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Probably doesn't support the case much when one shows frat members actually in the stadium in support of their team if you are trying to "shout down" the idea that UNT frats party at tailgate but never make it in the stadium. Don't see the logic in that approach.

Frats can be a fantastic support system for school spirit. I have seen it time and time again at numerous universities across the nation. They also, as members, do more public service work in their communities than many seem to realize. So, for all the "bad" some see, I can see just as much "good".

That being said, UNT as a university administration has NEVER embraced the Greek System on campus and that has, in part, led us to where we are today with our Greek system. The Greeks have had to "fight" a complacent and often, hostile, administrative system at UNT. On the other hand, they often did everything they could to hurt their own cause. It has been a mutual "dislike" society for a long long time at UNT. The administration sees the Greeks as pests and trouble makers and the Greek see the administration as anti-Greek and go out of their way to make that perception a reality. Really, a no win situation for anyone.

If the Greeks would decide as a whole to start supporting the administration and acting a bit more "responsible", the administration would soon enough come around and embrace the Greeks for the great benefit they can be for student life and what they definitely ARE at many of our university campuses around the country.

Acting as they have the last game or two at Apogee and then not actually attending the games, does their image no good whatsoever. They probably know that, but also probably don't care. It's all about themselves and the fun of it, right? While many may come back the next morning to clean up the mess, that is done "after the fact" and after the image damage has been done...no one sees this side of the coin. Too bad, but as one other posted said...PERCEPTION IS REALITY.

I am a big supporter of the Greek system and the benefits it can and does have within the life of a college campus. At this point, UNT's Greeks are still seen as immature college students just caring only about the next party and their next adventure giving no care whatsoever to those around them or the image they are creating or, in fact, their university. That's a shame. It would be pretty easy to change that perception, but it would take a concerted effort and some maturity to do so. It's a choice plain and simple. If you want respect, earn it.

I hope UNT's Greek system grows stronger and stronger as it can only help...IF the Greeks themselves take it upon themselves to be part of the university and not "outsiders".

I wish them well, and I hope to see even more Greeks having a great tailgate experience AND then marching into Apogee to support their team and their university. It's actually part of what the Greek system is supposed to be all about. I think some may have forgotten.

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Kram, it will only take time... As I said before, UNT has to win games before everyone makes it a priority to go into the stadium. People have more utility tailgating instead of walking in, now if were winning that will change but time will tell

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1- stop calling it a frat. Do you call your country a, well, I don't need to finish that.

2- the blame does not rest solely on the greek system. They are students, and students are apathetic regardless of affiliation.

3- Jackasses are jackasses. It's easy to single out someone because they're wearing greek letters, however, how many rowdy students are tailgating out there not being singled out? THAT is outright discrimination. This is a huge problem since I left UNT.

4- Any desire to help the university IN ANY CAPACITY is eroding as we speak based on the reception that they are getting. Would you want to participate if you bust your hump to put together the largest contribution of the homecoming parade, bring back hundreds, in some cases thousands of alums, for homecoming and march them to the stadium if this was how you were going to be treated?

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Question. who is number one in the nation? Fact. LSU. Lets see what there frat boys do at games.

Probably helps your case if you can apply some grammar so that it doesn't take more than a quick glance to understand what you're trying to say.

  • Upvote 1

1- stop calling it a frat. Do you call your country a, well, I don't need to finish that.

2- the blame does not rest solely on the greek system. They are students, and students are apathetic regardless of affiliation.

3- Jackasses are jackasses. It's easy to single out someone because they're wearing greek letters, however, how many rowdy students are tailgating out there not being singled out? THAT is outright discrimination. This is a huge problem since I left UNT.

4- Any desire to help the university IN ANY CAPACITY is eroding as we speak based on the reception that they are getting. Would you want to participate if you bust your hump to put together the largest contribution of the homecoming parade, bring back hundreds, in some cases thousands of alums, for homecoming and march them to the stadium if this was how you were going to be treated?

I would never call my country a count!

  • Upvote 3

I want everyone to realize that we are talking about LESS THAN 1,300 students when we talk about the NT Greeks. How many students attend this school? How many people does this stadium hold? Fact is, we're talking about less than 4.5% of the student population and if every last one of them show up, it would make up about 4% of the stadium.


We are all preaching to the choir here. WE are the active ones. All of us. Some of us were/are Greek and some of us are not.

We have larger issues than the Greeks not attending games.

  • Upvote 2

1- stop calling it a frat. Do you call your country a, well, I don't need to finish that.

Please don't. That was clever when I heard it as an 18 year old, but it's tired now and you should get over the fact that "frat" is simply common nomenclature and is not meant offensively by most.

2- the blame does not rest solely on the greek system. They are students, and students are apathetic regardless of affiliation.

Agreed. Greeks make up no more than 10% of campus population and there is no reason a school with a 35K enrollment shouldn't be selling out 10K student seats. However you need to realize how the ire of some of these old, crotchety alumni is aimed at the Greek system considering the Hill is directly opposite their side of the field...and so is a 1/2 filled student section. IFC needs to be pro-active here and get SOME (I'm not saying all, I know many could care less about sports and are at the tail gate simply for the atmosphere) of those on the Hill into the game.

3- Jackasses are jackasses. It's easy to single out someone because they're wearing greek letters, however, how many rowdy students are tailgating out there not being singled out? THAT is outright discrimination. This is a huge problem since I left UNT.

Again true...however once you put those letters on you are immediately identifiable and as such held to a higher standard. That was something we stressed immensely when I was on IFC. It's not "discrimination"(good lord)...it's simple logic.

4- Any desire to help the university IN ANY CAPACITY is eroding as we speak based on the reception that they are getting. Would you want to participate if you bust your hump to put together the largest contribution of the homecoming parade, bring back hundreds, in some cases thousands of alums, for homecoming and march them to the stadium if this was how you were going to be treated?

This is one of the dumber things I've read in this week of Greek-themed threads...and that may well be meant as a compliment considering it means you won a pretty fierce competition of stupidity. If you're Greek at North Texas you know you're in a rather severe minority, especially for a large, public school. As such, you can not pit yourself against the rest of the campus population...another issue I personally took upon myself to improve when I served on IFC. The onus (the anus?) is on YOU and the entire Greek community to change perception...and from everything I've read from you and a few other posters coming to the defense of the Greek system, you're doing rather a lousy job.

The attitude you need to have is that you spend weeks preparing for Homecoming FOR YOUR UNIVERSITY, not for your fraternity. Your alumni come back FOR THEIR UNIVERSITY...having fraternity is simply a bonus. And...as unfair as some of the criticism aimed at the Greek community may be...IFC, PanHellinic and every individual Greek organization needs to respond to this criticism not by raring up in a corner like a wounded badger, but by efforting to get more Greeks into the game...again...FOR THE UNIVERSITY.

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Greeks are in fact torn based on the fact we want to support our school, but the school beats on the greeks. I will defend something that helped me get where I am today because I learned a good deal of leadership and was able to hone that into my daily life. Its hard, because my greek experience gave me the tools to succeed in my career, where my school simply gave me a prerequisite to get my job. I owe much to my fraternity, and little to my school.

To call out my arguments about homecoming, well, you've never been a part of a greek homecoming. You would never understand the politics and pomp and circumstance behind a ridiculous dog and pony show. Being a part of it, greek alums come home for the greeks, 90% of the time, not the school.

From the outside in, you can't understand, and from the inside out you can't explain it.

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Greeks are in fact torn based on the fact we want to support our school, but the school beats on the greeks. I will defend something that helped me get where I am today because I learned a good deal of leadership and was able to hone that into my daily life. Its hard, because my greek experience gave me the tools to succeed in my career, where my school simply gave me a prerequisite to get my job. I owe much to my fraternity, and little to my school.

To call out my arguments about homecoming, well, you've never been a part of a greek homecoming. You would never understand the politics and pomp and circumstance behind a ridiculous dog and pony show. Being a part of it, greek alums come home for the greeks, 90% of the time, not the school.

From the outside in, you can't understand, and from the inside out you can't explain it.

But he is and he can and he did. Can you read?

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Greeks are in fact torn based on the fact we want to support our school, but the school beats on the greeks. I will defend something that helped me get where I am today because I learned a good deal of leadership and was able to hone that into my daily life. Its hard, because my greek experience gave me the tools to succeed in my career, where my school simply gave me a prerequisite to get my job. I owe much to my fraternity, and little to my school.

To call out my arguments about homecoming, well, you've never been a part of a greek homecoming. You would never understand the politics and pomp and circumstance behind a ridiculous dog and pony show. Being a part of it, greek alums come home for the greeks, 90% of the time, not the school.

From the outside in, you can't understand, and from the inside out you can't explain it.

Wow...you just keep out-doing yourself...I take back my statement that your prior post was the dumbest thing I've read...THIS tops it 10-fold.

How does the university (not this board of a small faction of nutty alumni, but the university itself) beat on the Greeks? Is it by providing land AND funding help expand fraternity row and to build sorority row (that's right, that was probably always a given in your time at UNT)? Any time the university has cracked down on the Greek system its been because the Greek system grossly embarrassed themselves...and as such the university.

Additionally, you wouldn't have had your Greek experience without your university...and if you took more from memorizing Robert's Rules of Order while serving as your fraternity's athletic chair than you did in your actual academic experience I feel ridiculously sorry for you.

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But he is and he can and he did. Can you read?

Of course he can't. He was too busy learning leadership to waste time on silly things like reading and comprehension.


I am a member of a Music Fraternity. We tailgate almost every game (the dirt lot this year). The other large Music Fraternity also tailgates. The both of us do the whole tailgating expereince- tents, chairs, grills, games, and tons of food. Yet both of our groups shut down an hour before the game, and go get our seats by the band. EVERY WEEK! Some of the us would leave Fouts at half time to "hydrate up", but you bet they were back by 3rd quarter. Now -since there is no re-entry- none of us leave at half time.

If you think Greeks aren't appreciated by the University, try being a Music Fraternity. We're are the red-headed step child of the fraternity world. We aren't allowed to get a house, and we don't get a seat on any Greek Council. And that doesn't stop us from being school spirited tailgaters and game attenders.

The frats that tailgate with their UNT gear and fancy clothes that don't make it into the game are fakes to me.


Sweet mercy, let this Greek bashing end. Move on. We get it, you all want every single person affiliated with UNT in any capacity to attend all football games as if the life of the program depends on it. So you single out a very visible fraction, and vilify them. Simply having them setup on the hill adds to the pregame atmosphere as you walk into and around the stadium. If you don't agree with that, you're fooling yourself. Get people out to the festivities around gameday, and hopefully they'll have enough fun to want to come back and bring friends with them. The more people we get out to the pregame, the more people we'll get to come into the stadium. We're never going to get them all, but we'll get a lot of them.

You guys can't see the forest for the tress.

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Greeks are in fact torn based on the fact we want to support our school, but the school beats on the greeks. I will defend something that helped me get where I am today because I learned a good deal of leadership and was able to hone that into my daily life. Its hard, because my greek experience gave me the tools to succeed in my career, where my school simply gave me a prerequisite to get my job. I owe much to my fraternity, and little to my school.

To call out my arguments about homecoming, well, you've never been a part of a greek homecoming. You would never understand the politics and pomp and circumstance behind a ridiculous dog and pony show. Being a part of it, greek alums come home for the greeks, 90% of the time, not the school.

From the outside in, you can't understand, and from the inside out you can't explain it.

Actually, dude, about 50% of the users on this board (myself included) know exactly what you're talking about. The point is UNT (the University) and the Greek system TOGETHER provided the rich college experience that you had. You couldn't have had one without the other. It's certainly important to feel connected to your individual organization, but to act like the University and the opportunites that it created for the organizations to exist and thrive aren't important components is idiotic.

Please don't try to play the outsiders card. That's a sweeping generalization of the posters here as well.

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All UNT faithful want is for all people that make it to the hill to walk inside the stadium. Greeks paint a target on their backs by having huge letters and blasting music during the games. I'm sure other people do the same but they aren't as easily recognizable. If you claim to be the leaders on campus then act like it by showing up inside the stadium and setting a good example for the rest of the student body


All UNT faithful want is for all people that make it to the hill to walk inside the stadium. Greeks paint a target on their backs by having huge letters and blasting music during the games. I'm sure other people do the same but they aren't as easily recognizable. If you claim to be the leaders on campus then act like it by showing up inside the stadium and setting a good example for the rest of the student body

Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. Frat or non-frat, if they come to the tailgate they need to come to the stadium and support THEIR school and team. Otherwise, they are part of a problem and not a solution.

Posted (edited)

Seriously is everyone this nieve/dumb/stupid... Tell me one school that doesnt have people/ fraternities outside of the stadium tailgating during the game... Seriously get over this

Edited by Dr. Seuss

Almost doesnt count... its like almost going into the game

We can't officially tailgate at every tailgate... We're a no-booze fraternity.. So even though the fraternity doesn't officially tailgate at all the games- the members certainly do.

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