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Who Needs You More Saturday?


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People here need a scape goat for why our attendance is so bad.

Is it apathetic students/alumni? A bad football team? Undesirable opponents? Couldn't be. I mean that would make us look bad, right?

Is it those damn Rangers? Bingo. It's not our fault.

It will be interesting what people will come up with after the Rangers win the World Series and our attendance is still poor.

Don't forget about those upcoming Beavis and Butt-Head revival episodes. Those things are going to kill us.

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I don't think you understand aspergers/aspergians. You just used it here because you felt bad about typing retard. Right?

You tell me, bra...

  • Idiosyncratic attachment to inanimate objects
  • Being "in their own world" / Preoccupied with their own agenda
  • Single-mindedness
  • Likes and dislikes can be very rigid
  • Can spend hours in the library researching, loves learning and information
  • Word repetition (they may frequently repeat what you've just said)
  • Difficulty understanding others’ feelings
  • Has an urge to inform that can result in being blunt / insulting
  • Preoccupied with their own agenda
  • He can be very critical and takes it personally if she won’t wear something he likes, or wears something he dislikes

Also, it was a throwaway line.

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We get it super-fan, UNT over Rangers. I'm sorry, I don't understand how or why people can't have a "personal connection" to the Rangers? This argument or plea for people to pick a 2-5 UNT football team in a rebuliding year over a local sports franchise (for many a team they have been watching longer than they have been paying attention to UNT) on the verge of winning their first title EVER has become old and stale. We get it, you want people at them game like we all do, but the rangers in the world series in the words of joe biden, "is a big effing deal". Quit trying to draw a line in the sand and make people chose, it's one more weekend and all will be back to normal. I love UNT (I wear my UNT ring everyday with pride) but given the choice between tickets to the UNT game or tickets to the Rangers in the world series, I'm picking the Rangers, no question.

This x1000

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Just about everyone has avoided the question, which is very simple. Who needs our support more? The Mean Green or a professional sports organization, (who has not bestowed a degree on you so you can make a living) and would move to another location if someone offered them enough money.

The answer is really a no-brainer.

For a bunch of (alleged) college graduates, you all really suck at logical thinking.

OR, how about this. How many of you ever got a job because you own Ranger/Cowboy season tickets?

Edited by SilverEagle
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Just about everyone has avoided the question, which is very simple. Who needs our support more? The Mean Green or a professional sports organization, (who has not bestowed a degree on you so you can make a living) and would move to another location if someone offered them enough money.

The answer is really a no-brainer.

For a bunch of (alleged) college graduates, you all really suck at logical thinking.

OR, how about this. How many of you ever got a job because you own Ranger/Cowboy season tickets?

Yes, my favorite part of my diploma ceremony was when Scott Hall handed me my degree conferred by Michael Thrash as Phillip Graves applauded slowly.

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Yes, my favorite part of my diploma ceremony was when Scott Hall handed me my degree conferred by Michael Thrash as Phillip Graves applauded slowly.

Also, I can say with 100% certainty that I owe far more of my professional growth and reputation to a local sports franchise than I do to my North Texas degree.

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Just about everyone has avoided the question, which is very simple. Who needs our support more?

This kind of talk reminds me of a line from the movie Broadcast News: "Wouldn't this be a great world if insecurity and desperation made us more attractive? If needy were a turn-on?"

I hope this isn't too blunt for the board, but people need to stop describing UNT as a pity f--k. That kind of talk isn't going to pack Apogee and it makes us look like the saddest FBS program in the country.

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