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Really? I consider myself quite moderate and open to lots of solutions.

Which is why you labeled the entire movement as "socialist" when you found some of them holding up some anti-capitalism signs. By that logic, its time to deem the entire tea party movement as racists.


Which is why you labeled the entire movement as "socialist" when you found some of them holding up some anti-capitalism signs. By that logic, its time to deem the entire tea party movement as racists.

Is reading comprehension a problem?

"I get the fact that these protests are MOSTLY comprised of the same old tired pro-socialist/communist brain-washed youth."


"THEY don't even know what their agenda is. It's all over the place. Some are socialists, some are communists, some are regular Americans trying to make their lives better, and some are just kids with nothing better to do."

I try to make an effort to avoid making blanket statements.

By that logic, its time to deem the entire tea party movement as racists.

Sorry, the extremely rare racist sign at the Tea Party rallies are far outnumbered by the very common pro-socialist message of OWS. I understand the difference between socialism and communism - the overwhelming message of signs at the OWS is pro-socialist.

And I've heard far more racism out of the OWS rallies (anti-semitic rants about Jews controlling all the money) than I've heard come out of Tea Party rallies.

But I'm not a Tea Party person anyways. I'm a Republican.


"I get the fact that these protests are MOSTLY comprised of the same old tired pro-socialist/communist brain-washed youth."

Not true.

"THEY don't even know what their agenda is. It's all over the place.

Again, not true.

Some are socialists, some are communists, some are regular Americans trying to make their lives better, and some are just kids with nothing better to do.

Most know exactly what and who they're protesting.

I try to make an effort to avoid making blanket statements.

By making a blanket statement that they don't know what their agenda is.

Sorry, the extremely rare racist sign at the Tea Party rallies are far outnumbered by the very common pro-socialist message of OWS.

Again, I see no evidence to really back this up.

the overwhelming message of signs at the OWS is pro-socialist.

Not true.

And I've heard far more racism out of the OWS rallies (anti-semitic rants about Jews controlling all the money) than I've heard come out of Tea Party rallies.

Insanely doubtful.

But I'm not a Tea Party person anyways. I'm a Republican.

And I'm not an 'occupier', but I get what they're doing and what they're about. Clearly, you don't.


Other than the fact that they are mostly white, does anyone have real evidence of racism happening within the Tea Party? I don't really have a dog in the fight, I'm just your average, everyday libertarian, but seriously? If we are comparing the OWS communist/socialist undertones and sometimes overtones with the alleged rampant Tea Party racism, there really is no comparison.


Sorry, the extremely rare racist sign at the Tea Party rallies are far outnumbered by the very common pro-socialist message of OWS.

Again, I see no evidence to really back this up.

Then you are choosing to ignore it.

Advancement of socialist policies is the only consistent and overwhelming message being heard from OWS.

The movement must above all reach out to all the alienated, the dissatisfied and the discontented, all those who recognize and deeply feel in their gut that there is something profoundly wrong, that the system the Party of Wall Street has devised is not only barbaric, unethical and morally wrong, but also broken.

All this has to be democratically assembled into a coherent opposition, which must also freely contemplate what an alternative city, an alternative political system and, ultimately, an alternative way of organizing production, distribution and consumption for the benefit of the people, might look like.

I don't see how you can deny the socialist message coming from these people:

(The haunting music is a bit over the top, but just hear what they are saying about capitalism, distributing wealth, and setting some kind of maximum wage.


Tell that to Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, and the Google founders...

I suggest you read the book Outliers. I think you will enjoy it....


I suggest you read the book Outliers. I think you will enjoy it....

The original statement was: And I don't care what the AM dial tells you, no individual can, simply by pulling up his boot straps, go from having nothing to becoming one of those guys.

If we are talking about the uber-rich, the multi-billionaires, they are by definition "outliers." There are 1200 billionaires in the world. The original statement was that nobody can go from nothing to a bazillionaire in this country, and the reply was just a few examples of those who have.

In fact, Forbes magazine said almost 2/3 of the world's billionaires started from nothing!



Don't waste your time. Nevermind the fact that there are countless videos showing plain as day anti-semitism or socialist views, the Tea-party are the real racists. I know you saw that guy at the tea party rally that had Obama with a hitler mustache. Dang racists.

I hate Capitalism and everything about the free market. So I protest against capitalism and banks being bailed out. Because banks being bailed out = capitalism. Right? Stupid corporations like Exxon are messing up the world. Did you see Exxon's absurd profits for the 3rd quarter and 8% profit margin??? They are so greedy and evil. Exxon should be more like Apple. Apple has a much bigger profit margin, uses sweat shops in china to keep prices down, and I love their new Iphone 4S that I take to all the OWS rallies for videoing.



It neither helps nor hurts their cause. I think there is far too much focus on what some do and far too little focus on what most of them want.

Valid...but a bit ironic coming from the person who found pictures of 5 anti-capitalist cardboard signs and came to the conclusion that represents most of the sentiment at Zuccatti and across the country.


Don't waste your time. Nevermind the fact that there are countless videos showing plain as day anti-semitism or socialist views, the Tea-party are the real racists. I know you saw that guy at the tea party rally that had Obama with a hitler mustache. Dang racists.

I hate Capitalism and everything about the free market. So I protest against capitalism and banks being bailed out. Because banks being bailed out = capitalism. Right? Stupid corporations like Exxon are messing up the world. Did you see Exxon's absurd profits for the 3rd quarter and 8% profit margin??? They are so greedy and evil. Exxon should be more like Apple. Apple has a much bigger profit margin, uses sweat shops in china to keep prices down, and I love their new Iphone 4S that I take to all the OWS rallies for videoing.



Valid...but a bit ironic coming from the person who found pictures of 5 anti-capitalist cardboard signs and came to the conclusion that represents most of the sentiment at Zuccatti and across the country.

Unfortunately, Harry puts a limit on the number of pictures in threads, otherwise I could post thousands of signs demonstrating the overwhelming socialist message coming from OWS.

I will say this - I was pleasantly surprised to see Alec Baldwin made the case for capitalist markets at the OWS rally. I was not quite as surprised to learn that he was dismissed by the protestors as just an old-guard liberal defending his Capital One commercial contract.


Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, Harry puts a limit on the number of pictures in threads, otherwise I could post thousands of signs demonstrating the overwhelming socialist message coming from OWS.

I will say this - I was pleasantly surprised to see Alec Baldwin made the case for capitalist markets at the OWS rally. I was not quite as surprised to learn that he was dismissed by the protestors as just an old-guard liberal defending his Capital One commercial contract.

Sorry...but having actually been down to Zuccotti I can tell you that's not the case. The general sentiment that I experienced (and I'm sure this will be readily dismissed as my own bias) is quite simply the feeling that something is wrong...be it with our present political structure and discourse, our financial institutions or the general disparity in power and influence (not necessarily money) between the 1% and the 99% (simply to use the parlance of our times...I personally don't like the terms).

People dismiss the movement as being misguided and lacking focus because of their unwillingness to sound-byte or slogan their agenda and in our 15 second attention span culture that gets written off as incoherent. It's bigger than that...and frankly, in my opinion, the burden shouldn't fall to the general public to outline an agenda for effective change.

As for the anti-Capitalistic sentiment...it exists...however I'd contend that most have no interest in ending Capitalism, rather ending un-bridled Capitalism. I know you personally trust in a largely deregulated market-place. Fact is though, many don't...and many view this current recession as the product of allowing so few to effect so many...be it through speculation, manipulation or influencing political policy...without legitimate oversight.

As for the anti-Semetic signage...it's an effing travesty...but the fact is that any open gathering or movement has the potential to become a forum for any moron...and these morons make lovely fodder for our agenda-driven media outlets whose success is predicated upon their wonderful ability to play to the nation's aforementioned 15 second attention span. It happened to the Tea Party and it's happening here...and to use your words, I too "think there is far too much focus on what some do and far too little focus on what most of them want."

Edited by Censored by Laurie
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I don't have a problem with the few morons in the tea party or OWS. I have a problem with the news networks that portray the Tea party as racist and convince their drone followers that the Tea party wants to hang Obama.

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the fact is that any open gathering or movement has the potential to become a forum for any moron...and these morons make lovely fodder for our agenda-driven media outlets whose success is predicated upon their wonderful ability to play to the nation's aforementioned 15 second attention span.


I cannot agree with this more.

If you're in a position of power (media) and you have a differing opinion from a large group of united people, in order to make their entire movement sound ridiculous, you find the small group of idiots in their group and blow them up to make them represent the entirety of the group (Hello, Bill O'Riley & Bill Maher).

There's no doubt that the Tea Party has some good points if you look beyond the idiots that are brought to the forefront... same goes for the occupiers. Our government and our economy are set up to be the best in the world. The problem is... our government officials cannot be trusted, and our economy is built on squeezing every last cent possible in profits for shareholders and lowest prices for consumers... this, to the detriment of US jobs and product quality.

It's a broken system. It needs to be fixed. Different people have different ideas on how to fix it. Are some of them crazy? Sure. Are they ALL crazy? No.

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The problem is, they are protesting the wrong city...they should be camping out in DC and protesting the stupidity of the laws...ie; Dodd-Frank, HUMDA, etc. and the misguided Senators, Congressmen and Presidents who allowed these incredibly bad pieces of legislation to see the light of day. If you want to get to the bottom of the OWS "mess" and who/what they actually should be protesting try reading these pieces of legislation, try actually seeing what has been the result of these "do good" pieces of legislation. My problem with the OWS crowd is they, like most folks, have not done their homework or the real "heavy lifting" to determine where their anger should be directed...it should be directed squarely at DC! Until they do the homework and the heavy lifting they will be nothing more than some misguided, un-unified, leaderless and clueless protesters. Sorry...it is what it is....They should actually KNOW about what they are protesting. It's a shame they don't seem to have a clue.

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The problem is, they are protesting the wrong city...they should be camping out in DC and protesting the stupidity of the laws...ie; Dodd-Frank, HUMDA, etc. and the misguided Senators, Congressmen and Presidents who allowed these incredibly bad pieces of legislation to see the light of day. If you want to get to the bottom of the OWS "mess" and who/what they actually should be protesting try reading these pieces of legislation, try actually seeing what has been the result of these "do good" pieces of legislation. My problem with the OWS crowd is they, like most folks, have not done their homework or the real "heavy lifting" to determine where their anger should be directed...it should be directed squarely at DC! Until they do the homework and the heavy lifting they will be nothing more than some misguided, un-unified, leaderless and clueless protesters. Sorry...it is what it is....They should actually KNOW about what they are protesting. It's a shame they don't seem to have a clue.

So if they are unhappy with the recession and ensuin bank bailouts, AIG, and others - they should be upset with legislation that came afterwords and hasn't even been fully enacted?

I agree DC should feel a lot of heat for how things were handled, but I don't think it was over regulation that got us into this mess.


The problem is, they are protesting the wrong city...they should be camping out in DC and protesting the stupidity of the laws...ie; Dodd-Frank, HUMDA, etc. and the misguided Senators, Congressmen and Presidents who allowed these incredibly bad pieces of legislation to see the light of day. If you want to get to the bottom of the OWS "mess" and who/what they actually should be protesting try reading these pieces of legislation, try actually seeing what has been the result of these "do good" pieces of legislation. My problem with the OWS crowd is they, like most folks, have not done their homework or the real "heavy lifting" to determine where their anger should be directed...it should be directed squarely at DC! Until they do the homework and the heavy lifting they will be nothing more than some misguided, un-unified, leaderless and clueless protesters. Sorry...it is what it is....They should actually KNOW about what they are protesting. It's a shame they don't seem to have a clue.

I've wondered that myself.

The businesses are doing what they are allowed to do. And DC allowed them to do it. Don't get mad at a child for misbehaving if his parents constantly allow it.

I personall think big business is great- but the OWS protesters should be soley in DC. They're mostly liberal anyway- so shouldn't they want the big hand of the government to save the day?


The problem is, they are protesting the wrong city...they should be camping out in DC and protesting the stupidity of the laws...ie; Dodd-Frank, HUMDA, etc. and the misguided Senators, Congressmen and Presidents who allowed these incredibly bad pieces of legislation to see the light of day. If you want to get to the bottom of the OWS "mess" and who/what they actually should be protesting try reading these pieces of legislation, try actually seeing what has been the result of these "do good" pieces of legislation. My problem with the OWS crowd is they, like most folks, have not done their homework or the real "heavy lifting" to determine where their anger should be directed...it should be directed squarely at DC! Until they do the homework and the heavy lifting they will be nothing more than some misguided, un-unified, leaderless and clueless protesters. Sorry...it is what it is....They should actually KNOW about what they are protesting. It's a shame they don't seem to have a clue.

The whole damned thing is broken.


So if they are unhappy with the recession and ensuin bank bailouts, AIG, and others - they should be upset with legislation that came afterwords and hasn't even been fully enacted?

I agree DC should feel a lot of heat for how things were handled, but I don't think it was over regulation that got us into this mess.

HUMDA did not come afterwards...and yes, they should definitely be upset with the legislation that followed. Have you any idea what's in that crap? The fact that BoA even tried the debit card thing is laid right at the feet of Dodd-Frank...and that's only one issue and a lessor one at that.


HUMDA did not come afterwards...and yes, they should definitely be upset with the legislation that followed. Have you any idea what's in that crap? The fact that BoA even tried the debit card thing is laid right at the feet of Dodd-Frank...and that's only one issue and a lessor one at that.

Hence why I highlighted Dodd-Frank and not HUMDA.

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