Republican. (or policies) It would be a waste of resources and foolish for Obama to target African American “only”; when he received 92-95% of their vote. We have never had a president to inherit as many problems upon taking office. Despite the concerted effort of the republican to just sit on the sidelines and hope the economy fails; this president has been the right guy at the right time. Lord knows this may have killed McCain and Sara Palin would have just quit. Keep up the great work Mr. Commander in Chief Sir! Like Tony Mitchell, give us more years.

Here's my vote for eliminating forums like this that take away from my day to day escape from the work place and politics. Hell, If I wanted to get pissed off, I can always watch Fox News.

Easy Cooley.

When you see Political titles, just don't click on them of it gets your dander up that much. No matter which side of the political fence you fall to, you know there will be someone on the other side.

Plus, we are going into the most dead part of the off season in tye middle of an election year. Things are most likely gonna get worse before they get better

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What has he done? How about keeping this country out of a depression. Saving the US auto industry. Bringing our troops home from a lie, killing the top terrorists, bringing the stock market back, creating jobs month after month, restoring the US imagine around the world

I'll give you finally getting OBL. Of course, that was the culmination of years of work; but he was indeed in the chair when they got him. As for the rest, I'm not sure if you are intentionally lying or just deluded. Keeping the country out of a depression? I suppose you could give every President since FDR credit for that. Saving the auto industry? If you're talking about the bailouts, that came from Bush. Creating jobs month after month? It's been documented that the Obama administration has largely been blowing smoke about that, even by liberal publications. And not that I lose sleep over it, but the U.S. image is probably worse now than at any time in our history. He has treated our actual allies with contempt; he has kissed up to our enemies, a move they generally perceive as a sign of weakness; and he has turned against the people of Africa by forcing his liberal agenda on them against their consciences and refusing to stand up for oppressed minority groups.

Obviously, if you're a liberal, you like Obama. But don't try to paint this rosy picture of Obama that the rest of us should be impressed by; and don't try playing the race card, because that has absolutely nothing to do with it for the vast majority of us.

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But don't try to paint this rosy picture of Obama that the rest of us should be impressed by; and don't try playing the race card, because that has absolutely nothing to do with it for the vast majority of us.

Trying to paint a rosy picture for any president is laughable including President Bush. I don't know how it is in your part of the world but I live in Collin County and there is no doubt in my mind that the President's background is a big reason why there is more of a backlash against him. I constantly read bumper stickers on cars stating Obama is Muslim or Obama is a terrorist. My brother is well connected to the republican party and believe me...you'd be surprised how many ignorant d-bags folks have become since Obama became president. If you don't think race nothing to do with it then you're blind because I firmly believe that there is a very large number of folks that believe in those remarks.

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I'll give you finally getting OBL. Of course, that was the culmination of years of work; but he was indeed in the chair when they got him.

Six months after telling the American people he'd catch Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive," President Bush was asked by a reporter where Bin Laden is and he said this in response:

"I don't know where he is. ... I truly am not that concerned about him."

President Obama, on the other hand, promised while running for president that he would make catching Bin Laden a top priority from day one. And he kept that promise.

The notion that Bush put years into catching Bin Laden is proven false by his own words. He wasn't concerned about him.

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No doubt.. Problem is few will admit it when their political team is doing the fear mongering.

Pres. Obama banning guns is about as likely as a Pres. Santorum banning birth control, but you'll never get a died in the wool democrat to admit that.

---Just when did Obama say he wanted to ban guns...??? The NRA and gun companies love to claim that to get more members and to sell more guns...... IT WORKED.

---Santorum seems to oppose birth control.... but you are right... he can't get it done. Besides women do get that right of choice even if the Pope opposes that too.



I'm confused, are you talking about Romney or Obama?

Were we talking about Romney? Obama, the President that stated his disdain for Super PAC's, now has a couple funding his campaign. They collected $58,000 in January.

Would it be racist if there was a Caucasian's for ???. You know it would be spun that way by the media and people like Reverend Jackson and Al Sharpton would be all over it.

Why is there a Black Coach's Association, NAACP, United Negro College Fund, etc... in this day and age?

Silver, not liking Obama has everything to do with his policies, beliefs and agendas and nothing to do with the color of his skin. Oh, and if he is so intelligent, please provide transcripts or something that would show this to be true. I think he is an intelligent man, but is totally misguided in how to run a country.

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Six months after telling the American people he'd catch Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive," President Bush was asked by a reporter where Bin Laden is and he said this in response:

"I don't know where he is. ... I truly am not that concerned about him."

President Obama, on the other hand, promised while running for president that he would make catching Bin Laden a top priority from day one. And he kept that promise.

The notion that Bush put years into catching Bin Laden is proven false by his own words. He wasn't concerned about him.

Here's Bush's full quote:

Who knows if he’s hiding in some cave or not. We haven’t heard from him in a long time. The idea of focusing on one person really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person. He’s just a person who’s been marginalized. … I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.

Congratulations to Obama for catching Bin Laden. I was pleased to see him eliminated, but I think Bush's quotes hold merit in that Bin Laden was one man dictating to the terrorists what they should do and funding their operations. Bush targeted the groups that were carrying out the terrorism, something Bin Laden would never do. It, killing Bin Laden, was a great morale boost to our country, but criticizing Bush for not catching him is ridiculous. B


Were we talking about Romney? Obama, the President that stated his disdain for Super PAC's, now has a couple funding his campaign. They collected $58,000 in January.

Whoaaaa $58,000? That's outrageous!

Meanwhile in the Republican field, the only reason Santorum and Gingrich campaigns still exist are from a select few wealthy donors.

Super PACs bankroll Republican candidates

Another Super PAC helped keep Newt Gingrich's rocky candidacy alive with $US11 million in donations - although $US10 million of that came from a casino magnate and his wife, election commission filings show.

You said Obama's fundraising was drying up? Yet that's far from the truth. Its quite the opposite. Its the Republicans that have a hard time getting small donors, because 55% of Republicans wish someone other than the current crop of candidates was running.

Is Romeny's cash drying up?

Big donors bankroll Romeny


2011 Year-End Fundraising

Forty-two percent of the campaign's total contributions -- $58 million -- came from donors giving less than $200 each. As the Center for Responsive Politics points out, the president has raised more from small donors than Romney has raised from all donors.

Instead, Romney has relied heavily on donors giving the maximum amount. More than 60 percent of his 2011 total comes from supporters who have given $2,500 or more. To compete in a general election against the Obama fundraising machine, he will need to expand his fundraising base.


Six months after telling the American people he'd catch Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive," President Bush was asked by a reporter where Bin Laden is and he said this in response:

"I don't know where he is. ... I truly am not that concerned about him."

President Obama, on the other hand, promised while running for president that he would make catching Bin Laden a top priority from day one. And he kept that promise.

The notion that Bush put years into catching Bin Laden is proven false by his own words. He wasn't concerned about him.

Here's Bush's full quote:

Congratulations to Obama for catching Bin Laden. I was pleased to see him eliminated, but I think Bush's quotes hold merit in that Bin Laden was one man dictating to the terrorists what they should do and funding their operations. Bush targeted the groups that were carrying out the terrorism, something Bin Laden would never do. It, killing Bin Laden, was a great morale boost to our country, but criticizing Bush for not catching him is ridiculous. B

Prime example of what the left does. Take a quote completely out of context and use it to label your opponent. In this case, it's labeling Bush as not caring about Bin Laden. Santorum? Use a speech to the Catholic church to label him as wanting all women to never use any knid of contraceptive.

It's an old and tired playbook, but they go to it relentlessly.

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---Just when did Obama say he wanted to ban guns...??? The NRA and gun companies love to claim that to get more members and to sell more guns...... IT WORKED.

---Santorum seems to oppose birth control.... but you are right... he can't get it done. Besides women do get that right of choice even if the Pope opposes that too.


Soooo...... we agree? :phew:

I guess that means we can drink a beer together in Hot Springs.

Posted (edited)

Trying to paint a rosy picture for any president is laughable including President Bush. I don't know how it is in your part of the world but I live in Collin County and there is no doubt in my mind that the President's background is a big reason why there is more of a backlash against him. I constantly read bumper stickers on cars stating Obama is Muslim or Obama is a terrorist. My brother is well connected to the republican party and believe me...you'd be surprised how many ignorant d-bags folks have become since Obama became president. If you don't think race nothing to do with it then you're blind because I firmly believe that there is a very large number of folks that believe in those remarks.

Then how do you explain Herman Cain's popularity among Republicans?

It has much more to do with people being completely intolerant of anyone who does not have the same political views as they do. They want to believe anything bad about that person, even if the source of their information is highly suspect.

Just look at all the "Bush is making his oil buddies rich" or "Bush went to war in Iraq just to make his oil buddies rich." Same vitrioloic hate that had nothing to do with race. Hell, some people wanted Bush tried for War Crimes. Just a little worse than questioning a birth certificate (even if it is just as nutty), don't you think?

Edited by UNT90
Posted (edited)

Prime example of what the left does. Take a quote completely out of context and use it to label your opponent. In this case, it's labeling Bush as not caring about Bin Laden.

So when President Bush said "I truly am not that concerned about him," you think that meant he was concerned about Bin Laden?

He said he wasn't concerned because he meant it. The rest of the quote just gave his explanation for why he was "not that concerned" about the terrorist who plotted the deaths of 2,977 people on American soil, despite promising the American people six months earlier we'd get him "dead or alive."

Bush took his eye off the ball and Bin Laden was still alive and free at the end of his presidency.

Obama made Bin Laden a top priority and Bin Laden is dead.

You're so busy trying to blame the left for everything that you won't hold Republicans accountable for anything. Consider the possibility that Bush made a mistake here.

Edited by rcade
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Posted (edited)

So when President Bush said "I truly am not that concerned about him," you think that meant he was concerned about Bin Laden?

He said he wasn't concerned because he meant it. The rest of the quote just gave his explanation for why he was "not that concerned" about the terrorist who plotted the deaths of 2,977 people on American soil, despite promising the American people six months earlier we'd get him "dead or alive."

Bush took his eye off the ball and Bin Laden was still alive and free at the end of his presidency.

Obama made Bin Laden a top priority and Bin Laden is dead.

You're so busy trying to blame the left for everything that you won't hold Republicans accountable for anything. Consider the possibility that Bush made a mistake here.

Wow. Your starting to get into the Coffee and Tea realm, here. Surely you understand that we barely missed Bin Laden during the Bush administration, right? I guess you think Bush wanted to barely miss Bin Laden? I guess it just doesn't make sense to you that the intelligence gathering apparatus put in place during the Bush administration was utilized during the Obama administration to effect the killing of Bin Laden, right? We can't give both of them credit for hunting down public enemy #1, who was clearly protected by a foreign government, because we HAVE to stay in party lines, right?

If you seriously think Bush didn't care about killing Bin Laden, you are in the catagory of the people mentioned in my pervious post and there really is no reason to have a dialog with you anymore, because everything the left does is right and everything the right does is not only wrong, but most likely illegal, right?

I hold Bush accountable for starting us on this crazy spending spree. I hold Obama accountable for not only continuing the spending spree, but increasing it at a breakneck pace. I give Obama credit for taking the political risk to kill Bin Laden up close and personal. Do I think he did anything extra that magically led to finding Bin Laden? No, the apparatus was already in place.

Now, what, if anything, negative do you hold Obama accountable for?

Edited by UNT90
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