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Dan McCarney Football Banquet Speech


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We're just about done with this class for the first time in school history in December or early December -- we are just about done with recruiting. What does that mean? What that means is they believe in us and what we are doing; they like what they see; they like the style of play; they like the commitment to excellence; they appreciate the leadership that’s in place at this university and the future never looked brighter and that’s why the young men that are here with their families and the other ones that will be joining us this weekend really believe in the future and we appreciate everyone of you for being here.

It’s been awhile, a fast moving ever changing 12-months since I took the job here and I want to thank Dr. Rawlins and Rick Villarreal to coming to Gainesville Florida to see Margy and I and sell us on the future of this program and you really enriched our lives with this opportunity. We’re not where we want to be but we’ve come a long way and there are some great days ahead for this program. When I reflect back on what we have built with our foundation under the leadership of these seniors you can't help but notice the progress, working together we have found success and taken major steps and strides in doing those things. In life and in football change is inevitable and there is a whole bunch of it going on right now. I believe we’ve grown, I believe we’ve changed, I believe we’ve improved and there’s no doubt about --- it's tangible... you can see it in wins and losses which have improved but it’s in and out every day with this program.

We faced one of the most challenging schedules in school history. And we can all remember back – I know all of us in this room here – 0-3 after losing to those teams early in the season which by the way, they ended up 31-6 and one playing for a national championship. But rather than dwelling on losses we focused on our assets…we had a new beginning but we also had an amazing finish and we went on to win 5 more games including that 52-point victory last Saturday.

I shared a quote of Joe Namath with my team awhile back which resembled the progress of our football team. And anyone a little bit older in this room might remember Broadway Joe and his quote was, “I can’t wait until tomorrow because I get better looking every day.”[laughter] I think it really exemplifies this football team, each day we try to get better and there’s ups and downs and successes and setbacks and wins and losses but I think every day in the big picture as a head coach as I look at this whole thing we definitely got better. Led by our senior class our foundation was built on rock not sand and we challenged ourselves to new standards and new heights.

To cherish every day and every moment as I mentioned is what this football team is about especially my seniors. Understand the passion, courage and relentlessness is contagious. To be remembered not forgotten with your actions on the field and in the classroom and in the community…you won’t be forgotten. We have some disappointments. but there are no regrets and you won’t be forgotten especially you seniors. I’ve tried to instill an all important faith in one another; fierce loyalty and true teammates; true teammates…accept your past, present and really encourage your future. And we have a really beautiful future here at North Texas. And I want to tell these seniors as they walk out of here for the last time, that they have encouraged the future of this football team and especially their teammates.

I asked all of you last Saturday to make our last few hours together our finest hours and you did; and that will be a great finish to 2011 but what a great beginning for 2012.

To all of you and in closing, to all of the players returning, take pride in ownership in that torch that has been passed by these seniors, take pride and ownership in that torch that has been passed to you from that great group of young men. We have old memories but young hopes, we have old memories in just the short time that I have been here and all of us together have young hopes. The plan ahead and the road to success has been planned out for all you guys coming back, freshmen, sophomores and juniors. Live in the moment, be different, be unique. Let’s rewrite more history books in 2012, and add more meaning to them. When I took this job I said, “Why not North Texas...Why not North Texas?” God bless all of you and Go Mean Green!

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Yeah it's been posted but here it is and a link to all of the awards in case you missed it:

2011 North Texas Football Award Winners

Odus Mitchell , Team MVP - Lance Dunbar

Steve Ramsey, Outstanding Offensive Player - Derek Thompson

Joe Greene, Outstanding Defensive Player - Zach Orr

Abner Haynes, Outstanding Special Teams Player - Will Atterberry

JaQuay Wilburn, Outstanding Offensive Back - Lance Dunbar

Phillip Armour, Outstanding Offensive Lineman - Matt Tomlinson

Byron Gross, Outstanding Linebacker - Forlando Johnson

Bill Brashier, Outstanding Defensive Back - Ryan Downing

Bill Bishop, Outstanding Defensive Lineman - Brandon Akpunku

Shawn Kramer, Most Inspirational - Ivan Delgado and Ryan Boutwell

Newcomer of the Year - Cyril Lemon

Scout Team Offense MVP- Marcus Smith

Scout Team Defense MVP - Mike Ladner


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