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Sunday Night UNT Thoughts from Vito


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Andrew McNulty was thrown into a no-win situation and struggled a bit. I don't know what else you can expect from a guy who sat behind a kid who starts at Iowa until his senior year of high school. We can argue from here to dawn over whether he or Brent Osborn should be out there, but the bottom line is it wasn't going to matter against ASU.

And UNT's defense struggled against maybe the best team in the Sun Belt.

You know what was unexpected about all that?


UNT is now 3-6. You know what is surprising about that.

Well, the fact that UNT has won three games with the team it has.

Bottom line -- UNT is right about where everyone with a realistic outlook thought it would be at this point, if not a little bit ahead.

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Andrew McNulty was thrown into a no-win situation and struggled a bit. I don't know what else you can expect from a guy who sat behind a kid who starts at Iowa until his senior year of high school. We can argue from here to dawn over whether he or Brent Osborn should be out there, but the bottom line is it wasn't going to matter against ASU.

And UNT's defense struggled against maybe the best team in the Sun Belt.

You know what was unexpected about all that?


UNT is now 3-6. You know what is surprising about that.

Well, the fact that UNT has won three games with the team it has.

Bottom line -- UNT is right about where everyone with a realistic outlook thought it would be at this point, if not a little bit ahead.

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I believe Vito is 100% accurate in those statements.

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Keep cheerleading for DMac Brett, I am sure the players just love hearing from you and their Head Coach about how much they suck and can not win. Way to go!! :goodjob:

Starting to see "DD II"

Edited by untbowler
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Keep cheerleading for DMac Brett, I am sure the players just love hearing from you and their Head Coach about how much they suck and can not win. Way to go!! :goodjob:

Vito is completely on the DMac bandwagon and won't get off for another 3 years.

The problem is because of this, you can't trust what he writes. Someone, anyone, show me one time since spring practice that Vito has varied even a little form the DMac company line. Once. That's all I ask.

This isn't about the coaching staff and whether they are making the right or wrong decision. This is about a journalist that refuses to vary from that opinion. Worthless reading right now.

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I just like the fact the Vito completely ignores that this coaching staff didn't have the team ready to play and that we got embarrassed in a game that should have been competitive.

Its Dodge's fault, now get back inline and cheer the train wreck on the way to Troy.

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My 2 cents:

The fans have an expectation of this team, and is probably a bit higher than it woudl have been; if it weren't for the new stadium (it worked, it created excitement).

The difficult part for me is that RV did not make the correlation between the stadium open date; and how long it takes a coach to turn things around. ie, TD was fired 12 months too late.

The second order effects of that will be that the shine will have worn off the stadium a little.....so the coaches will have to get things turned around so that we dont see a drop off in the ticket sales from the more casual fan (or from the student population).

Bottom Line: The win 'x' games mandate was laid down too late; knowing that the stadium was coming.

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Vito is dead-on about this. You can accuse him of being a McCarney homer, but I think most people feel the exact same way he does in his blog. I think its crazy that McNulty plays so much, too, but I trust that Coach Mac knows what he is doing here with regards to the QB situation.

You can say its sad that any SBC team is waaayyy better than us right now, especially if they have new coaches, too, but the cold reality is that we have a big hole to get out of right now. At least we have made decent progress this season to get back up--if we win just one more game this year, it will be more than in any season since our last conference championship in 2004.

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