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Once Again The Loyal Customers Take it Up The Rear


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All of this and still, it won't affect you ONE BIT, because you probably were not going to be there in the first place, dont have season tickets or even donate to the program? It doesn't affect you.

And by the way, this unprofessional move does nothing to help alumni attend the NT game AND see the Rangers play. Our games last damn near 4 hours long. Even if I could go our game wouldn't be over till 7:30 at best. So by the time I drive home I've missed nearly half the Ranger game if not more, and neither will others who drive from Dallas and further. So this accomplishes nothing.

And people need to stop comparing this move to those programs who do it for TV? It's not for TV, it's for a guesstimate, and a bad one at that. We are 2-5. The only people who were coming to our game are those who are our most loyal customers and many of those travel to get there. I'd still be pissed if I could be there because unlike a few here on this board I care about someone else other than myself.


Actually your whole argument is proving just the opposite of this statement. Most of these "loyal customers" will already be making a day of things and it won't affect them negatively one bit...

YOU are pissed because it affects YOU. Perhaps rightfully so, but that doesn't make it a poor decision by the AD, rather just bad luck for you.

If this were the game I chose to fly in and the bump negatively affected me, ya, I'd be pissed...but I'd also get that the decision is considerably bigger than me. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can focus your righteous indignation at something else. You're not that important.

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The time change has screwed up our little plans as well; had some family coming up from Granbury. It's a scratch for them now because they can't leave two hours early from my nephew's weekend games.

This is the week we've got the Club level tickets we won at the Plano Coaches' Caravan. Maybe we can scramble something together, or just give those away.

Either way, the athletic department can't win with this one. I think it might be less of a deal if it weren't homecoming and people hadn't planned with that in mind. Still, one set or another was going to be screwed - the Mean Green fans or the bandwagoning Ranger fans who happened to go to North Texas for college.

The people who want to watch the Rangers weren't going to settle for listening to the first couple of innings in their car as they left the game. With a 4 p.m. kick, the game won't end before the World Series begins anyway. They were never coming to the game in the first place.

I don't think the athletic department is going to see that much of a difference in the crowd no matter what they do. If the team doesn't win, though, there is no leverage anyway. Hopefully, McCarney can someday change the attitude of the alumni.

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I have a complaint, Dan.


When in the Course of sporting events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the fanatical bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of FFR requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are not equally important, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Super-Cool Hat.--That to secure these rights, Schedules are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the fan, --That whenever any Competing Sporting Endeavor becomes destructive of these ends, it is NOT the Right of the Athletic Director to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Schedule, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Schedules long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that FFR is more disposed to suffer, if things are changed, by abolishing the time to which they are accustomed.

So I am not a fan of the Rangers anymore. Can't have them imposing their destructive rearrangements on the Best of us, gentleman.


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Good Gosh, there is no way that the administration could have made the right decision in this circumstance. Change and you going to be damned, don't change and you are also going to be blasted. Frankly, the game is going to be a disaster from an attendance view no matter what is done. There will be more fans with the start change in my view, there might be 15k instead of 12k at the later time.

As an aside there are an abundant of very dumb things being said in this thread from both positions.

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Don't worry guys! Great news! I wasn't a math major but I can state with near certainty that I can wash out Rick's not being able to attend the game. I wasn't going to make the game previously (that's minus 2 for those of you scoring at home) but now thanks to the switch I am going (plus two). So, that cancels Rick's -2, bringing us back to a net loss of no change in attendance. Whew! RV should be glad to hear that.

Seriously, I think it's the right call. Guess what? Crap like this happens all the time. EX: If you were a Brewers fan & had tickets for Game 6 on Sunday your game started at 3:05 P.M. if the Rangers lost and 7:05 P.M. if the Rangers won. That's a 4 hour time change & a decision being made on the game time < 24 hours. And we're moaning about a 2 hour time change made 5 days in advance? Geez.

BTW, this decision was likely made by RV with hard-core fans in mind too. I've been a season ticket holder for 7 years now & graduated 18 years ago (1993). But I've also been a die-hard Ranger fan since I was like 10 (1980). And guess what? Like it or not, there are a lot of North Texas / Ranger fans like me who if they had to decide between a World Series Game 3 and North Texas - ULM, they are gonna go with baseball. Doesn't make them a "bad fan" one way or the other. Anyway, now I can do both. Thanks RV!

Edited by vpackrats
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The time change has screwed up our little plans as well; had some family coming up from Granbury. It's a scratch for them now because they can't leave two hours early from my nephew's weekend games.

This is the week we've got the Club level tickets we won at the Plano Coaches' Caravan. Maybe we can scramble something together, or just give those away.

Either way, the athletic department can't win with this one. I think it might be less of a deal if it weren't homecoming and people hadn't planned with that in mind. Still, one set or another was going to be screwed - the Mean Green fans or the bandwagoning Ranger fans who happened to go to North Texas for college.

The people who want to watch the Rangers weren't going to settle for listening to the first couple of innings in their car as they left the game. With a 4 p.m. kick, the game won't end before the World Series begins anyway. They were never coming to the game in the first place.

I don't think the athletic department is going to see that much of a difference in the crowd no matter what they do. If the team doesn't win, though, there is no leverage anyway. Hopefully, McCarney can someday change the attitude of the alumni.

I plan on coming to the game now.

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All of this and still, it won't affect you ONE BIT, because you probably were not going to be there in the first place, dont have season tickets or even donate to the program? It doesn't affect you.

And by the way, this unprofessional move does nothing to help alumni attend the NT game AND see the Rangers play. Our games last damn near 4 hours long. Even if I could go our game wouldn't be over till 7:30 at best. So by the time I drive home I've missed nearly half the Ranger game if not more, and neither will others who drive from Dallas and further. So this accomplishes nothing.

And people need to stop comparing this move to those programs who do it for TV? It's not for TV, it's for a guesstimate, and a bad one at that. We are 2-5. The only people who were coming to our game are those who are our most loyal customers and many of those travel to get there. I'd still be pissed if I could be there because unlike a few here on this board I care about someone else other than myself.


I'll be making a nice payment on the 21st to UNT......tuition.

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If this were the game I chose to fly in and the bump negatively affected me, ya, I'd be pissed...

At least your honest about it, and I now realize you see my side of it. No hard feelings meant towards you or at any others.

I'm just pissed because I've been here long enough to know the time change won't make that much difference other than negatively affect those who planned well ahead of time to support their schools' program they invested in over a professional team.


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The people who want to watch the Rangers weren't going to settle for listening to the first couple of innings in their car as they left the game. With a 4 p.m. kick, the game won't end before the World Series begins anyway. They were never coming to the game in the first place.

I don't think the athletic department is going to see that much of a difference in the crowd no matter what they do. If the team doesn't win, though, there is no leverage anyway. Hopefully, McCarney can someday change the attitude of the alumni.

I agree.


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Don't worry guys! Great news! I wasn't a math major but I can state with near certainty that I can wash out Rick's not being able to attend the game. I wasn't going to make the game previously (that's minus 2 for those of you scoring at home) but now thanks to the switch I am going (plus two). So, that cancels Rick's -2, bringing us back to a net loss of no change in attendance.

Nope, I was bringing 4, and working on one more. So your three short.


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I got four of my buddies to commit with the new time. We're back to +1.

Its OK Rick I will likely be down about 8 with this move. They were coming up to tailgate and all but most of them could not get to Denton before 3:00 or 3:30 so that shoots down tailgating which is mostly why they were coming. Game-day experience on Homecoming at all new suck levels.

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I haven't had a chance to be on here much lately because of stuff (of which no one cares about). That is relevant because of this:

If I had not checked the board this morning, I would have no idea that the game time had changed. MGC member, club seat holder, and no notification of a time change to the game. How does that happen? I live three counties away and don't read the DRC . As of this writing, I have not received one email from the AD updating the game time. Not one. How many that don't read this board and don't live in Denton still don't know about the time change? It is homecoming, after all, the one game of the year where alumni are supposed to come back to the university. That email should have gone out to season ticket holders BEFORE any public announcement of a change in game time was made. Customer service and marketing 101.

It is also very troubling that our very own AD was on the podcast telling the fans that there was no way this game time would be changed just a mere 2 weeks ago. It's like the thought of changing the game time never occurred to the AD until he was asked about it on the broadcast, then he went back and thought about it, and decided "hey, that's a good idea, why not do that", completely ignoring the fact that he had already told the most ardent members of the small fan base that the time would not be changed. I doubt that is what happened, but that is the appearance of what happened.

Doesn't inspire confidence in the AD at a crucial time in college football history.

As far the time change itself, it works out very well for me personally, which seems to be what most of here care about (how it affects them personally)

Edited by UNT90
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I haven't had a chance to be on here much lately because of stuff (of which no one cares about). That is relevant because of this:

If I had not checked the board this morning, I would have no idea that the game time had changed. MGC member, club seat holder, and no notification of a time change to the game. How does that happen? I live three counties away and don't read the DRC . As of this writing, I have not received one email from the AD updating the game time. Not one. How many that don't read this board and don't live in Denton still don't know about the time change? It is homecoming, after all, the one game of the year where alumni are supposed to come back to the university. That email should have gone out to season ticket holders BEFORE any public announcement of a change in game time was made. Customer service and marketing 101.

It is also very troubling that our very own AD was on the podcast telling the fans that there was no way this game time would be changed just a mere 2 weeks ago. It's like the thought of changing the game time never occurred to the AD until he was asked about it on the broadcast, then he went back and thought about it, and decided "hey, that's a good idea, why not do that", completely ignoring the fact that he had already told the most ardent members of the small fan base that the time would not be changed. I doubt that is what happened, but that is the appearance of what happened.

Doesn't inspire confidence in the AD at a crucial time in college football history.

As far the time change itself, it works out very well for me personally, which seems to be what most of here care about (how it affects them personally)

I like to think you became logical and reasonable the moment you first shook my hand. You're welcome.

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