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WVU On To The B12


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There is still four big moves left in realignment.

Move 1: SEC is going to 16. Likely targets are Florida State, Virgina Tech, and/or Miami.

Move 2: Big 12 is going to go back to 12. Likely targets Louisville and Pitt.

Big 12 probably isn't in that big of a hurry and will wait to get who they want.

Move 3: The CUSA/MWC Alliance will decide what it wants to be.

Right now my money is on the 16 current teams.

Move 4: The SBC will go to 12. Likely targets: any two of LA Tech, NMSU, UTSA, & TXST

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There is still four big moves left in realignment.

Move 1: SEC is going to 16. Likely targets are Florida State, Virgina Tech, and/or Miami.

Move 2: Big 12 is going to go back to 12. Likely targets Louisville and Pitt.

Big 12 probably isn't in that big of a hurry and will wait to get who they want.

Move 3: The CUSA/MWC Alliance will decide what it wants to be.

Right now my money is on the 16 current teams.

Move 4: The SBC will go to 12. Likely targets: any two of LA Tech, NMSU, UTSA, & TXST

Clemson would be a better fit for the SEC than FSU, Miami or VT

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---These "super conferences" are insanity. College football is not pro football, they are supposedly student athletes. I even believe a real playoff would put a stop to some of this craziness. Then championships would be decided on the field and not from what conference you are in as it somewhat now. To be national champion you need to be in one of 4-5 conferences. Ask TCU. I am getting more disgusted with college football all the time... because of these super conferences and all the cheating and scandals etc. that goes on. Even coaching salaries are insane compared to what they were just a few years ago.

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There is still four big moves left in realignment.

Move 1: SEC is going to 16. Likely targets are Florida State, Virgina Tech, and/or Miami.

Move 2: Big 12 is going to go back to 12. Likely targets Louisville and Pitt.

Big 12 probably isn't in that big of a hurry and will wait to get who they want.

Move 3: The CUSA/MWC Alliance will decide what it wants to be.

Right now my money is on the 16 current teams.

Move 4: The SBC will go to 12. Likely targets: any two of LA Tech, NMSU, UTSA, & TXST

Move 1: SEC has shown a reluctance to raid the ACC, but could change their mind. The ACC buyout is pretty steep and schools may not want to pay it. That said, not sure that FSU or Miami are targets as Florida may not want them. I think VT, Clemson, or Georgia Tech could be better targets. SEC could also looke elsewhere.

Move 2: Doubtful that Pitt goes to the Big 12 now that they have joined the ACC. See Move 1 for reasons. They could look at Cincinnati as a partner for Louisville.

Move 3: The real move here is what the BE does with the fallout. They are fighting to stay alive and will go after schools from the merged conference. I see the new merged entity trying to keep their numbers after the BE raids them again.

Move 4: This will also depend on the fallout from the new merged conference. The SBC seems to be in position to stay alive here since the WAC is likely to die here. How many schools and who they target will depend on who is left after they get raided by CUSA/MWC.

Edited by forevereagle
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What would the scenario be if Oklahoma and Texas joined the SEC?

West Division - Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas A&M, LSU, Ole Miss, Miss St.

East Division - Florida, Vanderbilt, Georgia, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Auburn

I know this won't happen, but I love to ponder chaos.

Think Baylor would be crying then?

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Aside for the fact that Texas' worthless TV network runs afoul the SEC profit-sharing, it's wholly laughable to think either OU or Texas would join the SEC.

In the Big 12, OU and Texas lord it over the rest, earning far more than the other schools. OU is about to launch their own crappy network as well to rake in even more money.

The other side is the cowardice of the two schools. There is no way either of them want a piece of the SEC week in and week out. As it was, they were trying to spearhead a move to a basketball conference, the Pac-12 last year and the year before.

When I think of OU and Texas and SEC, all I can think of is them having their asses handed to them in title games. OU and Texas think they have speed and power; SEC schools actually do have it.

Believe me, as many brainfarts as Bob Stoops and Mack Brown have annually in coaching, they don't want to further damage to their reputations by letting Nick Saban, Les Miles, and others run roughshod over them annually.

OU and Texas are more than happy to add TCU and West Virginia because they are non-threatening to anything they already possess - recruiting territory, hands on the cash register, and control of the commissioner. Why would they give all of that up just to have their asses kicked by Alabama, LSU, et. al. on an annual basis.

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Weird. Does Baylor approve of this? I mean, a school leaving a conference and it's natural, geographic rivals? Shouldn't Ken Starr be helping the other Big East schools prepare individual lawsuits against WVU?


Baylor will do the same thing they did when the SWC foldedin 1995--conveniently forget that others got left behind and watch out for ways to stay attached to the tit of Texas. Ken Starr knew that CUSA was their likely landing place if the Pac-12 took Texas, Tech, OU, and OSU. Imagine Baylor hosting Rice as a conference game again...

Here is Baylor's (and Tech's) absolute nightmare: ESPN forces Texas to go independent because they cannot get anyone to broadcast that stupid LHN and nobody will play on that channel while they are in a conference. ESPN didn't pay Texas all that money to get to broadcast games against ULM and Kansas during the year. If Texas goes indy, its over for Baylor and Tech--and I mean over.

In this scenario, the SEC would grab OU and OSU to get to 16. The Pac-12 wouldn't take the academics of OU, OSU, or Tech without Texas, who won't be taken as long as they keep that ridiculous LHN to themselves. I don't believe OU thought that the Pac-12 would turn them down, but they were basically told by the Pac-12, "We would love to have you, OU--as long as Texas comes with you. As a matter of fact, we'll even take Tech and OSU with you, just as long as Texas gets rid of or shares the $$$ from the LHN. If they won't, you all should just go back home, because we aren't taking any combo of the rest of you without Texas, sans the LHN." And they all went home, realizing that the way westward got blocked by greed and arrogance. In my opinion, the only other conference that OU and OSU will be offers from is the SEC. I could see KU getting an invite somewhere if there football team can turn around again, as their basketball program and AAU status would play well in both the Pac-12 or Big 10, as well as the ACC. All of the others appear to be left behind.

If this scenario happened above, the Big XII would have West Virginia, K-State, Baylor, Tech, Iowa State, and TCU, plus probably Louisville and Cincinatti. It will be the equivalent of the Big East before this year's expansion. Sure, you can build something around it, just as the Big East is trying to do, but Baylor and Tech, especially, would just get monumentally screwed over from what they have known for decades. Ironically, just as it did for TCU, it might be the best thing for Baylor or Tech in terms of winning a football championship one day. But just like it has done for TCU, the dollars lost by not playing against top teams in the state, will take a deep cost. TCU basically made their way upward against non-Texas teams in non-AQ leagues, so they won big, but lost $$$ and media coverage, even when compared to the years Baylor went 2-10 in the Big XII. This is what would happen to Baylor and Tech, in my opinion. And before that would ever happen, you can bet your ass that Ken Starr will have sued everyone about 50 times to keep Baylor on the Texas gravy train.

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I'm always confused by the insistence that the Pac-12 is worried about academics when they took on Utah, which isn't a member of the AAU.

Picking up Colorado gave the Pac-12 a total of eight AAU schools. Arizona State, Oregon State, Washington State aren't members, but they aren't trying to kick them out and never have.

Buffalo and Tulane are AAU members, and no one is fighting to get them in their conference.

The academic argument is moot. Even the Big 10+ allowed Nebraska in as it was losing its AAU status.

Both Missouri and Texas A&M are AAU, so SEC looks to be the ones serious about going after the academic schools, right?

It's better to just tell the truth: the Pac-12 wanted Texas without the LHN and couldn't get it. When they couldn't get it, they left OU and all other sucking hind tit and retreating back to the Big 12-2(-2) where Baylor was in the crib crying to have its diaper changed.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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I'm always confused by the insistence that the Pac-12 is worried about academics when they took on Utah, which isn't a member of the AAU.

Picking up Colorado gave the Pac-12 a total of eight AAU schools. Arizona State, Oregon State, Washington State aren't members, but they aren't trying to kick them out and never have.

Buffalo and Tulane are AAU members, and no one is fighting to get them in their conference.

The academic argument is moot. Even the Big 10+ allowed Nebraska in as it was losing its AAU status.

Both Missouri and Texas A&M are AAU, so SEC looks to be the ones serious about going after the academic schools, right?

It's better to just tell the truth: the Pac-12 wanted Texas without the LHN and couldn't get it. When they couldn't get it, they left OU and all other sucking hind tit and retreating back to the Big 12-2(-2) where Baylor was in the crib crying to have its diaper changed.

I believe that AAU is more about research than academics. Based on SATs of incoming freshmen, Utah would still be ahead of Arizona, Arizona State, Oregon, Oregon State and Washington State.

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