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Occupy Denton Death Toxicology Report

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If you're successful, great. If you started from nothing and became part of the 1%, more power to you. I have absolutely no qualms with my wife's employer because he started middle class, went to law school, and became very successful. He pays his employees well and treats them well, and he still has plenty of $ left over for his toys. Hell, our president is one of those people. He did not have a privileged background, grew up very middle class and made his way into Ivy League Universities. He was still paying loans on that Ivy League education until he became a Senator.

What I take issue with is that its harder here than just about any other industrialized country to move up that ladder. Whatever class you're born into, you're more than likely to die as. Those with money work harder and harder every day to multiply it and make sure it stays that way too. The percentage of millionaires in this country is about 2%. The % of millionaires in Congress is about 50%, that's what I have a problem with. My original post was simply to point out how people's focus is off base. Stop worrying about any low lifes you find at a protest and start worrying about why the average worker's salary in this country has declined in the last decade.

I don't agree with you on the class you're born into is where you stay. I'm a first generation college graduate. I have a good job and already make the same income as my parents. I will be better off than they were and I hope my son ends up better off than I am.

I do agree that there is a problem with the wealth in Congress. Congress wasn't supposed to be a full time job originally. It was supposed to be like our Texas Legislature where citizens represented other citizens part-time while maintaining their primary career at the same time. I wish we could get back to those days.

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What I take issue with is that its harder here than just about any other industrialized country to move up that ladder. Whatever class you're born into, you're more than likely to die as. Those with money work harder and harder every day to multiply it and make sure it stays that way too. The percentage of millionaires in this country is about 2%. The % of millionaires in Congress is about 50%, that's what I have a problem with. My original post was simply to point out how people's focus is off base. Stop worrying about any low lifes you find at a protest and start worrying about why the average worker's salary in this country has declined in the last decade.

Where do you dig up this nonsense, "Dude"?

And, no, you have not answered my question..."Dude"...nice language too, must have hit a nerve. When folks find they are backed into a corner they often start yelling and using bad language. Nice play, "Dude".

Who the heck uses "Dude" these days? Is it back as some form of word to use when you can't think of anything else?

If you don't like millionaires in Congress, don't vote for them...or go run yourself. That's like saying a rich guy can't serve his country....stupid! I don't care if 100% of them are millionaires...I do not begrude anyone their net worth and I don't have any envy of those who happen to be better of than I am on a financial basis...so the heck what?

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I personally disagree with this. I have family and friends living all over the world and while many other countries have their perks and great things...jobs and moving up the ladder isn't any other countries' strong suit other than the US. If you want to move up you'll be able to.

I don't discount what your friends or family says, but statistics will show that you're much more likely to climb the economic ladder in most European countries than here.

If you don't move up it's not because of the rich corporate American greed...it could be an assortment of reasons but usually it's competition with other fellow employees or job applicants. Look I'm in corporate America and when people don't get promoted or raises you know what they do? They start looking for other jobs and with their experience, qualifications, good resume you have a very good chance at moving up by switching companies.

Fair enough, but that's why OWS has been out in full force: the lack of decent-paying jobs that they're qualified for. I've seen various surveys (I'm sure its impossible to get a great scientific survey) that show the majority of those protesting are college grads who cannot find work that either requires a college degree, or find work at all. Sure, some of them wasted 100k to get an Art History degree at Tufts, but many are like me who got a decent degree but are working at a job they're overqualified for, making less than what they should. I don't care how you feel about me or any protester personally: if people aren't making enough money, if so much money is concentrated in the hands of the wealthy, that money will not circulate like it should to revive this economy.

This country is far from perfect and it has it's share of issues like any others but I think the "American Dream" is the greatest thing about this country and that dream has essentially been adopted in many places around the world.

I think its basically a bunch of nationalistic BS, but I'm not trying to be a dick towards your beliefs though.

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I don't agree with you on the class you're born into is where you stay. I'm a first generation college graduate. I have a good job and already make the same income as my parents. I will be better off than they were and I hope my son ends up better off than I am.

Maybe you will, and that's awesome, but statistically speaking that's not the norm. Especially if you and I are about the same age.

I do agree that there is a problem with the wealth in Congress. Congress wasn't supposed to be a full time job originally. It was supposed to be like our Texas Legislature where citizens represented other citizens part-time while maintaining their primary career at the same time. I wish we could get back to those days.

Congress is in charge of 360 million people. I'm ok with them being a full-time job. I genuinely dislike that a state as large as ours has a legislature that can only work on policy for a few months every 2 years. I do think we need open primaries in Congress, and have every state use an independent board to draw districts. "To the victor go the spoils" is a big part of the reason we've lost the art of compromising.

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Congress is in charge of 360 million people. I'm ok with them being a full-time job. I genuinely dislike that a state as large as ours has a legislature that can only work on policy for a few months every 2 years. I do think we need open primaries in Congress, and have every state use an independent board to draw districts. "To the victor go the spoils" is a big part of the reason we've lost the art of compromising.

You haven't spent much time in the halls of the Texas Capitol during the Legislative session. Have you ever heard of someone nicknamed "mucus" because his initials are MQS? It is because of people like him that I'm glad we have a legislature that is not full time.

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Where do you dig up this nonsense, "Dude"?

And, no, you have not answered my question..."Dude"...nice language too, must have hit a nerve. When folks find they are backed into a corner they often start yelling and using bad language. Nice play, "Dude".

Who the heck uses "Dude" these days? Is it back as some form of word to use when you can't think of anything else?

I edited shortly after posting. It wasn't right of me to name call and I apologize for that. And yeah, you hit a nerve when you constantly try to beat me into an answer that you approve of in EVERY SINGLE THREAD I post in.

If you don't like millionaires in Congress, don't vote for them...or go run yourself. That's like saying a rich guy can't serve his country....stupid! I don't care if 100% of them are millionaires...I do not begrude anyone their net worth and I don't have any envy of those who happen to be better of than I am on a financial basis...so the heck what?

Way to miss the point. Again.

Let me spell it out for you: if Congress is full of millionaires then whose interests do you think they serve?

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Let me spell it out for you: if Congress is full of millionaires then whose interests do you think they serve?

Valid point but answer me this: how do you avoid a Congress full of millionaires if getting elected typically requires a large amount of money for staff, advertisements, and travel expenses? Fundraising will only get you so far which is why those in Congress are typically rich when they get there.

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Valid point but answer me this: how do you avoid a Congress full of millionaires if getting elected typically requires a large amount of money for staff, advertisements, and travel expenses? Fundraising will only get you so far which is why those in Congress are typically rich when they get there.

Gotta take the money out of politics. It buys way too much power and influence. Publicly financed elections would be great, but its a pipe dream.

But I will say this: Congressmen aren't always in Congress because they were rich, but a lot of them substantially grow their wealth while they're in Congress. They don't necessarily have to have insider trading info to buy or sell a stock. But for instance, if I'm a congressman who knows that a certain oil pipeline is being approved, I know to buy a crapton of stock in that company probably way before the general public does. Its not that its illegal or immoral, its simply that they're in the know.

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Gotta take the money out of politics. It buys way too much power and influence. Publicly financed elections would be great, but its a pipe dream.

But I will say this: Congressmen aren't always in Congress because they were rich, but a lot of them substantially grow their wealth while they're in Congress. They don't necessarily have to have insider trading info to buy or sell a stock. But for instance, if I'm a congressman who knows that a certain oil pipeline is being approved, I know to buy a crapton of stock in that company probably way before the general public does. Its not that its illegal or immoral, its simply that they're in the know.

This. It has to change, as well as term limits. It wasn't what our founding fathers intended and it has made lobbyists the most powerful group in the country. I think the reason Ron Paul is doing as well as he is are not his policies many of which are radical but rather the fact that people are so sick and tired of the status quo.

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BTW, I like that instead of holding yourself to a higher standard as board admin, you just use your power to name call. That's a great way to get me to see your point of view.

There I changed it for you. The reason I posted this toxicology report was to put an end to the questioning about how he died. Not to have the conversation hijacked so you could go on a diatribe about your political beliefs. While this forum is in fact intended for opinions of the opinionated I wanted to keep the focus on how this kid's death on our campus was a liability for our school. I just would have truly preferred they protest in the square or somewhere that wasn't on our school's property. Furthermore, once the camps around the nation started having similar issues with it's occupants it made a great opportunity to utilize that as an excuse to close the camp. We didn't do that. A kid died of an overdose. I am merely trying to keep this topic related to his death, our campus and our potential liability in the eyes of the law. Instead you immediately hijacked it and brought back the same debate as we had before.....solidifying my premonition that I shouldn't have even posted this news. Well my apologies for calling you an idiot. You're not. You are obviously a pretty smart guy and while we disagree on some things it was unwarranted. Good day....dude.

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Never did I realize how frequently people use the word qu.ite as much as we do until Tasty had his way with the autocorrect

Annoying too. I just change it in my head like I do every other commonly misspelled word found on this board.







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I'm just going to straight up say it... you're a very nice and educated person. This board wasn't built to talk about the Right Wing Military Industrial Complex or the goings on of the Bohemian Grove retreats. It was built to talk about North Texas and issues that the school is involved with.

Tell that to anyone who started a political thread after the 2008 election. It was a pretty serious cluster up until the last year or so and I'm betting it might kick up again. It only really died down after the board admins put the hammer down about it.

Fair enough, but that's why OWS has been out in full force: the lack of decent-paying jobs that they're qualified for.

That's a crutch. When did we as a society become so egotistical that kids think they have a "right" to be making $100K right out of college? What happened to paying your dues and busting your ass?

It's still there, but you can't pay your dues and earn your stripes without being first hired. TLDR: nice generalization there, kid. Some did make some pretty heinous life decisions or didn't actually attempt to forecast into their post-baccalaureate plans. Hell, some took a lot longer to graduate than expected either by failing or finances, but I think most just want to pay their bills at the end of the month. Those that want a ton more than that without the work would be screwed with or without the financial crisis anyways.

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This. It has to change, as well as term limits. It wasn't what our founding fathers intended and it has made lobbyists the most powerful group in the country. I think the reason Ron Paul is doing as well as he is are not his policies many of which are radical but rather the fact that people are so sick and tired of the status quo.

With regard to his policies about government, Ron Paul's ideas are only radical if you compare them to how we currently do things. He wants to follow the constitution as it's written. I have a hard time calling that radical.

Some of his foreign policy ideas are a different story...

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With regard to his policies about government, Ron Paul's ideas are only radical if you compare them to how we currently do things. He wants to follow the constitution as it's written. I have a hard time calling that radical.

Some of his foreign policy ideas are a different story...

And there is the problem. You can't take half of Ron Paul, you get the whole thing.

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That's a crutch. When did we as a society become so egotistical that kids think they have a "right" to be making $100K right out of college? What happened to paying your dues and busting your ass?

Who said anything about 100k jobs right out of college? I'm talking about people who have their master's degrees but make 30k as a secretary or a taxi cab driver.

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And there is the problem. You can't take half of Ron Paul, you get the whole thing.

Rudy, +1 for you, Sir. My thoughts exactly on Ron Paul. Love lots of what he has to say, but some of the other is just a non-starter for me and overrides a lot of the good ideas he has....No way he gets the R nod as candidate...BUT, my concern is that he might try a third party run. That would mean that every vote for Ron Paul as a 3rd party candidate would actually be a vote for Obama. I hope Ron Paul sees that and does what he can after the primaries to help defeat Obama in November, not actually to help Obama get re-elected to make some "point".

I realize Ron Paul folks will not like that post, but if you actually think about it you will see that it is true. Ron Paul represents his district very well, and has been a hard-working Congressman who is, in my opinion, much closer to being a Libertarian than a Republican...that I sort of like of him as he cannot always be a "reliable" vote for the R's on every darn issue, but his views in several areas are just a bit too far out of the mainstream to be electable to any higher office on the federal level. I like the guy, I just hope he doesn't "go off the deep end" after having to drop out of the primary race.

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Who said anything about 100k jobs right out of college? I'm talking about people who have their master's degrees but make 30k as a secretary or a taxi cab driver.

What field are these folks in and what Master's degree do they hold...Art Appreciation perhaps? Just kidding about the art appreciation thing.....$30K right out of college isn't that bad in some fields by the way.....

I happen to know a UNT grad who drives a limo and makes a 6-figure income. No one and nothing should guarantee anyone a job or any income level. Some folks get degrees in majors where income levels are traditionally and on average not very high. So what? What is wrong with being an administrative assistant (I don't think the PC folks like them being called secretary's any longer) or driving a cab? Honest work and if you do a good job you can make a really nice living...some admin. ass'ts make close to 6-figures by the way...I knew some while working in my career field. Yes, rare, but it happens.

Sorry that you seem to want guarantees in life...often these folks you talk about have made personal choices that limit their earning and job abilities...want to live in a certain location, will not re-locate, got a degree in a different field, have family issues, can't work the hours required or the days required, have personality issues,have credit issues, have legal issues and on and on and on. For every "degreed" person you can find that "appears" to be underemployed or not employed, I can find you probably as many or more that, when you look, have issues and who have made personal choices that play into that situation.

Case in point...I was once...much earlier in my career, offered a much higher paying and bigger title position if I would move to Houston. My decision, and what we decided as a family, was that it was better, as a family, if I did not take that position and move. I didn't....took me years to ever reach the income level and position I passed on by not picking up and moving to Houston. Have NEVER regretted that decision....not for one nano-second, but my choice had a direct impact on my career. Just mentioning this before you think I've had no experience with "making personal choices".

So, nice to live in a "La La" world where everyone gets a guaranty of a "chicken in every pot", but that's just not the real world. Can't find a job in Chicago...check out Dallas...oh, don't want to or can't move...seems to play into that situation a bit to me. My nephew and his Dad owned a business in Michigan laying fiber optics and cable and that sort of thing...did really well...until...boom. No work...nephew tried to hang on but eventually lost his home and business...did he sit around and blame anyone...or go live in an Occupy Tent somewhere and play the "poor me it's not fair" game, no he sucked it up...moved his family to a rental home and left the area to work in N. Mexico, Missouri and upper Mich. to make an income and support his family and his wife went to work in a local grocery store. Underemployed...you bet your rear end...but not blaming anyone, just sucking it up and doing what had to be done to move forward. saw the guy at Christmas and he never complained about anything and was very upbeat about the future.

Just sayin.....

Our society needs to help those who truly need help. Not those who seem to think the "world owes them anything" 'cause it doesn't.

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Who said anything about 100k jobs right out of college? I'm talking about people who have their master's degrees but make 30k as a secretary or a taxi cab driver.

If someone has a masters and makes 30K/year they probably need to look internally and see if there is something that needs to be fixed, ie bad attitude, no drive or ambition, etc.

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